Moderator: Tournament Directors
neanderpaul14 wrote:wait can I still play if I'm on the naughty list?
Twin Killler wrote:in pls
agentcom wrote:You have probably realized this by now, but there is a potential problem with the set up. If 2 players are set to play eachother in Round 2, but the amount of games that they won in previous rounds adds up to an even number you will have a potential where no player can "win the most games against ur opponent"--the requirement for advancing.
Example: Player 1 wins two games in round 1, and Player 2 wins two games in round 1. Players 1 & 2 are paired to face each other in round 2. If the players split those games, they will both have two wins.
Suggested fix 1: Any time this situation occurs, Santa will add another present to the pool. This will be the same settings as all of Santa's previous presents (random map, etc). This should be done only in the case of a tie. This should not be done when the initial invites are sent out. The reason for this is that you wouldn't want to send out five invites to these players and allow a player to potentially carry forward this bonus present (and potentially take five or even seven presents to the next round) if it's not necessary to add to the present pool.
Example: Player 1 wins three games in round 1. Player 2 wins 3 games in round one. Players 1 & 2 are paired for round 2. If they split their games 3-3, Santa gives and additional random present. The winner of this match will carry forward four presents to round 2. Notice that if you give the additional present at the start, the winner could carry seven presents into the next round.
Alternative suggested fix: Change the criteria for advancing to the next round to: "a player must win at least half of his games." In the case of a tie, both players would advance carrying forward the presents that they won. Notice that this has the potential for an odd number of players advancing, and I'm not sure how you'd want to deal with this.
Alternative suggested fix: Players who find themselves in a tie play a tiebreaker game on random map, but they are not allowed to carry this present forward if they win. They just get to keep the presents that they won in the initial games.
agentcom wrote:OK, I also just realized that after round 2, you will probably have an odd number of players (seven to be specific). If you let one of them take a bye (perhaps the one with the most presents at that point), this could be solved.
Suggested fix: Player with the most presents gets a bye. This "solution" makes me think of something else ...
Right now, I think something more needs to be done with the presents. Otherwise, you don't really gain any advantage by getting more presents than necessary to advance. The only thing you gain is that your next series will have more games in it. But you still have to win most of them to advance.
Suggested fix: Each round, the players must put up a certain number of their presents. Among their presents the players get their choice of which one(s) to put up. This means that a player gets to play the map he/she wants or save that map for later. In round 2 this would be either one or two. The players are randomly paired against one other player. Santa throws in a present at the start of the round and the players play a best of whatever series. The players get to keep the presents they win plus any presents that they didn't "wager."
This means that a player could lose the best of series and still be in the tourney. Maybe in round 3, players will be required to put up 2 presents and those players that only have one left will be eliminated anyway. Idk.
I think this tourney has a fun concept, but I think it needs some more work before you move on to round 2.
mr. CD wrote:WWII Poland and Monsters up for this round.
agentcom wrote:Anything happening here?
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