The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Game number(s):
Game 9482563
Comments & evidences:
I want to prove secret diplomacy in Game 9482563between team3 and team 4. I uploaded 22 pictures that in my opinion show existance of secret diplomacy . Below are pictures.
Pictures starting with round 6, just after mine (red)elimination. I was trying to take Alsace (+2 bonus), team 4 eliminated me, so I could not. Right after mine elimination,teal from team3 takes Alsace(+2). After teal took Alsace(+2) team4 did not show any more interest in Alasace and started(team4) to prevent team2 from getting their+2 bonus on Brittany....described in pictures...
The last picture is from round 18, where team3 holds 2 bonuses. It would be just too much work for me to take screen pictures of all 50 rounds, because I belive posted pictures shuld be enough to confirm or reject my suspicions. I left a short comments in right bottom corner of almost every picture, that roughly explains where from my suspicions are coming.
In the end none of the teams accused of secret diplomacy won, because "2011-09-28 22:32:00 - nhulbert was kicked out for missing too many turns" in round 33. At that time nhulbert in team4 was holding Alsace (+2) bonus.
I would like to ask Cheating/Abuse Team, to confirm or reject my suspicions.
**about the chat that public can see in Game 9482563...
At 2011-08-20 09:22:10 green player asks a question all teams can see. I remember well, how danhulbert answered with something like that: "We (danhulbert,nhulbert) are brothers , our similar nickname prove that we have nothing to hide. We will fight each other till the end."
Now, as I am writing this, I just cannot find that line on chat anymore. Somebody was editing the chat , to hide evidence!

I have the whole original chat of Game 9482563 saved.
EDIT1: I wasnt able to see the chat because I had player danhulbert fued at that time. No one was editing the chat.
**About me accusing these players
danhulbert send me lots of PM's , telling me how unfair it was from me to left him a secret diplomacy tag at the end of the game and how I offended him with raiting I left. He wanted me to show him where I saw secret diplomacy in game, so he can prove me wrong. I dont have time to discuss it [write long PMs] with him, I let you decide. He eather does not want to admit it, or just does not know what secret diplomacy is. He provoked me to write this.
EDIT2:Main evidece can be found by answering on this question:
Why did MD212(team4) spent reinforcements two rounds6&7 to eliminate blue player out of Alps (picture2 and picture6),near Alsace+2 bonus that team3 holds. Instead placing them all in Finistere so team4 could have more chance at taking and hold Brittany+2, or stack on Cher for better defence against team3 that was holding Alsace+2, or stack on Osie(grey(team4) was stacking on Osie in round 7,8) to take Picardy+3? Can there be any other posible explanation than team4 helping team3 to eliminate blue out of Alps and team4 somehow knowing team3 wont attack them at the same time? Orange was obviously not going for Burgundy+4 bonus or a spoil as it was a no spoil game.
long story short (for those who did not take 30min and study pictures)...
Team4 and team3 together eliminate me(red) in round6, because I was few moves away from taking Alsace(+2 bonus)(can be seen in log first 6 rounds).Then team3 takes Alsace. Looks like team4 is satisfied by team3 holding Alsace(+2), because they focus on team2 that is trying to have a +2 bonus in Brittany. Team4 deploys reinfocements mainly on only region (Finistiere)they hold in Brittany(+2), just to prevent team2 from having a bonus there . Finistere is on the other side of the map, far away from where team's4 main army is. But team4 does nothing to prevent team3 from having Alsace(+2) (picture 10).Even more, Team4 helps team3 to eliminate blue and green out of Burgundy(picture 12) and Alps(picture(6)). At the end ( picture 18), team4 is fine with team3 holding two bonuses(from round 16 on, see log) Picardy+3 and Alsace+2, but on the other side team4 was fighting relentlessly to prevent team1 and team2 from having one bonus.
picture 1

picture 2

picture 3

picture 4

picture 5

picture 6

picture 7

picture 8

picture 9

picture 10

picture 11

picture 12

picture 13

picture 14

picture 15

picture 16

picture 17

picture 18

picture 19

picture 20

picture 21

picture 22