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Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

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Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby gregory7 on Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:57 pm

Accused:Pedro Nunes

The accused are suspected of: Farming New Recriuts

Game number(s):


Comments: Anybody can tell that at least 3 of the 5 players are newbies
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming

Postby Master Bush on Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:03 pm

Accused: Pedro Nunes

The accused are suspected of: Farming New Recriuts

Game number(s):

Game 10236696
Game 10236697
Game 10236698
Game 10236699

Comments: Anybody can tell that at least 3 of the 5 players are newbies

Last edited by Master Bush on Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming

Postby Master Bush on Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:07 pm

Why were these 3 games, that don't have Pedro Nunes in them, added to your post?

Game 10236600
Game 10236601
Game 10236602

Also, looking at Pedro Nunes games, he is currently playing tons, and I mean tons of games on the Europe map, and only a handful are with 4 ?. Sure it's looks odd to see 5 straight games with him and nothing but ?, but speaking from someone who creates a lot of 5 players games, I tend to get a lot of ? joining up.
Last edited by Master Bush on Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming

Postby chapcrap on Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:27 pm

He maybe brought it up because of this: viewtopic.php?f=239&t=155503
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming

Postby king achilles on Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:39 am

Pedro Nunes has been given his first official warning for farming.
Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby Pedro Nunes on Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:01 pm

For future memorie:

Hello King achilles,

Yes, I have read you messages.
I have some things to say about this subject.

1. I play this kind of maps since I joined CC, and as I am sure you will agree with me, I am not farming since the beginning of the game as I think it is understandable.

2. This way I ask myself one thing… If, by choosing this map with this kind of options, I am being “accused” of farming, why wasn’t I warned before? Because I play this way since the very beginning, with the same exact game options.

3. More. If I am being accused of farming by playing with new recruits, I guess the players with higher ranks that join my games must be punished too. Because they are supposedly taking advantage from the new recruits too, in case they win the game I create. Are they going to be warned not to join games with new recruits created by others?

4. Taking a look at my recent rank we can see that I have lost a big amount of games which make me go back from Major to Lieutenant. Many of this games that I lost also included new recruits. My point is that I have much more to loose then I have to win. But it happens that this one is my favourite map since the beginning of the game. I play the maps I create whether they have new recruits or generals.

5. Since your first message I started to play different types of maps with different types of settings, as you can easily confirm by taking a look at my games, which states my good will in showing you that my objective in playing Europe’s map it is not the one that you suggest.

6. I joined CC 3 years ago. I also pay to play and I do it from the heart because I really enjoy the minutes I spent here. I am very confident that I am not violating any rules or the ethical principles of CC. This way I have no intention to stop playing in this map with these settings. Still I reaffirm my intention of playing other type of map with other types of settings to prove that I am not farming.

7. If you decide to eliminate my account from CC, I am peaceful with your decision although I disagree with it.

Best Regards

P.S. – As I am not an English native speaker, my message might contain some semantics or syntax mistakes. My apologise for that.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby hmsps on Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:25 pm

I agree with you that really its a total crock of shit especially what sort of things they let go with others. But I would just change your settings to six players for a few games then change back for a few and so on. Look at other reports, why dongt you set up the map/settings you like and invite people who have just finished 5 games then you cant be accused of farming. There are a couple of test cases on this formally known as GLG and King Herpes. IF you do this you will be fine.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby Evolution299 on Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:51 pm

I can't figure this site out.
1. This guy makes a game, the SAME game he has since he started at CC.
2. He didnt know what attracted newbies, but just like the settings.
3. He doesn't invite anyone to come to his games, he just waits for the table to fill.

Why is he getting punished? He makes a good point in his #3. Are the higher ranking guys joing his games getting warned for farming as well, if there are newbies in the game?
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby jefjef on Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:54 pm

There is a very high % of New Recruits in his games...

I had to go back 11 pages in my games to find a ?. But I don't play games that attract newbies.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby Gold Knight on Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:25 pm

jefjef wrote:There is a very high % of New Recruits in his games...

I had to go back 11 pages in my games to find a ?. But I don't play games that attract newbies.

Some people would prefer to play on standard-style maps, such as myself, and for that I dont think you can blame him. But as hmsps stated, simply increasing the number of players in the game will solve the issue. Or posting in the correct callout threads, based on points, could bring in some equal competition based on skill level. Never been a fan of calling public games farming, even if the games do attract NRs, especially when others seen more recently take more effort to actually exploit newer players.
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shit was badass
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby ubcman64 on Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:36 pm

Gold Knight wrote:
jefjef wrote:There is a very high % of New Recruits in his games...

I had to go back 11 pages in my games to find a ?. But I don't play games that attract newbies.

Some people would prefer to play on standard-style maps, such as myself, and for that I dont think you can blame him. But as hmsps stated, simply increasing the number of players in the game will solve the issue. Or posting in the correct callout threads, based on points, could bring in some equal competition based on skill level. Never been a fan of calling public games farming, even if the games do attract NRs, especially when others seen more recently take more effort to actually exploit newer players.

so what was it like say 5-6 years ago when we had a fraction of the maps that we do now. and almost all the maps were the "standard" type. was it farming back then when newbs joined the games?
sorry, but i don't think it should be called "farming" if you aren't inviting the players. why should he be penalized for playing on a map that he likes. it's ridiculous.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby EagleofGreenErth on Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:50 pm

/disagree here with the verdict

Not like he is actively seeking to suck in low ranks unlike a lot of the ppl who get passes...
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby s3xt0y on Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:54 pm

EagleofGreenErth wrote:/disagree here with the verdict

Not like he is actively seeking to suck in low ranks unlike a lot of the ppl who get passes...

yea i wish i didnt file the inital report...after seeing what glg and herpies are doing...
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby Pedro Nunes on Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:59 pm

Watch the post at bottom from King Achilles.

Re: Disciplinary Measures
Sent: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:49 pm
From: king achilles
To: Pedro Nunes

Pedro Nunes wrote:
Hello King achilles,

Yes, I have read you messages.
I have some things to say about this subject.

1. I play this kind of maps since I joined CC, and as I am sure you will agree with me, I am not farming since the beginning of the game as I think it is understandable.

2. This way I ask myself one thing… If, by choosing this map with this kind of options, I am being “accused” of farming, why wasn’t I warned before? Because I play this way since the very beginning, with the same exact game options.

3. More. If I am being accused of farming by playing with new recruits, I guess the players with higher ranks that join my games must be punished too. Because they are supposedly taking advantage from the new recruits too, in case they win the game I create. Are they going to be warned not to join games with new recruits created by others?

4. Taking a look at my recent rank we can see that I have lost a big amount of games which make me go back from Major to Lieutenant. Many of this games that I lost also included new recruits. My point is that I have much more to loose then I have to win. But it happens that this one is my favourite map since the beginning of the game. I play the maps I create whether they have new recruits or generals.

5. Since your first message I started to play different types of maps with different types of settings, as you can easily confirm by taking a look at my games, which states my good will in showing you that my objective in playing Europe’s map it is not the one that you suggest.

6. I joined CC 3 years ago. I also pay to play and I do it from the heart because I really enjoy the minutes I spent here. I am very confident that I am not violating any rules or the ethical principles of CC. This way I have no intention to stop playing in this map with these settings. Still I reaffirm my intention of playing other type of map with other types of settings to prove that I am not farming.

7. If you decide to eliminate my account from CC, I am peaceful with your decision although I disagree with it.

Best Regards

P.S. – As I am not an English native speaker, my message might contain some semantics or syntax mistakes. My apologise for that.

We have the farming rule in place to protect the new recruits from being targeted by veteran players like yourself. You can play your favorite settings but do also respect the rules. If you violate the rules, then there will be consequences. If you keep breaking the rules, your actions can result in you being banned. When you register in a website, observe the rules in that website. Stop creating games where you know new recruits will join in as you have been harvesting point from them for a long time now. We all know what you are doing so for your own good, stop it. If you get to the point of being banned from the site, there will be no 2nd chances.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby maxfaraday on Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:56 pm

I like the part when he says "we all know what you're doing". Pathetic.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby QoH on Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:06 pm

maxfaraday wrote:I like the part when he says "we all know what you're doing". Pathetic.

Erm... this makes no sense. How again is this pathetic?
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby maxfaraday on Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:14 pm

Because apparently the rules are not the same for everyone.
Because "We all know" what GLG is doing.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:25 pm

maxfaraday wrote:Because apparently the rules are not the same for everyone.
Because "We all know" what GLG is doing.

You obviously understand what he is doing but apparently you don't quite understand the rule. GLG is playing cooks and higher no ?'s.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby maxfaraday on Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:35 pm

This will probably end with a warning or worse... But let's be crazy.
I've got a question for you Evil Semp;
is farming against the rules?
Please answer by yes or no, without comments..
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby QoH on Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:40 pm

maxfaraday wrote:This will probably end with a warning or worse... But let's be crazy.
I've got a question for you Evil Semp;
is farming against the rules?
Please answer by yes or no, without comments..

Even a lowly commoner like me can answer this one. I"m no Evil Semp, but I know the rules on this one. YES, farming IS against the rules.

Farming New Recruits is against the rules. That is what "farming" is.

GLG is not playing new recruits, and is therefor not farming.
Please don't invite me to any pickup games. I will decline the invite.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby maxfaraday on Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:51 pm

Then there's a problem with the rule.
Because the rule says "farming new recruits".
That means that farming isn't only in the case of new recruits.
Because "farming new recruits" as written in the rules would be a pleonasm then.
And you don't want a stupid arrogant French newbie to give you a lesson of English right?
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:06 pm

maxfaraday wrote:Then there's a problem with the rule.
Because the rule says "farming new recruits".
That means that farming isn't only in the case of new recruits.
Because "farming new recruits" as written in the rules would be a pleonasm then.
And you don't want a stupid arrogant French newbie to give you a lesson of English right?

I don't understand how "farming new recruits" means anything else.

maxfaraday wrote:This will probably end with a warning or worse... But let's be crazy.
I've got a question for you Evil Semp;
is farming against the rules?
Please answer by yes or no, without comments..

I can't answer with just a yes or a no. Is farming against the rules? No. Is farming new recruits against the rules? Yes.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby maxfaraday on Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:48 am

now THAT'S pathetic:

Game 10236704
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby QoH on Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:15 pm

maxfaraday wrote:lol.
now THAT'S pathetic:

Game 10236704

Again, it's only 1 game out of the many he plays. You're taking things out of context. You're allowed to play with NRs but when done in mass quantities, that's when it's bad.

He's been warned; stop beating a dead horse.
Please don't invite me to any pickup games. I will decline the invite.
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Re: Pedro Nunes - Farming [warned]

Postby eddie2 on Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:13 am

if i remember correct pedro has admin not previously cleared this case and asked you to tweek your settings. if i remember correct you have. so you have stopped the setting for a short time then started playing them again. i think it is bad result but a warning was needed due to comments in the other case via you.
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