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Nemesis - [Social] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

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Re: Nemesis - [Competitive] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

Postby lord voldemort on Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:57 am

Leehar wrote:Well, without anyone strictly mentioning it. I am hereby welcoming myself to Nemesis :D

its cause they dont really want you ;)
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Re: Nemesis - [Competitive] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

Postby pmchugh on Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:21 pm

Leehar wrote:Well, without anyone strictly mentioning it. I am hereby welcoming myself to Nemesis :D

I would like to issue a public welcome to leehar and leapfrog! :D
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Nemesis - [Competitive] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

Postby Lubawski on Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:22 pm

Georgerx7di wrote:Hay guys, is there anyway I could join nemesis. My rank is colonel because I'm playing team games, but I'm easily a sergeant if I play other games. Also, I have a 9 inch penis, is that a problem? I can probably have a few inches removed so as not to offend freakens.

lol. You forgot about your professional feces throwing. And 9 inches doesn't offend Freak. It excites him. No gag reflex and plenty of practice. Won't hurt him a bit.
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Re: Nemesis - [Competitive] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

Postby Leehar on Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:25 am

Last edited by Leehar on Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nemesis - [Competitive] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

Postby lord voldemort on Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:43 am

Lubawski wrote:
Georgerx7di wrote:Hay guys, is there anyway I could join nemesis. My rank is colonel because I'm playing team games, but I'm easily a sergeant if I play other games. Also, I have a 9 inch penis, is that a problem? I can probably have a few inches removed so as not to offend freakens.

lol. You forgot about your professional feces throwing. And 9 inches doesn't offend Freak. It excites him. No gag reflex and plenty of practice. Won't hurt him a bit.

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Re: Nemesis - [Competitive] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

Postby pmchugh on Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:30 pm

Welcome to ivanbuba, our latest serb =D>
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-12 03:44:25 - Mr. Squirrel: Do you think my hat will attack me?
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Re: Nemesis - [Competitive] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

Postby maasman on Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:12 pm

I wasn't really sure where to post this, so I figured I would put it here as to not clutter up the forums.

As of now (this actually happened a week+ ago really) Nemesis will cease to exist as a competitive clan. This is just an announcement for the clan world so you all know not to expect us to play any wars or join any tournaments. Essentially, we no longer have a membership capable of devoting the time necessary to run a clan properly. I have been a bit of a failure as to organization and my ability to devote enough time to the task, and with school not getting any easier my sophomore year, running a clan is just not possible for me. At this point, all I can do is play the game because running anything on here would be far too much of a time sink.

As of now, all our current members are no longer locked up in a competitive clan. Anyone of us that would still like to play (which is a majority from what I see) can be recruited to other clans.

Will we come back? Maybe someday, but I honestly don't see it happening for quite awhile. As the last original member still in the clan, I want to say the last 3+ years have been very enjoyable and I wouldn't have traded it for anything else on here. The friends I've made within the clan are people I'll probably be talking to years down the road from now. I look forward to seeing the clan world from a different angle and maybe sink back into relatively unimportant member status somewhere else.

If anyone wants more information just pm me.

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Re: Nemesis - [Competitive] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

Postby 4 U 2 NV on Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:59 pm

quite sad. you guys have been around for a while now and built a great reputation. all the best to everyone!
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Re: Nemesis - [Competitive] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

Postby freakns on Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:19 am

well, it was fun while it lasted.

i was in Nemesis for more then 2 and a half years, and it was a blast. that crazy Hard Attack(he was crazy before, i mean, he recruited me, what more proof do you need?! he went ballistic after...) got me involved in the clan, and it was rocking... i got to meat so many nice ppl there, we had so much fun in clan wars and out of them. HA, stroop, Corey, Pete, three amigos(Q, abel andJock), psycho, maas, mole, jojo, genoke, and those useless friends of mine which i drag into a clan(dinu, lord, trboye, fins...). back in days we were really active and promising, but as time goes, ppl go, so we kind of drifted... well, it will stay in my heart as first and only clan i was member(yes, i do not plan to enter another clan... not that anyone would want me), so i would just like to say cheers all, and see you around!

have fun :)
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Re: Nemesis - [Competitive] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

Postby grifftron on Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:33 am

Fair-well Nemesis.
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Re: Nemesis - [Competitive] - [Closed] - [Official Thread]

Postby chapcrap on Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:56 pm

Goodbye Nemesis!

I hope you all fair well and find homes in some great new clans!
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