NOTE: You may have to hit Reload (F5) in your browser to see things properly because this update includes changes to the sylesheet.
It's update time! What's being updated? This is:
Card Counters
No more scrolling through the game log to figure out how many cards your opponents have!
New Live Chat
We replaced Gabbly with phpFreeChat. It runs on our servers and we can finally guarantee that all chatters' identities are correct.
Game Finder Improvement
It uses checkboxes instead of radio buttons. Now you can search for Terminator and Assassin in one step.
My Games Improvement
My Games now has tabs for each section. Why fill your screen with games you're not interested in?
Team Deadbeats
Deadbeats are always a pain in the butt, but they are particularly troublesome in team games. They give regular partners an big advantage over opponents that play with strangers. Since 80% of team deadbeats are New Recruits, the community has
reached a consensus to require newbies to earn their first promotion before playing in doubles or triples. Open public team games are now filtered out of Join A Game and Game Finder results for New Recruits.
This is really a band-aid solution, and a proper training program is needed to prevent newbies from deadbeating by letting them know what they are getting themselves into when they join the club. There will be more on that in future updates.
To further ease the blow of a deadbeat teammate, a surviving partner will inherit the cards as well as the armies.