GAME #01 Game 10079254
GAME #02 Game 10205871
GAME #03 Game 10265894
GAME #04 Game 10365518
GAME #05 Game 10425546
GAME #06 Game 10502898
GAME #07 Game 10594730
GAME #08 Game 10727105
GAME #09 Game 10840315
GAME #10 Game 10939382
this tournament will be played on the doodle map. it will be 8 player standards with nuke's.
how it will be set up is the first phase there will be 2 games played. 8 players on each side. this is for ordering purposes.
from each of the two initial games, the last 4 to be eliminated will go on to play in the tourney game. the others will play 1 "ranking" game to put them in order while they sit in the 'decontamination' room.
once in order inside the decontamination room, there will be no games played.
the others will then play a single doodle game with nuclear spoils. the order in which you are eliminated will determine how much "cash" you earn. this is not real money so don't expect any checks in the mail. every player starts the game with 5 dollars cash. even those who did not make it to the main game. also the ranking game for the decontamination room does earn you cash too.
each player just plays normally. you earn a certain amount of cash for what order you leave the game;
win 25 bucks
2nd 10 bucks
3rd 8 bucks
4th 5 bucks
5th 3 bucks
6th 1 buck
7th no money
8th you pay the top player according to rank order in the decontamination room 2 dollars.
you can be in debt. ( negative dollars )
if you are eliminated by getting nuked, you lose all your cash, you earn nothing, and then go strait to the bottom in the decontamination room pile. the top person from the decon. room then replaces you in the tourney game.
you may buy insurance at the start of each game. the cost is 2 dollars for every ten dollars you have. insurance saves you half your cash from a nuke elimination, and instead of going to the decontamination room you stay in the tourney. it must be purchased in game chat before you take your second turn.
if you eliminate someone by nuking them, you get an additional 5 bucks.
you may also invest in someones nuclear program. but you cannot invest in your own. when you see a player have exactly 5 spoils then you may for 4 bucks purchase stock in his program. and if on that cash at the start of his turn, he nukes and eliminates someone. you get half of the nuked players cash unless he bought insurance, in which case you lose your investment.
there will be ten normal tournament games played. this does not include the initial 2 games or the ordering game for the decontamination room. the player with the most cash at the end of the tourney wins. all 16 players are eliglbe whether they are in the main game or not.
there will be only 1 game played per player at a time, so freemium is welcome, however, i will review your past and make an executive decision on whether not you will play. i've just had alot of players not hold their end of the bargain, so this seems to be the best way to solve that problem, if you take care of business then you have no worries as a freemium player.
if you deadbeat a game with no reason, you will just be locked at the bottom of the decontamination pile until i hear from you. in which case you will have to work your way back up.
this will be a bit of an interactive tourney, most of the notifications will be coming through game chat. i will make constant updates in the thread with the cash flow changes though.