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Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby strike wolf on Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:06 am

I'll have actions and notes about roles coming out. I don't think I'll include full roll pms because I've misplaced the roll sheet over the Thanksgiving Holiday and the first few have since been deleted.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby new guy1 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:30 am

thank you for the great game everybody, and thank you strike wolf, for a great story line. i enjoyed the game and i hope to see you guys in future games!
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:50 am

Woohoo! Great game, strike.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:51 am

Congratulations to town.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:54 am

strike wolf wrote:9. Drunkmonkey-Ellis "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman)-Town Mason/secret enabler

Curious to see what that was. :shock:
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby strike wolf on Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:59 am

I know I made this really long so you don't have to read it all...



2. Conzocol-Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver)-Town Jailkeeper

Jailkeeper is always a double edged sword in my eyes. With the number of protective roles I felt it would be only a bit more helpful than hindering.

Movie origin: Alien and Aliens

[b]3. Newguy1-The Man With No Name (Clint Eastwood)-Town Bulletproof

To be honest, I was hesitant to include this role. I knew I already had three protective roles and didn't want to overload the game but at the same time as much as I could see this game ending with a decisive town victory, I could also see it ending very quickly in a mafia victory and the bodyguard role still doesn't slow down how quickly the numbers dwindled.

Movie Origin: Fistful of Dollars

6. Safariguy-Ray Arnold (Samuel L. Jackson)-Town Bodyguard

Movie Origin: Jurassic Park

7. zimmah[b]-John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone-[b]Town Tracker

This is the one role I really felt I underestimated the impact of. I knew tracker would be helpful in identifying scum and verifying night actions but I underestimated how effective it would be at verifying claims.

Rambo was a tracker because in the first movie it was made clear he knew the woods very well and new how to hunt and the other Rambo movies tended to focus on him tracking down POWs and other people in need of aid. I also considered making him a bomb.

Movie Origin: First Blood

8. Mob Deadly-Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins)-Mason

Movie Origin: The Shawshank Redemption

9. Drunkmonkey-Ellis "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman)-Town Mason/secret enabler

The secret enabler part refers to a secret ability this role had that drunk was not aware of. If he was lynched or killed than Dances with Wolves would have lost his note book (lose watching ability) and Egon would have lost his ghost trap (protective). I made him a mason as i did not want this role to be easily lynched off and a lone vanilla role would have stood out.

Movie Origin: The Shawshank Redemption

12. victor sully sullivan-Travis bickle (Robert De Niro)-Town vigilante

I did consider making this an overeager vigilante but never an SK. The psychology that Travis Bickle demonstrates in the movie is in my opinion what a vigilante would be like (an SK too but serial killers demonstrate a wider variety of personalities). Beyond that when I balance vigilantes I try to err on the side of them using their actions every night and hitting more townies than mafia. weapons: magnum

Movie Origin: Taxi Driver

14. WildWill Hickok-Clarise Starling (Jodie Foster)-town cop

Movie Origin: The Silence of the Lambs

15. Soundman-Dances with Wolves (Kevin Costner)-Town Watcher

Some people made a point of this being the movie title and not the character name. Admittedly this does take some movie knowledge but roughly an hour in the main character is given by the Sioux the name Dances With Wolves and roughly half way in the character acknowledges that he is Dances With Wolves not Lt. Dunbar. "I had never really known who John Dunbar was. Perhaps because the name itself had no meaning. But as I heard my Sioux name [Dances With Wolves] being called over and over, I knew for the first time who I really was."

Movie Origin: Dances With Wolves

16. Jonty125-Captain Marko Ramius (Sean Connery)-town busdriver

Movie Origin: The Hunt For Red October

17. drake 259-Dr. Richard Kimble (Harrison Ford)-Town Doctor/Miller

This would have been interesting in a couple ways. I was curious to see what would win out in this scenario with a plethora of fake claims for mafia. Would town believe the cop's investigation result? Or would they protect the claimed doctor?

Movie Origin: The Fugitive

18. Bgthebrain-Egon (Harold Ramis)-Town Inventor

Proton pack- role block ability
ghost trap-protect with various side effects
Ecto-containment unit-vig kill
ghost sensor-investigative

Movie Origin: Ghostbusters


1. Blakebowling-Darth vader (James Earl Jones)-Mafia Doctor

blake seemed to think he was paranoid/insane/CPR doctor. I'm not exactly sure why but I'm getting the feelign I may have sent him the wrong version of his role where I did have a slightly different variation of doctor laid out. Also the town doctor was not allowed to protect himself but blake was. weapons: Force choke or light saber

Movie Origin: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

4 Rodion-Biff Tannen (Thomas F. Wilson)-Mafia Framer

weapon: Fists

Movie Origin: Back To The Future

5. Mr. Squirrel-Michael Corleone (Al Pacino)-mafia godfather

For the record, Mr. Squirrel did not have a one shot bulletproof ability mainly as I felt there was already a mafia doctor so I did not find it too pressing for him to also have a one shot bulletproof ability. He could send any mafia member he wanted to make the kill. Weapon: Pistol

Movie Origin: Michael Corleone

10. Pancakemix-Pazuzu (Linda Blair)-mafia roleblocker

I considered making Pazuzu an innocent scum instead of the mafia role blocker but I was unconvinced it would balance out properly.

Weapon: accidental deaths

Movie origin: The Exorcist

11. Edocsil-Jack Torrance/The Joker (Jack Nicholson)-Duality SK

Edocsil's role was fairly unique. I didn't check to see if a role like this had been done in the past but basically each night he could choose between being bulletproof or investigation proof as a nightly side effect that was immune to role blocking with the limit of neither could be used more than two nights in a row. Weapon for Jack Torrance (Investigation proof): Fireaxe. Weapons for Joker: Tommy Gun

Movie origin: The Shining/Batman


Night 1:
safariguy5-no action
Wildwilliam-investigates spiesr (Killed)
Spiesr-block Pancakemix
Zimmah-track Flores (receives victor)
Edocsil-Kill victor. Bulletproof night 1 (blocked)
Soundman-watch drunkmonkey
victor sullivan-kill wild will
bgthebrain-ghost detector Jonty (receives innocent)
jonty-drive bgthebrain and conzocool
floresdesmal-protects victor
Rodion-kill Edocsil; frame conzocool (switched with BGthebrain)
Pancakemix-block conzocool (blocked)
blakebowling-protect jonty

Night 2:
bgthebrain-proton pack Mr. Squirrel (blocked)
safariguy5-protect bgthebrain (edocsil)
spiesr-block Rodion
Jonty-drive Edocsil with Bgthebrain
zimmah-track rodion (blocked)
Edocsil-no action bulletproof
drake259-protect Bgthebrain (Edocsil)
victor sullivan-kill rodion
Mr. Squirrel-kill conzocool
Blakebowling-protect Mr. Squirrel
Pancakemix-block zimmah
Rodion-Frame Pancakemix (blocked)
conzocool-jail edocsil (BGthebrain)

Night 3:
Bgthebrain-proton pack Mr. Squirrel (blocked)
Safariguy-protect Bgthebrain (protect self)
victor sullivan-kill bgthebrain (blocked)
zimmah-track drunk (went nowhere)
drake259-protect safari (bgthebrain)
jonty125-drive bg & safari
spiesr- role block victor
pancakemix- role block safari (Bgthebrain)
Mr. Squirrel- kill safari
blakebowling- protect self

Night 4:
Drake259-protect safari
spiesr-block pancakemix
safari-protect zimmah
zimmah-track jonty (receives mob deadly and drunkmonkey)
Jonty-drives Mob Deadly and Drunk Monkey
Mr. Squirrel-sends blake to kill drunkmonkey (mob Deadly) (blocked but no effect as action was performed by Blake)
Pancakemix-block zimmah (blocked)
Blake-protect Mr. Squirrel
Bgthebrain-Proton pack Mr. Squirrel (role block)

Night 5:
Safariguy-protect Drake259 (Self)
Zimmah-track Mr. Squirrel (Receives Jonty)
Drake-Protect Safariguy (self)
Bgthebrain-ghost trap Mr. Squirrel (protection no side effect)
Spiesr-block Pancakemix
Mr. Squirrel-Kill Jonty125
Pancakemix-block zimmah (blocked)
Jonty-Drive Drake and safariguy

Night 6:
Bgthebrain-Ecto containment unit spiesr (Kill)
Pancakemix-No Kill. block zimmah (blocked)
Zimmah-track Pancakemix (received nowhere)
Drake-protect zimmah
Safariguy-protect zimmah


I was pleased with the overall activity level and game play in this mafia. Overall I guess if I was to pick an MVP I would probably nominate Spiesr as his contributions in the day were very level headed and he managed to hit mafia all but one night with his actions and that one night he hit town, saved the life of a townie. Honorable mention to Safariguy and Zimmah. Safariguy because he was also very level headed and Zimmah while I do agree with spiesr that you need to slow down and think through your cases did have some good instincts when locking onto potential scum. Zimmah's actions also proved very useful to the town.

This game was a bit of an experiment in all honesty. I wanted to place a strong mafia against a strong town and fairly strong Serial killer. So beyond the actual strength of both sides I didn't take the chance at making a bunch of new or abstract roles that I would have to really consider how they would affect game balance right then and there. I think it turned out a bit rough around the edges but overall I have no major regrets.

I did consider making Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter as the serial killer and for a while after I decided on Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance/The Joker for a duality Serial killer he was set up as the secondary Serial Killer but in the long run I decided balancing two serial killers with a mafia mixed in might be cumbersome.

The characters were chosen for at least one of a few reasons: A. The actor was notable enough I felt that they deserved acknowledgment (Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Sean Connery, Sigourney Weaver). B. I liked the movie or felt it was note worthy enough to be included (The Godfather, Taxi Driver, Alien(s), Dances With Wolves, Silence of The Lambs, Star Wars, One Flew Over The Cuckoos nest). C. The movie was one that I feel there should be a mafia game made for at some point (Shawshank Redemption, The Fugitive). D. The character was too perfect for certain roles to pass up (Travis Bickle, Ellen Ripley, Michael Corleone). E. The Movie covered a genre that I wanted to cover (Most were based off of dramas with various levels of actions) (Rambo (action/war movie), back to the future and Ghostbusters (comedies), The Exorcism (horror))

Mafia and the SK were not given fake claims directly but they were told that they were the only ones with their specific actors (thus why blake and Edocsil both claimed characters that were played by the same actor) and fake claims were available upon request (unfortunately also lost with the role sheet).

The Russian Roulette player was a fake claim that I made though Mr. Squirrel did add a good bit to it that I liked. I considered using this in place of a vigilante (Or as a side to the vig) but in the end I thought the role might be a bit bastardish and unpredictable. I liked the idea I got from Mr. Squirrel about maybe using it in a kind of PGO type way. where the player does not actually consciously use it but instead it's activated when someone visits him at night. I also kind of wish I hadn't used a cop as I think Serpico could have made an excellent fake cop claim for Mr. Squirrel.

As far as scenes, it was a bit challenging as I tried to make them detailed but didn't want any clear flavor. Multiple killers used guns. There were a few clues but I tried to avoid anything concrete. Jodie Foster recognizing her attacker (Travis Bickle), when a killer was role blocked I described a gun being fired (Or another weapon depending on the killer) with no obvious victim (Night 1 and 3 most notably) and a few other small details.

Overall with vote count and everything, I made some mistakes here and there (with the edoc lynch for one I actually counted three times. I counted 7 votes the first time but 8 votes the next two times when it actually was 7 votes) but nothing that isn't fixable for whenever I host my next game.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby safariguy5 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:20 am

Great game everyone a great job modding strike. I think that town got a bit lucky with some of the busdrives and other night actions. I was surprised that zimmah, BG, and I all lasted until endgame, as all of us claimed relatively early. BG definitely must have gotten a read on Mr. S early, because he was locked in on Mr. Squirrel. I dunno where that came from, but I didn't start to suspect Mr. S until he claimed the one-shot bulletproof.

Man, good thing we didn't rush lynches towards the end, spiesr was definitely very helpful. I agree that he should be MVP given that his charts helped pinpoint suspicious people. A good learning experience for some of the newer players about not rushing lynches (eh zimmah? ;) )

I thought the balance was good, and there were no major mistakes on either side apart from Sully vigging extremely early (which I always strongly advise against). I thought the fact that town was able to save so many of its claimed roles until endgame really tipped the scales in the end. And once drake counterclaimed blake, I don't think the miller investigation would have affected him much. There's no way mafia would have two docs.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby zimmah on Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:34 am

drunkmonkey wrote:
strike wolf wrote:9. Drunkmonkey-Ellis "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman)-Town Mason/secret enabler

Curious to see what that was. :shock:

ye me too, now that you mention it.

good game. and well done town.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby zimmah on Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:48 am

safariguy5 wrote:Great game everyone a great job modding strike. I think that town got a bit lucky with some of the busdrives and other night actions. I was surprised that zimmah, BG, and I all lasted until endgame, as all of us claimed relatively early. BG definitely must have gotten a read on Mr. S early, because he was locked in on Mr. Squirrel. I dunno where that came from, but I didn't start to suspect Mr. S until he claimed the one-shot bulletproof.

Man, good thing we didn't rush lynches towards the end, spiesr was definitely very helpful. I agree that he should be MVP given that his charts helped pinpoint suspicious people. A good learning experience for some of the newer players about not rushing lynches (eh zimmah? ;) )

I thought the balance was good, and there were no major mistakes on either side apart from Sully vigging extremely early (which I always strongly advise against). I thought the fact that town was able to save so many of its claimed roles until endgame really tipped the scales in the end. And once drake counterclaimed blake, I don't think the miller investigation would have affected him much. There's no way mafia would have two docs.

yes i'm indeed a bit new and sometimes too over-eager. but i do have good readings on people a lot of times, i can somewhat 'read-though-the-lines' and find small mistakes in peoples posts that point towards lies, even if i can't exactly pinpoint the lie itself, i just feel they're lying. anyway i'll try to learn from this game and make my cases more carefully.

and to strike, i'd most likely join your next game, if you plan on making one. it was fun and you modded it well.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:44 am

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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:10 am

Great game Strike!! I loved it
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby strike wolf on Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:17 am

zimmah wrote:
drunkmonkey wrote:
strike wolf wrote:9. Drunkmonkey-Ellis "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman)-Town Mason/secret enabler

Curious to see what that was. :shock:

ye me too, now that you mention it.

good game. and well done town.

It's mentioned in the game review at the top of the page.

I definitely will mod another game it is more a matter of when than if. My next project right now looks to be Dexter Mafia Season 2 though I may be looking for an experienced co-mod familiar with the series on that one.

As far as Bgthebrain. I understand your frustration about Mr. S but the reality was that in context your case against Mr. S did appear as much OMGus as anything on day 2. There was some evidence to support what you were saying but the case wasn't strong enough to get by the mitigating OMGus factor.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:35 am

I find it interesting that Mr. Squirrel claimed to have lost a bulletproof vest that he didn't have. Since people associate one-shot bulletproof with godfather, I wonder how his case would have been different had he left that part out.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby zimmah on Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:43 am

BGtheBrain wrote:Very good game. I liked the theme and roles. This game frustrates the crap out of me though (mafia in general nto this speciific one)

As stated earlier, its hard for new people to really get anything going. No one would listen about Mr S in the beginning and I wouldve understood if my case was horribly weak, but it came down to who do we believe me or mr S. More than a couple people sided with Mr S simply bc he was more experienced. Not only did this jkeep him alive, but it also discouraged me from wanted to bother doing anything in the game. I think the experienced guys may want to not be so quick to disregard the input from newer players.

That gripe aside.

On the night I killed Spiesr, I switched targets. I cant for the life of me remember who I originally picked. Either way I thought it best to come clean right away and say I targeted Spiesr. Damn inventions. I googled the shit out of the names to try to guess what they did. I thought no way I would have 2 vig actions. Turns out the other wasnt a vig....

Anyways, good game

i disregarded your posts mostly because i had my eyes on others for the moment and had 'better' leads. i was more sure of my own leads then of Mr. S. and i knew that if Mr. S. was really bad, i'd figure it out sooner or later either way, and i didn't really think he was a real treat, as long as we kept lynching mafia. I'd give t more attention if i had nothng else to go on, but there were plenty of leads.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby zimmah on Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:47 am

drunkmonkey wrote:I find it interesting that Mr. Squirrel claimed to have lost a bulletproof vest that he didn't have. Since people associate one-shot bulletproof with godfather, I wonder how his case would have been different had he left that part out.

may have had a little less attention, but eventually i'd have tracked him either way. the roulette claim was also very unbelievable. ye, the bulletproof claim certainly was odd and probably even a deciding factor for some, or at least t caught a lot of attention. but i'm quite sure town would have won either way, as we lynched so much scum in a row, and roleblocked the rest of them a lot of times and protected town a lot with doc and bodyguard. so we were in a great position mid-to-late game.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby edocsil on Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:04 pm

GG town.

Commander9 wrote:Trust Edoc, as I know he's VERY good.

zimmah wrote:Mind like a brick.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby wildwilliam on Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:13 pm

I had a short life in this one, but thanks for ll the hard work you put into setting this up. I died and still won!!!! wOOt
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:45 pm

Good game!

I'm sorry to have been a poor sport and requesting replacement on recieving my role, but I just didn't like my character all that much, so I opted out (I don't mind playing as mafia tho). I can't believe PCM lasted until endgame (or at least right before endgame).

Good game! Well played!

-SG7 ( :) )
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby safariguy5 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:50 pm

zimmah wrote:
BGtheBrain wrote:Very good game. I liked the theme and roles. This game frustrates the crap out of me though (mafia in general nto this speciific one)

As stated earlier, its hard for new people to really get anything going. No one would listen about Mr S in the beginning and I wouldve understood if my case was horribly weak, but it came down to who do we believe me or mr S. More than a couple people sided with Mr S simply bc he was more experienced. Not only did this jkeep him alive, but it also discouraged me from wanted to bother doing anything in the game. I think the experienced guys may want to not be so quick to disregard the input from newer players.

That gripe aside.

On the night I killed Spiesr, I switched targets. I cant for the life of me remember who I originally picked. Either way I thought it best to come clean right away and say I targeted Spiesr. Damn inventions. I googled the shit out of the names to try to guess what they did. I thought no way I would have 2 vig actions. Turns out the other wasnt a vig....

Anyways, good game

i disregarded your posts mostly because i had my eyes on others for the moment and had 'better' leads. i was more sure of my own leads then of Mr. S. and i knew that if Mr. S. was really bad, i'd figure it out sooner or later either way, and i didn't really think he was a real treat, as long as we kept lynching mafia. I'd give t more attention if i had nothng else to go on, but there were plenty of leads.

Part of the reason why I discounted your case early BG was that you have this habit of constructing OMGUS cases.

Let's go back and look at what would have happened if PCM was town. I feel that I brought up legitimate concerns that you might have been SKer based on the fact that you targeted spiesr and he ended up dead. Looking at your night actions, jonty was still alive, so you claiming him to be innocent wasn't proved (and really, any scum player can claim any other player as being innocent with relative impunity) and the rest of your night actions were not verified by zimmah or anyone else.

But instead of just defending yourself, your immediate response is to go and try and make a case on me. I understand that townies accusing townies is sometimes going to happen, and scum accusing townies happen as well. But to take every accusation and go on the offensive against that person makes you look like you're highly defensive. And highly defensive often means you're mafia and don't want to be lynched.

I raised the possibility, mainly because there was only 1 nightkill and you happened to visit the victim. And really, if PCM was town, you were definitely going to be the person I would push for the next day.

Basically, an OMGUS case just because someone voted you needs to be stronger than a regular case, and I think that your response to my one measly vote at the end swung my read on you to pretty scummy. It's all about how one reacts to pressure, and in this instance, it was far from close to a lynch on you.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:54 pm

wildwilliam wrote:I had a short life in this one, but thanks for ll the hard work you put into setting this up. I died and still won!!!! wOOt

Yeah, sorry about that :oops:

-Bickle's in a pickle
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:58 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:I find it interesting that Mr. Squirrel claimed to have lost a bulletproof vest that he didn't have. Since people associate one-shot bulletproof with godfather, I wonder how his case would have been different had he left that part out.

It could go either way. The proton pack was quite obviously a vig ability. There had to be some explanation for the fact that I wasn't dead. Chances were, the doc hadn't targeted me that night, and there was really very few ways to pass off the fact that I was still alive. So rather than let the town suspect that the mafia doc protected me, or that I was lying about bulletproofness, I decided to make up that I was bulletproof. I was hoping the honesty would win me points with town. No matter what I did though, it was a sticky situation.

gg town
pmchugh wrote:If I wasn't lazy, I would sig that :lol:
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:07 pm

I was surprised by safari's role. Sam Jackson had what, 5 minutes of screen time in Jurassic Park? If it weren't for the successful counter-claim, I'd have looked into a case on him (especially after BG was roleblocked both times safari protected him, and the jailkeeper was dead).

damn...fastposted :lol:

Mr. Squirrel wrote:
drunkmonkey wrote:I find it interesting that Mr. Squirrel claimed to have lost a bulletproof vest that he didn't have. Since people associate one-shot bulletproof with godfather, I wonder how his case would have been different had he left that part out.

It could go either way. The proton pack was quite obviously a vig ability. There had to be some explanation for the fact that I wasn't dead. Chances were, the doc hadn't targeted me that night, and there was really very few ways to pass off the fact that I was still alive. So rather than let the town suspect that the mafia doc protected me, or that I was lying about bulletproofness, I decided to make up that I was bulletproof. I was hoping the honesty would win me points with town. No matter what I did though, it was a sticky situation.

gg town

Yes, but I thought your Russian Roulette story could have covered that angle (someone targets you, and instead of dying you both take a % chance of dying). Hindsight's 20/20 though, and as zimmah said, it might not have changed anything. Fun game.
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Re: Actors Mafia Endgame: Town Wins

Postby strike wolf on Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:12 pm

Mr. Squirrel wrote:
drunkmonkey wrote:I find it interesting that Mr. Squirrel claimed to have lost a bulletproof vest that he didn't have. Since people associate one-shot bulletproof with godfather, I wonder how his case would have been different had he left that part out.

It could go either way. The proton pack was quite obviously a vig ability. There had to be some explanation for the fact that I wasn't dead. Chances were, the doc hadn't targeted me that night, and there was really very few ways to pass off the fact that I was still alive. So rather than let the town suspect that the mafia doc protected me, or that I was lying about bulletproofness, I decided to make up that I was bulletproof. I was hoping the honesty would win me points with town. No matter what I did though, it was a sticky situation.

gg town

Well in the movie the proton pack restrains ghosts but does not destroy them unless the streams are crossed. As far as roleblocks, if the player performs an action and are roleblocked they are informed. If the player does not send in an action than they are not informed.

Ray Arnold was a bit of a small role but he had more screen time than you are giving him credit for. He also was a definitive bodyguard in the fact that he died performing an action in an attempt to save people.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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