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A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and wins

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A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and wins

Postby Fewnix on Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:38 pm

A bunch of us ha been playing together in a group loosely called The Team with No Name. The emphasis has been on developing trips and quads teams that have fun, learns and bonds and wins. We are now talking about forming a clan that has fun, learns and bonds and. wins... and .....has no name. Background material enclosed.

We are probably looking at an Open clan- open to all regardless of rank rating, turns taken or membership in another clan but subject to CC guidelines inlcluding Rule 1 Don't be intentionally annoying.

With the consent of the group, I will put in an e ticket to setup the clan and look to others, particularly Mg and Ti doing most of the work - writing a constitution, recruitment, training, technical support, entertaining. and plotting my overthrow. Welcome all,

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

What do you need for becoming Official :
1. 9 members and 1 leader
2. A name for the clan/group
3. A description
4. Submit the above information Eticket with the group member's names on it.
5. It may take a few days to become offical after that

Rule 1
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby Fewnix on Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:42 pm

Fewnix wrote:For those interested in clans or user groups try the forum under , well, Clans :lol:


or , harder to find

for user groups


One of the main advantages of such a group or clan is you get to set up Topic Threads that are only visible to members and only members can post to So this whole discussion on Team Methodology could be one thread, someone can set up a thread, Anybody Up for Some Feudal War game? and ope for takers, there is account sitting if people are going to be away for a few days, . different discussions about strategy and tactics. We have a Bragging thread, where we , well, brag, and a Wall of Shame where we also brag, but about how we" really screwed that one up". There is also a lot of banter, some of which comes close to crossing the line in the eyes of some and ther can be the need for moderators and some times, expulsion.

Requirements can be pretty loose to join a clan, tighter if it is a Competitive clan looking for good team members for clan wars. Typical is to be of sarge or higher rank, rating of 4.7 or better, turns taken 98% or better. some experience in team games and a variety of maps, make better entries on the Map Rank review than 400 games on Classic. There is often a try-out period for both sides with the applicant taking part in a few games with those responsible for recruiting/screening . Some clans run an apprenticeship program, training school where the applicant might be expected to show they can follows rules like our FNA training games ground rules.If you don't do apig in the snake forts, you are out.

Clans Wars are welcome for many in a clan but can consume a lot of energy for the group, negotiating the rules of engagement and then linig up teams and maps to met the rules. . Rules of engagement for one war::

Rules of Engagement
1.43 total games: 14 doubles, 14 triples, 14 quads
2. Each clan member can only participate in 20 games per clan war
3. Wars are to be played in 2 sets:
1st set only home games from higher seeded clan
2nd set only home games from lower seeded clan
4.The 43rd game will be chosen by lower seeded clan
5.Each map can only be used twice per clan per clan war but can only be used once per game type (i.e. once for triples and once for quads)
6.There will be no freestyle, speed, manual deployments, beta maps, or nuclear spoils games allowed

Members of a group like this can participate in games in a number of ways without being members of clan

A premium member can set up Private games with the password posted to the group, so only members of the group can join..

Public games can be set up with members of the group invited to play, say to make up the 3 members of a trips team, leaving it up to whoever in the public wants to take them on. These are the sort of games I would prefer to play in rather than zero sum game amongst ourselves. e..g. if I play team games with Ti on the other team, any points I gain Ti loses, any points I lose Ti gains. at some ponjt what is the point?

there are public tournaments members of the group can join as individuals or, in some cases, as a team.
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby jefjef on Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:49 pm

What is this? Are you looking to create a clan or a usergroup?
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby Fewnix on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:21 pm

jefjef wrote:What is this? Are you looking to create a clan or a usergroup?

Hi Jefjef:

Any help,advice or guidance you can provide would be appreciated, Can we be classified as a user group, have a membership, get to set up discussion threads etc. if we compete against other groups/clans and not just do internal competition?

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On the other hand, if we are open to members of other groups/ clans, (and I am still am in SoH) there seem to be issues in classifying us as a Clan-Competive, Does Clan- Open work, or shoudl we go for User Group status? 8-[ 8-[

P.s. We would welcome the opportunity to play games against you and members of your clan? Any chance we can talk of some training games? We'll bring the beer. :D
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby Fewnix on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:32 pm

Those in the team with no name:

    MGSteve lucbra AlMansur Fewnix deBlakstan brownbombers PapaGeek IrvingMorrell mestrez kirilko oleg3130 shawnofthedead cyrusleung Kragomac Tiberius Maximus Bigreddestroyer Dusty21
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby jefjef on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:39 pm

Any help,advice or guidance you can provide would be appreciated, Can we be classified as a user group, have a membership, get to set up discussion threads etc. if we compete against other groups/clans and not just do internal competition?

Looks like you are looking to create a Usergroup. You have membership - privater forum and can play whatever games you want. You just won't be able to have game privs and they won't medal qualify. Your usergroup could even challenge actual clans if you find one willing to fight you without possibility of medals. Some clans have "training groups" which are actually a usergroup. They would probably and gladly skirmish with you.

If you go for being a clan then the 1 clan rule will hinder/violate any wars you try to have unless your members drop the clan they are in.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby Fewnix on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:47 pm

Thanks Jefjef- If nobody minds, we will keep this discussion going but usergroup may be where we go,

comments/critiques and friendly wars welcome from you and all, some background material is attached:
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby Fewnix on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:49 pm

A post a while back to a guy called Mg with a big heart who has been handling recruiting and inspiration:

Fewnix wrote:
I am working on developing a strong trios team. with a particular emphasis on forting and deploying. Here is an amended version of a post I made in a strategy discussion. Want to give it a try?
Every turn in a game has three parts - you deploy, you attack, you fort, Every turn, team members should consider deploying some or all of the armies to their team mates. Every turn, even with settings such as chained or adjacent that limit how much they can do, team members should fort to their team mates as much as is possible. In unlimited forts the sky may be the limit, stripping yourself down to singleton.As part of this approach team members should look to build links with their team mates, adjoining territory that can be used for fortification, and should look to breaking the opposing teams links, their ability to fort to each other.

Some games everyone may build up one particular team member, say the last person to play or the one best positioned to use the armies, but most games each team member deploys and/or forts to the next player up. E.g.
Red deploys 3 on Green X and forts 2 to X from different terts, making Green X an 8 stack. Green deploys 3 on X to have an 11 stack to take some valuable territory.Then Green forts some of the left overs from the 11 stack and a few armies from other terts to give a 10 stack to Blue Y. Blue deploys 3 on Y giving a 13 stack and takes some valuable territory. Then Blue forts a big stack to Red and around it goes.

A useful "trick" is fort stripping to allow a team mate to take a bonus., or to get an easy spoils. . You strip the territory down to one army by forting to a team members adjacent territory, She uses the armies you gave her to take your singleton tert and gets spoils or a bonus. This can be dynamite when used with deploying to the team mate. E.g. Classic map with a possible Oceania bonus
Red, the first player up, holds Sydney with 3 armies. Blue, the next team member up, holds Perth and Port Moresby, each with 3 armies on them. The opposing team holds Jakarta. Red deploys 3 to Blue Perth and forts 2 from Sydney to Perth. giving Blue 8 on Perth. Blue deploys 3 on Perth, making it an 11 stack, easily takes the singleton on Perth and takes the opposing teams Jakarta for an easy to defend bonus.. Now blue can deploy 5 armies to herself or teammates each turn.
So lets give it a try
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby Fewnix on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:54 pm

We tried a strict communication protocol where: before you took your move the team member was supposed to put a plan in team chat, wall or PM the team for input and wait for input before taking the turn. Then>>>

Revised Communication Protocol
Sent: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:18 am
From: Fewnix
To: belleye beanbag03 MGSteve PapaGeek oleg3130 shawnofthedead Tiberius Maximus Bigreddestroyer

Hi team mates:

Here is the NEW REVISED BETTER communication protocol. Thoughts?

1. If you are comfortable in your own mind with your move, rock and roll!!
2. If you want input into your move, ask. Team chat, wall, PM, smoke signals, telepathy, some work better than others.
3. If you have something useful to say, tert and army count,strategy and tactics tips, cooking recipes, say it. Or if you just want to chat, why not?
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby Fewnix on Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:02 pm

We set up training games- First Nations America -Trips and Quads, Standard, Sunny, No Spoils, and very deliberately Unlimited Fortification. Shamelessly cribbing from others we came up with "ground rules":

For ease of reference please save this in a folder marked "Team" or other appropriate name.

The Team with No Name - Suggested Ground Rules

1. We like a "pig in the snake " count at the end of your turn to keep everybody focused on forting to the team.

2. We urge winning attacks on the opposition - taking the tert AND/OR losing less armies than we take from the opposition.

3. Any tert you hold with 4 or more armies on it, that is adjacent to an enemy tert, should attack the enemy tert, or have a good reason why not.

4, We favour "soft attacks", stopping when down to 3 armies, unless there is some really good reason to keep going.

5. We will cheerfully surrender our own terts to the team but they should ask first

6. We only attack neutrals for good reason.

7. Keeping opposition players below 20 terts is a priority and you losing a few terts is a non-priority.

8. We like to move quickly to identifying one opposition member for elimination and consider after that is just clean-up,

9. We place more priority on denying our opposition bonuses over getting a bonus for the team- and we place a lot of priority on getting bonuses for the team.

10. If you have something useful to say, tert and army count,strategy and tactics tips, cooking recipes, say it. Or if you just want to chat, why not?

11. If you are comfortable in your own mind with your move, rock and roll!!

12, If you want input into your move, ASK. Team Chat, Wall, PM, smoke signals, telepathy, some communication methods work better than others.

Have fun learn and bond, win.
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby Tiberius Maximus on Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:24 pm

Few (and Everyone),

Thanks for taking the technical lead on getting the forum going. We do need to solicit from all a clan name, even if right now we are unoffically the no name clan. Therefore, I am asking all erstwhile clannies to propose a name of their liking. Once we have those proposed names, then I will post them here in a collective fashion with each person able to vote only the one wanted; the clan name that receives the a majority of all mates voting and the most votes will be the name; however, if no name has a majority despite receiving the most yes votes, then we will have a run off of the top 2 names.

Everyone - please submit your clan name choice by tomorrow 8 p.m. PST - thx
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby chemefreak on Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:33 pm


If this is a clan, no one can be in any other competitive clan. If it is not a competitive clan this thread needs to be moved to callouts. So let me know. Also, please stop using this thread as if you already had a clan set up and this is the place to post [multiple posts, multiple times]! Recruit your players and submit the e-ticket. Good luck.
:twisted: ChemE :twisted:
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby Fewnix on Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:24 pm

Sorry about that. Please move to call-outs and I think we will be submitting an e-ticket for a user group along the lines discussed:

1) dedicated to fun,to learn and bond and win, with an emphasis on developing teams, particularly for trips and quads,

2) open to all regardless of rank rating, turns taken or membership in another clan but subject to CC guidelines including Rule 1 Don't be intentionally annoying.

3) Provisional leader: Fewnix Other contacts and leadership: MgSteve and Tiberius Maximus, more TBA

4. Initial members:

MGSteve lucbra AlMansur Fewnix deBlakstan brownbombers PapaGeek IrvingMorrell mestrez kirilko oleg3130 shawnofthedead cyrusleung Kragomac Tiberius Maximus Bigreddestroyer Dusty21

Any advice or suggestions to help us set up the Usergroup would be appreciated.

. .
chemefreak wrote:Fewnix:

If this is a clan, no one can be in any other competitive clan. If it is not a competitive clan this thread needs to be moved to callouts. So let me know. Also, please stop using this thread as if you already had a clan set up and this is the place to post [multiple posts, multiple times]! Recruit your players and submit the e-ticket. Good luck.
Rule 1
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby chemefreak on Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:28 pm

Moved to Callouts - Create/Join a Social Usergroup. 24 Hours ghost left in place. Good luck with your usergroup.
:twisted: ChemE :twisted:
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby MGSteve on Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:30 am

Tiberius Maximus wrote:Few (and Everyone),

Thanks for taking the technical lead on getting the forum going. We do need to solicit from all a clan name, even if right now we are unoffically the no name clan. Therefore, I am asking all erstwhile clannies to propose a name of their liking. Once we have those proposed names, then I will post them here in a collective fashion with each person able to vote only the one wanted; the clan name that receives the a majority of all mates voting and the most votes will be the name; however, if no name has a majority despite receiving the most yes votes, then we will have a run off of the top 2 names.

Everyone - please submit your clan name choice by tomorrow 8 p.m. PST - thx

I like "Them" for a clan name. What clan is the best? "Them" Who did you say we're going up against? "Them" Who were those guys?! "Them" So, who you think's gonna win this tourney? "Them" And a million other questions and statements can all be answered/responded to with nothing more than "Them".
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby IrvingMorrell on Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:10 pm

Hi there all, and thanks to Few for spearheading the effort to get all this rolling. I repeat my initial comments in the PM you all received of my shock and general awe at how rapidly we've managed to progress to this stage from a simple idea shared between Tib and I so many months ago! In the fairness of it all, and after reading the proposed names, I really must throw in my support for MG's aforementioned team name: "Them" (quotation marks included!).

In other news, it may have been mentioned previously, but at the time when things were first being discussed (way back when our numbers were in the low-single digits), I started work on drafting a clan constitution. I'm presently in the process of editing this work, incorporating the various ideas expressed by the group since as well as our play experience, to make a document which I feel would only offer the structure needed to help us SUCCESSFULLY grow. With your permission, I will soon be offering to open this document up for everyone to read and consider. My thoughts on it and its role, however, are twofold:

First, I designed it as a CLAN constitution. With some tweaks, it could be amended to fit our "usergroup" status, but I would instead urge that we consider becoming an official clan. The benefits to this would be a private chat forum (which I'd imagine would allow for subset chat folders based on themes... and can I stress the idea of private? Not to say our ideas are a market secret, but I do like the idea of keeping things within the group), increased game options, and a greater sense of comraderie. Of course, this would require from every member a singular allegiance to our clan-- a commitment which may be difficult as I know that some of you already belong to other clans. For those of you as-such (who do not want to leave your current clans), I would propose (and promise to see it written into the constitution) that you stay on group retainer. Although you would be outside the clan and our private chat-circle, we would see to it that a public face exist to the clan as well. Here we would have the GROUP, which would exist in separate unison from the CLAN. Think of it as a shell company: it'd be our usergroup clan-spinoff for war games practice.

Second, when I do release the constitution, I will do so in a group PM. This is so that no one outside our group is able to see it until such time as we are willing to proceed as a clan. The benefit of this is that it would prevent theft of it from anyone else, as well as prevent any other groups/clans from learning our strategies and tactics as outlined within. In other words, I'll send it as a PM and all chat concerning it remain in-PM. Does that work for everyone?

I'm sorry if I'm sounding paranoid in both those requests (especially the latter), but I'm an aspiring novelist in the real world and one concern for me has always been, like in poker, showing your hand too early. Anyways guys, I look forward to all of this and can't wait to see where it leads! Best,

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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby MGSteve on Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:38 pm

Yes, it wasn't all that long ago when I happened to play a game with this guy who then sent me a pm about developing a trips and quads team and his strategy. I thought the strategy was perfect and liked the idea of a team so I accepted and then started inviting people I met in games. Some worked out very well and some are no longer with us. What really got the ball rolling and swelled the numbers was when I ended up in a game with some guy who'd stolen his name from a Roman soldier. Turns out he and the bunch wanted more and were before long invited into the team.

And the group that came in from that bit of playing, Ti, luc, Irv, bb, etc. have been really good for the team and shortly after the idea of making it a clan was proposed since Irv and Ti were obviously thinking of that before we ever met. I've just been inviting people that I liked from their friendliness, attitude and ability and have been lucky enough to meet the people I have and get the members I have. As I said there have been disappointments but I'm hoping that Ti will work out anyway. nyuk nyuyk nyuk

I do like the idea of starting with the user group while we work on the clan and, unless we can get Few; our glorious leader, kir and anyone else to leave their clan for ours, keep the user group going. I've heard that what you need and desire will come to you. Looks like it is here.
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby docstretch on Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:25 pm

I'd like to be 1 of "THEM"
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Re: A clan with no name that has fun, learns and bonds and w

Postby MGSteve on Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:20 am

Hey doc, (you'll see that we tend to use the first 2 or 3 letters or such as a chat name brev) the first thing we need to do is get you into some games. I don't know if you've read the other threads here but the first thing that you should do is read the manifesto. Basically it's the strategy that we use. The short of it is, we tend to play trips and quads in the Team with No Name. That's the name of the little group that got this going. The strategy is that we play as a team, not as individuals.

When you first begin, we expect you to study the map when it's your turn with an eye as to which if any opponents might be a choice for elimination, what bonuses the opponents have and what it will take to break them, And what bonuses we might be able to take. Then you need to write your plan in chat and pm all your teammates for input before you move. Don't miss a turn waiting for us but try to wait till at least 2 of us have commented on your plans. If you really believe that your plan's better than our suggested move, convince us why. Our method works so we expect you to follow it.

After you've attacked, you'll be expected to fort as many as possible to the next player up. Don't make yourself weak enough to be eliminated but try to move as many as you can to the player who goes after you. Any units you have that you can't fort to the next player should be forted to whichever teammate you can. With all players doing this, everyone will have the most armies at the beginning of their turn since the majority of the units will be forted to the next player. The mass moves like a pig through a snake so we want you to give a pig count each turn starting with the number of troops the player after you has, and ending with yours. The first number should always be the largest and the last the smallest.

Once you've demonstrated your superior skills, then you'll be able to follow your own plan without any input. But we tend to give suggestions to the next player up and batting about ideas as to where we should go next, take break, eliminate and we want your advice. If you lay out good plans, not just for you but for us all as a team, that will demonstrate how skilled you are just as much or more than your actual playing, especially since you will mainly just be doing as we advise at first.

I'll set up some games for you and send invites. But to do this I'll need to go viewtopic.php?f=667&t=159250&p=3492573#p3492573 and ask for players. This will be where you post requests for games. Once I have the names of players, I'll set up the games and send the invites so that we can be sure to have the team as we want it then let some opponents sign up. We are setting up our games as public games (except for the war going on now, future wars and tournaments) so that we can make points and rank. When we were just playing amongst ourselves we were just trading them back and forth.

Of course I can try setting one up without asking by just sending the invitations. Here goes.
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