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Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Symmetry on Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:37 pm

I don't think any of the mods who've replied to this have been particularly comfortable with the decision. It looks wrong from any reasonable point of view, but the problem is that it's difficult to find a better way, and no simple solution comes to mind, beyond expanding the definition of new player.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I don't think you, ES, or Mets come across as agreeing with this, more that you're doing your jobs as best you can.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Metsfanmax on Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:40 pm

Symmetry wrote:Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I don't think you, ES, or Mets come across as agreeing with this, more that you're doing your jobs as best you can.

The precedent has been set for a long time now that if they're not a New Recruit with a ?, it's not farming.

I actively dislike the precedent, but it's not really my choice to make here.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby TheForgivenOne on Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:50 pm

Symmetry wrote:I don't think any of the mods who've replied to this have been particularly comfortable with the decision. It looks wrong from any reasonable point of view, but the problem is that it's difficult to find a better way, and no simple solution comes to mind, beyond expanding the definition of new player.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I don't think you, ES, or Mets come across as agreeing with this, more that you're doing your jobs as best you can.

That's basically what you have to do as a mod. You put personal feelings aside and do what your mod description says. I disagree with a few of the Submitted Suggestions, because, I personally think they are dumb, but I still sticky'd them, then Submitted them after the masses liked them. It's not like i'm gonna say NO! I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS and shove it in rejected.

ES is just doing as his duty as a MH, he looks up the games, notices that they aren't New Recruits that Gen is playing, then clears him.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Symmetry on Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:04 am

I've made a suggestion in the correct forum. I hope that some of you will weigh in on ways to make this a better process. This wasn't a great decision- it was made according to a set of conventions that weren't written in the rules available to normal players. Either the rules as written should be applied, or the writing should be changed.

Kind of difficult to figure out what the rules are if you can't know them without being a mod, right?
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby jefjef on Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:08 am

Symmetry wrote:I've made a suggestion in the correct forum. I hope that some of you will weigh in on ways to make this a better process. This wasn't a great decision- it was made according to a set of conventions that weren't written in the rules available to normal players. Either the rules as written should be applied, or the writing should be changed.

Kind of difficult to figure out what the rules are if you can't know them without being a mod, right?

symm. The rules, as writtien, are and have been applied.

systematically "farming" new recruits."

The CC definition of new recruit are those who's rank is represented with a ?.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Symmetry on Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:12 am

jefjef wrote:
Symmetry wrote:I've made a suggestion in the correct forum. I hope that some of you will weigh in on ways to make this a better process. This wasn't a great decision- it was made according to a set of conventions that weren't written in the rules available to normal players. Either the rules as written should be applied, or the writing should be changed.

Kind of difficult to figure out what the rules are if you can't know them without being a mod, right?

symm. The rules, as writtien, are and have been applied.

systematically "farming" new recruits."

The CC definition of new recruit are those who's rank is represented with a ?.

Fair point on the vocab, will correct.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby KraphtOne on Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:19 am

TheForgivenOne wrote:Yes, many times. Aalmedia(Don't know how to spell his name), was given a point reset because he was exclusively playing NR's. I think Krapht and a few other Feudal players were warned.

i think i was the only feudal player warned not to play it any longer... others were cleared even though they were playing the exact same settings... i just won more than anyone else playing 4 or 5 player feudal so it looked bad =D>

my ruling has been used as precedent in some cases, and completely ignored in others... some people get warning, some get cleared...and then everybody goes back to what they were doing...

except caymanmew he seems to still be doing it

i can teach you a trick on catching farmers... go to game finder and look up 4 player or 5 player games on maps that newbs are allowed to play...
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Symmetry on Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:21 am

It's almost as if there's not a very clear policy about this.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:25 am

I want to thank everyone for keeping this discussion civil. My personal opinion is a little more protection is needed for new members and I hope we can come up with a suggestion and work on getting it implemented.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby KraphtOne on Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:28 am

took me 7 minutes... pedro nunes
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Rodion on Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:32 am

I think he'd get the same ruling LMS got in his Pelo War games. Basically, it says creating a game that NRs join is not as bad as joining games that already have NRs waiting. Was it a clear?
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby KraphtOne on Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:33 am

Knightscross... i should get paid for this
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Rodion on Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:41 am

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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:38 pm

rotf lmFAo guys -- what a bunch of HATERS! You guys are purists* and need to get a life:

SInce what I do is NOT technically FARMING, can you call it near-farming, or ranching or herding like I do. I take offense at people calling me a farmer -- it's Baiting and Flaming. (Mods, you can put a stop to that)

1) what I do is completely legal. I've said it before, change the rules and I'll change my style.
2) also, I've NEVER claimed to be a great player -- I just have the patience to manage risk better than most players.
3) I've even recommended a DIFFERENT standing/points system: Points per game x Rank of average player, etc.
4) no where do you admit/note that I take a HUGE risk playing low ranks (some times give away 20-25:1 on points) so I use whatever I can do to offset that.
5) nowhere on CC does it say that we must ALL play alike. My style is different than yours and your cronies.

One of the problems is the half-truths or pure fiction in some of those postings here:
-I do NOT play cooks and almost no cadets. if a friend is a cadet and want to play, I might play them.
-I rarely play players with 5-20 games. most are 100-400 completed games -- especially the last 6 months
-people act like I ROB people of points
-I'm learning to manage the risk of playing Privates, so playing more corporals, sergeants, etc.
-a LONG time ago when I used to play ? new recruits, I asked what a reasonable level of playing them was and kept WAY below that. When asked to NOT play ? new recruits any more, I did.

Many players that I invite respond "sure!" or "yes, thanks". I don't think many players take the time to WELCOME newer players to CC. I don't just beat them. I've explained maps/settings to them. And guys, it's usually 5-7 points at a time -- not 20, etc. And at the end "thanks for a quick game", I invite them to tourneys I host (do not play) and am on some level a CC ambassador.

You totaly ignore:
-"around the campfire feeling of comraderie" -- some of my opponents have become my closest friends on CC
-that when it's appropriate, I've taught people the ins and outs of some maps

Fine, complain about and make a target of current #2. But I don't see any reference to groups of 4 high ranks setting up games to take advantage of groups of 4 lower ranks. THAT is more convoluted and conspiracy related -- and systematic "farming".

With the prior accusation (2nd of these 3), the most vocal of prior accusers was JohnnyRockets24. I happened to be asked to account sit for his opponent in a 1v1 and began way behind mid game. I caught up and beat JR24. Since then I have NOT HEARD A WORD from him. He knows I can play well. I think if you ask him, he'd admit I'm not a bad player.

I've been contacted by several good players to use my patience and develop team player skills, etc. Beginning to do that more. Ask Masli or Merch313 if I have any game skills.

-like people that drive 20 MPH and do NOT like people going 54MPH in a 55 MPH zone.
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-bible thumpers -- that dispise people with vulgar senses of humor
-religious zealots that killed people for saying "the earth is NOT the center of the universe" or "the world might not be flat"
. . .you only see YOUR point of view, not others -- and are extremely intolerant. No more juice boxes for you!
. . .I'm sure your parents wonder why you take CC sooooo seriously. Heed their warning and

I feel sorry for you haters/complainers and can refer you to some psychotherapists

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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:43 pm

Gillipig wrote:Accused:

The accused are suspected of:
Actively seeking up inexperienced and low ranked players and inviting them to play against him in very advanced games. A.K.A farming them.

Game number(s):
Many. Way over 100!

Search for 1v1 games on game finder with his name and you'll see a lot of games against low ranked players. On a lot of these players walls he's invited them to play games against him. I've dug up a sample of them to prove that it's systematical farming he's been doing. Not farming of newbies, but farming of very low ranked and experience wise almost newbies. He's first to initiate contact, they don't find him he finds them.
Is this acceptable behavior? Do we want field marshals to actively seek up low ranked victims and invite them for games? I think his intention is clear. He wants easy points. There's no reason to believe otherwise.
These are messages he's left on various low ranked and inexperienced players walls (he played at least 1 game against all these players):

mattybrowns (cook)
hi, do you want to play a quick speed game?

by Gen.LeeGettinhed
on 22 Sep 2011, 01:33

Castus (cook)
hi, do you want to play a quick 1v1 game? talk in live chat?

by Gen.LeeGettinhed
on 10 Jul 2011, 15:36

Antarcticajoe (cook)
hi, quick 1v1 (non-speed) Real Time game? finish soon today, talk in LIve Chat callouts

by Gen.LeeGettinhed
on 11 Sep 2011, 18:31

timlane (cadet)
hi, quick speed game? I can send password (welcome back to Private)

by Gen.LeeGettinhed
on 29 Oct 2011, 00:15

conquerclub14 (cook)
hi, do you want to play a quick Real TIme game? finish soon today?

by Gen.LeeGettinhed
on 16 Apr 2011, 01:01

spaaazzz (cadet)
hi, do you want to play a quick Real Time game? finish soon today?

by Gen.LeeGettinhed
on 09 Jun 2010, 22:58

Jaster Mereel (cadet)
hi, do you want to play a quick Real Time game? finish soon today?

by Gen.LeeGettinhed
on 26 Jun 2010, 21:34

Do you see a pattern? He even uses the same phrases over and over again. I don't want to think about how many low ranked players walls he's posted these phrases on. A field marshal inviting cooks to play 1v1 games on the field marshals map and settings isn't my idea of fair play, and I hope it isn't CC's either!

* * *those are bogus. I have NOT played ANY cooks in about a year. . and maybe a FEW cadets in 12 months. Those have to be current ranks -- dropped well after I played them. THanks for clearing me Evil Semp, but this is totally ficticious and way out of context. Not really good detective work -- and borders on Stalking. GLG
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby jefjef on Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:50 pm

I recall MajotTom555 and mattybrowns being nothing but "not cooks" (as you put it).

GLG - Calm down. It's ok.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby merch313 on Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:18 pm

What bothers me the most about this is that Gillipig had to let a bunch of his tourneys get picked up by others to run since he no longer had the time to do so. And now he has the time to do all this research....LAME.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:33 pm

What is really bad is the point system--if it is one vs one even if it is a cook vs the conqueror the cook can win 100 points while the conqueror can win 2 or is it 4 --I agree with the accused that it is risk management

I remember when I was low ranked I would seek out high ranked to abuse the point system to gain points--all is fair in love and war and personally if I was a cook I would love to play a high rank and learn the game--although that did never, could never and would never happen (me be a cook)

I also have seen a few players use map rank to play players on maps they have never played--it is what is is so deal
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby betiko on Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:19 am

HighlanderAttack wrote:What is really bad is the point system--if it is one vs one even if it is a cook vs the conqueror the cook can win 100 points while the conqueror can win 2 or is it 4 --I agree with the accused that it is risk management

I remember when I was low ranked I would seek out high ranked to abuse the point system to gain points--all is fair in love and war and personally if I was a cook I would love to play a high rank and learn the game--although that did never, could never and would never happen (me be a cook)

I also have seen a few players use map rank to play players on maps they have never played--it is what is is so deal

totally agree with that. i fear low ranks joining, cause there is so much to loose so little to win.
I m not a freestyle player, but to lower the risk he s found a system playing freestyle vs them. I saw how blitzaholic has run down the ranking by playing only low ranks.
gilipig, go ahead, do that and try to be a field marshall. I guarantee the only thing you will do is loose your swords. win 5 loose 100, you think it s worth it??? you basically need to win 20 straight each time minimum to break even, so imagine the time and discipline it takes to climb up to field marshal!

anyway what do you guys care? are you somewhere significative on the rank table, is he taking your place? only rodion here could complain about this.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby hmsps on Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:56 am

betiko wrote: you basically need to win 20 straight each time minimum to break even, so imagine the time and discipline it takes to climb up to field marshal!
Not really difficult though when you are playing people on your home turf and i would guess have not played the map before.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Gillipig on Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:40 pm

Stop trying to save your face Gen.LeeGettinhed, you're a cheap player who targets poor players for easy points. Why else would you post invite messages on cook and cadets walls? Do you find those games challenging? Is that where you think the best players are? You're a coward and a disgrace. You're lucky the rules doesn't cover your offence.....yet!
Last edited by Gillipig on Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Gillipig on Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:45 pm

merch313 wrote:What bothers me the most about this is that Gillipig had to let a bunch of his tourneys get picked up by others to run since he no longer had the time to do so. And now he has the time to do all this research....LAME.

Yeah well I've received a 1 year ban for it so at least I got punished. For the record it's not that I won't have time to occasionally do things on this site, I'm just not able to keep tournament running smoothly over a long period of time.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:27 pm

Gillipig wrote:Stop trying to save your face Gen.LeeGettinhed, you're a cheap player who targets poor players for easy points. Why else would you post invite messages on cook and cadets walls? Do you find those games challenging? Is that where you think the best players are? You're a coward and a disgrace. You're lucky the rules doesn't cover your offence.....yet!

Note to Forum Mods:
-Gillipig has turned this from a C&A question into a Baiting/Flaming rampage. I recommend the same Forum Mods that warned/banned Eddie2 discuss with Gillipig. If Night Strike can stop one of my mini-tourneys for having "mew mew mew" in it, then surely this is well beyond that.
-Gillipig has CONTINUALLY lied/exagerated who I play -- even after I addressed his silly C&A item here. I do NOT play cooks and almost NO cadets (periodic friend that WANTS a game, etc.).

Right now I mostly play Sgts/Corp/some privates, etc. -- several steps up from cooks/cadets you lie about. what about:
-YOUR games vs privates?: 10064256 10055737 9956074 9956061
-TEAMS of high ranks that target lower ranks?
. . .me thinks thou art a bigger disgrace for Crying Stench when thou shitdsts too

I wonder who Gillipig is ranting for -- some more higher ranked player that is using Gillipig as a pawn? GLG
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby Gillipig on Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:25 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:
Gillipig wrote:Stop trying to save your face Gen.LeeGettinhed, you're a cheap player who targets poor players for easy points. Why else would you post invite messages on cook and cadets walls? Do you find those games challenging? Is that where you think the best players are? You're a coward and a disgrace. You're lucky the rules doesn't cover your offence.....yet!

Note to Forum Mods:
-Gillipig has turned this from a C&A question into a Baiting/Flaming rampage. I recommend the same Forum Mods that warned/banned Eddie2 discuss with Gillipig. If Night Strike can stop one of my mini-tourneys for having "mew mew mew" in it, then surely this is well beyond that.
-Gillipig has CONTINUALLY lied/exagerated who I play -- even after I addressed his silly C&A item here. I do NOT play cooks and almost NO cadets (periodic friend that WANTS a game, etc.).

Right now I mostly play Sgts/Corp/some privates, etc. -- several steps up from cooks/cadets you lie about. what about:
-YOUR games vs privates?: Game 10064256 Game 10055737 Game 9956074 Game 9956061
-TEAMS of high ranks that target lower ranks?
. . .me thinks thou art a bigger disgrace for Crying Stench when thou shitdsts too

I wonder who Gillipig is ranting for -- some more higher ranked player that is using Gillipig as a pawn? GLG

Bah I'm only telling you the truth and apparently you can't handle it! Inconvenient truths stink don't they...For the record you've targeted plenty of cooks and cadets throughout your years here. So what difference does it make if you've decided to"up the level" from cadet to private the last couple of months :roll: ? My games against privates? Well all my games against privates have been public games on different maps lol. And I haven't invited any of them. Your games where on the same map, not public and you even suggested the game to them with the lure of "a quick game finish today". That makes you cheap and you know it! Quite pathetic that you try to smear me with farming low ranks because that's something I'm so far from doing and you are doing yourself. It's like you think saying the same thing back will make people all of a sudden go blind and not see all the low rank farming you've been doing.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - Farming[cleared]es

Postby maxfaraday on Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:44 am

You guys should look at my wall and my game history and check the dates.
Then draw your own conclusion.
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