Conquer Club

Boybart & Jenpal - Conquer Cup [cleared]

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Boybart & Jenpal - Conquer Cup [cleared]

Postby lostatlimbo on Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:53 pm


The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Being Multis

Game number(s):
Game 9979948 ... enpal&so=D

I noticed that two of my opponents in the Conquer Cup frequently play doubles or triples games together. Looking through their finished games they have played very few games without the other.

I find it particularly suspicious that neither of them have completed more than 300 games despite both signing up over 3 years ago.

I'm more pissed at Conquer Club for not doing due diligence in preventing this, but since this is something where me and the other players paid $5 to participate, I'd like some investigation done to determine if they are secretly collaborating or are multis. If it was a normal game, I would care less, but this sort of crap shouldn't happen when you are asking players to spend $5 on entry fees and then have to face a multi or long time teammates in the first round.

No offense to either if they are legitimate, but they should have offered some transparency at the start of the game.
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Re: Boybart & Jenpal - Conquer Cup

Postby IcePack on Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:47 pm

Looks like Red never once hit yellow. Yellow hit red once looks like to get @ someone else. Suspicious indeed. SD moreso than multi but you never know.

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Re: Boybart & Jenpal - Conquer Cup

Postby Butters1919 on Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:27 pm

Wow. Either way, with the number of participants, the odds of a multi or friends ending up in the same game are rather low.

Not saying it couldn't have happened though....
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Re: Boybart & Jenpal - Conquer Cup

Postby IcePack on Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:14 pm

Ya they couldn't have planned t. But once they ended up in the same game they've clearly favored the other friend and avoided attk

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Re: Boybart & Jenpal - Conquer Cup

Postby king achilles on Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:52 pm

Cleared of being multis.

Having a game history together, although may hold some weight at times, does not mean an automatic secret alliance between players. We have to look at the game in question.

I can see that red has 24 troops on Bangkok right now, serving as guards for his Oceania. Who among you is ready to attack that at this stage without weakening yourself in the process as well? Is yellow capable of doing that attack? Yellow has not even held a bonus zone as of yet. Is yellow suppose to focus on red? If red has grown strong at this point, anyone who doesn't attack him must be in secret cahoots with him?

Basing from a game history together, and looking at their position in the map, what we have right now is more on assumptions instead of evidence.
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Re: Boybart & Jenpal - Conquer Cup [cleared]

Postby lostatlimbo on Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:53 pm

I understand that, but its natural to assume there going to favor each other.

Like I said, mostly frustrated at getting placed in a game with two teammates, but I appreciate your time anyway.
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