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Rbelgrod-false accusation [closed]

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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby Beckytheblondie on Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:07 pm

Is this where we post our beef with Rbelgrod? He called me and asked me on a date but I didn't see that it was a conference call. I just thought he was a concert or something, but when I showed up at the Wendy's he invited me (read: us) to, I had to stand in a really long line to get a #7 and I only was able to touch his leg once. I am upset.
2011-11-07 14:19:43 - StinknLincoln: whoa, what happened?
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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby ooge on Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:16 pm

I fully support rbelgrod in this,and any negative outcome for him I will have to reconsider if this is a website I wish to continue to support.penalizing someone for inviting other experienced players to games does not make sense.
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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby Ninja Champion on Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:20 pm

pearljamrox2 wrote:I don't like Jamaica, but it is true, rbel has explained many times to the people on his list that if they don't want the invite he would not include them. Although I rarely join the games, I think it is nice of him to include an invitation for me.
Wouldn't the proper action here be, either foe him and not receive the pm's anymore, or nicely ask to be taken off of his list? I think you will find...99.9% of the folks on this list either want the invites, or don't mind getting them. So I don't think what rbel is doing is a problem at all. The problem here seems to be an individual who can't figure out a simple solution for handling this themselves, which says alot about this individual.
He makes a lot of games that fill up fast with quality players. Many people really like this.

I'd make my own post but this one conveys everything perfectly, making a report over something that could have been resolved much easier is undoubtedly a waste of everyone's time. I fully support rbel, even though I personally don't join much of his games he has said numerous times if we want off his list to let him know.

The problem right now is this massive private message going on, which doesn't help in rbel's defense. Regardless, this could have been avoided if this individual requested to be removed from rbel's list to begin with.
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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby Ninja Champion on Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:22 pm

Beckytheblondie wrote:Is this where we post our beef with Rbelgrod? He called me and asked me on a date but I didn't see that it was a conference call. I just thought he was a concert or something, but when I showed up at the Wendy's he invited me (read: us) to, I had to stand in a really long line to get a #7 and I only was able to touch his leg once. I am upset.

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby merch313 on Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:22 pm

Support rbel in this.....Nice to get invites whether I join or not only takes a sec to delete the pm....Think whoever complained is well :-# and really needs to grow a sack and ask to be taken off the list and apologize for this crap.....
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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby hmsps on Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:28 pm

merch313 wrote:Support rbel in this.....Nice to get invites whether I join or not only takes a sec to delete the pm....Think whoever complained is well :-# and really needs to grow a sack and ask to be taken off the list and apologize for this crap.....
I am not on Rbel's list but I have to ask is this what we have sunk to. People reporting others for being on a list which i am guessing at sometime they were happy to be on?

Personally they should be warned for wasting mods time. This should be closed quickly to avoid further embarrassment to the accuser.
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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby Qwert on Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:54 pm

Night Strike wrote:
Mass PMs are supposed to be sent using BCC, so if you didn't do that and then people start Reply to All on them, then you deserve to get a warning.

Interesting, every time when rbelgrod send invite messages,i can not remember when i get any reply to all message,so these again its not true.

This should be closed quickly to avoid further embarrassment to the accuser

Its will be good that accuser respond so that i can put hem on foe list,because he dont deserve to be on frend list . :!:
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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby watsy on Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:44 pm

hmsps wrote:
merch313 wrote:Support rbel in this.....Nice to get invites whether I join or not only takes a sec to delete the pm....Think whoever complained is well :-# and really needs to grow a sack and ask to be taken off the list and apologize for this crap.....
I am not on Rbel's list but I have to ask is this what we have sunk to. People reporting others for being on a list which i am guessing at sometime they were happy to be on?

Personally they should be warned for wasting mods time. This should be closed quickly to avoid further embarrassment to the accuser.

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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby JoshyBoy on Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:57 pm

WTF is this shit?!?
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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby Night Strike on Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:45 pm

rbelgrod wrote:
Night Strike wrote:Mass PMs are supposed to be sent using BCC, so if you didn't do that and then people start Reply to All on them, then you deserve to get a warning.

The reason i dont use BCC, because it was a friends list, not general public. I want players to know who else was invited, and what level of competition that are up against. this is not anybody who hasnt asked to be on or were not aware they were on my list...they can and could easily have asked without bringing chaos into all of our lives...

People don't control whether or not you add them to your friends list, so that means they could get at least one PM they don't really want.

I have access to the reports, and it looks like you were probably reported because you sent out the same thing 4 days in a row. In the future you should just send out 1 PM for a set of games and do it once a week or every other week, not repeatedly over a few days. A person may not want to join your new set of games, so they don't then want to get reminded of them every single day. But they may want to join in the future, so they don't want to just ask you to remove them from the list.

JoshyBoy wrote:WTF is this shit?!?

Another typical pointless post from JoshyBoy. If you are just going to spam a thread, why don't you stay out of it? :roll:
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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby nesterdude on Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:53 pm

Whoever reported just ask not to be on the list. Sheesh what a baby
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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby merch313 on Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:18 pm

Night Strike wrote:
rbelgrod wrote:
Night Strike wrote:Mass PMs are supposed to be sent using BCC, so if you didn't do that and then people start Reply to All on them, then you deserve to get a warning.

The reason i dont use BCC, because it was a friends list, not general public. I want players to know who else was invited, and what level of competition that are up against. this is not anybody who hasnt asked to be on or were not aware they were on my list...they can and could easily have asked without bringing chaos into all of our lives...

People don't control whether or not you add them to your friends list, so that means they could get at least one PM they don't really want.

I have access to the reports, and it looks like you were probably reported because you sent out the same thing 4 days in a row. In the future you should just send out 1 PM for a set of games and do it once a week or every other week, not repeatedly over a few days. A person may not want to join your new set of games, so they don't then want to get reminded of them every single day. But they may want to join in the future, so they don't want to just ask you to remove them from the list.

JoshyBoy wrote:WTF is this shit?!?

Another typical pointless post from JoshyBoy. If you are just going to spam a thread, why don't you stay out of it? :roll:

But it wasnt the same PM it was for different games :roll:
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Re: Rbelgrod-false accusation

Postby king achilles on Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:21 pm

We can add anyone to be in our friend's list without the person knowing it. I could have my closest friends in my friend's list and then add some random player too and then send successive pm's with game invitations to those people in my list. Now wouldn't the random guy I added be annoyed with the sudden pm's that he gets from me?

If there is an issue, anything could be settled between the involved individuals but they could also report the pm's should they prefer to. Making a public thread to support your friend and at the same time, going after the individual/s who reported him is not cool. I am going to close this now and lock it as we all get how you support rbelgrod for this.
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