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Beach Paws & DavDanillo SD [CLOSED] KRK

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Beach Paws & DavDanillo SD [CLOSED] KRK

Postby simon moore on Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:54 am


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Be sure before you accuse someone!


Beach paws

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse
Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s):

Game 9967230

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Re: Beach Paws and DavDanillo secretly working together

Postby Symmetry on Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:13 am

simon moore wrote:Accused:

Beach paws

The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 9967230

Fixed (I think).
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Re: Beach Paws and DavDanillo secretly working together

Postby simon moore on Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:50 am

Please excuse my ignorance as I haven't posted before but what does this response mean ?
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Re: Beach Paws and DavDanillo secretly working together

Postby hmsps on Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:03 pm

I think you need to elaborate on what you think happened. Looking at the log you thought something was amiss on 4/11/11 when red attacked 1 of your territories when he only had 3 left himself.
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Re: Beach Paws and DavDanillo secretly working together

Postby simon moore on Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:41 pm

I and the accused were the last 3 players remaining. I had 170+ armies and 5 cards, Beachpaws had 150 or so armies relatively spread over many countries(not the usual high umbers on borders) and 2 cards and his turn was after DavDanillo who had 3 cards (soon to be 4) who had 80+ armies (55 on 1 country, 30 on another and the others had 1 army). At this point I expected DavDanillo to defend and get card but instead he attacked me until every one of his countries only had 1 country remaining. This meant that although Beachpaws coud not of killed him before as he had no set and not enough armies on borders to kill a 55 and or a 30 strong army he could now do so and collect 2 sets in doing so and win the game. I have seen actions like this before but only when someone has upset another player with abuse in chat but there was no chat up to this point so the only logical explanation is that the motive was working as a secret team or racist based. Maybe someone can ask DavDanillo why he took the actions he did.
How does this work ? Is there someone who can look back and see actions and map at certain times or is that info gone ?
I haven't complained before but I believe in fair play and this is not right !
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Re: Beach Paws and DavDanillo secretly working together

Postby gradybridges on Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:52 pm

Take the loss and move on. Foe if you feel that strongly. You have provided zero evidence other than you didn't like the outcome. Do you have snapshots?

A bad play(in your mind) does not deserve a C&A report. Give poor ratings and just deal with it.

so the only logical explanation is that the motive was working as a secret team or racist based

racist? please explain.
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Re: Beach Paws and DavDanillo secretly working together

Postby simon moore on Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:20 pm

Over 760 games and never complained before. I don't know how to take snapshots but I assure you if it had been you playing that game you would want an explanation.
As for racist - The actions of DavDanillo can in my mind only be explained by a secret partnership with Beachpaws or a dislke for me but as there was no chat between us he can only draw an opinion of me from my nationality.
Is there someone who can go back and look at actions ? All I want is DavDanillo to answer to what reason did he end the game this way undoubtably handing it to Beachpaws.
Anyway what did albiestar do so bad ?
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Re: Beach Paws and DavDanillo secretly working together

Postby gradybridges on Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:24 pm

simon moore wrote:As for racist - The actions of DavDanillo can in my mind only be explained by a secret partnership with Beachpaws or a dislke for me but as there was no chat between us he can only draw an opinion of me from my nationality.

How would he know what race you are?

anyway what did albiestar do so bad ?

He joined tons of team games, deadbeated them or lost them on purpose. He was suspended.
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Re: Beach Paws and DavDanillo secretly working together

Postby simon moore on Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:41 pm

Are you American ?
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Re: Beach Paws and DavDanillo secretly working together

Postby Gillipig on Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:44 pm

This is a clear case of FAMO. (Foe And Move On)
No guidelines broken here as far as I can see.
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Re: Beach Paws & DavDanillo SD [pending] KRK

Postby Karl_R_Kroenen on Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:36 pm

Reading the entire C&A report, I read nothing more than an inquiry to the actions of DavDanilo attempting to take you out. This would be better served in a PM inquiry between DavDanilo and Simon Moore. But more likely, your answer is :
2011-11-04 17:15:26 - beach paws: sorry yellow but I would have been real stupid not to take advantage of the bad move by red

Regarding the accusation of racism - you had better provide some evidence/proof before you start tossing that around.

Marking this as CLOSED
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Re: Beach Paws & DavDanillo SD [CLOSED] KRK

Postby simon moore on Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:49 am


What is a PM inquiry and how do I do this ?

I didn't accuse anyone of being racist but suggested the actions could only be explained in my mind by one of two things. I it wasn't because I was British or because he had a secret agreement with Beachpaws then please tell me what you think the reason could be. I am very interested.

This answer really has diluted the point in playing this game as you are now allowing players to form secret allowances and take turns in winning games thus increasing their points.

How do I appeal this decision ?
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Re: Beach Paws & DavDanillo SD [CLOSED] KRK

Postby simon moore on Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:58 am


One last thing then I will drop it.

Please can you ask DavDanillo for an explanation as I am foed so I cannot PM him ?


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Re: Beach Paws & DavDanillo SD [CLOSED] KRK

Postby Barney Rubble on Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:39 pm

hahhaha what do expect of course he foed you
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Re: Beach Paws & DavDanillo SD [CLOSED] KRK

Postby simon moore on Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:05 pm

Why would he foe me ?

He is the one that cheated. All I did was question his tatics without response and then posted my first ever complaint.

People seem very quick to decide what happened without knowing the facts. If you had seen what happened and it had happened to you then you would have wanted an explanation. That's all.

There was no attempt from DavDanillo to win. The only thing he did on his last go his reduce his armies to the absolute minimum so that BeachPaws could kill him, claim cards and bonus and win the game. I was about to win but either some secret communication went on or DavDanillo decided to help Beachpaws win for no obvious reason.(No chat between us)
Do you honestly think this should go unquestioned ?
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