Conquer Club

American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese [overlander WINS]

Tournaments completed in 2012.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese [overlander WINS]

Postby Fuzzy316 on Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:54 am


A series of 13 tournaments that I have designed to go through American history. Each of the tournaments takes place at pivotal points in America's history (and possible future). Using the maps available here on CC, I have come up with different names of each tourney and will have a small story tidbit to accompany each one. The map that each tourney will be played on will be identified in the story tidbit by being colorized.

Each tourney takes place on a different map, relating to different times in American history. The overall objective of players in the entire series is to score kills. All tourney games for the first 12 Tournaments will be a standard Terminator. Every kill that you make in each game you play will count towards your overall kill total. The 13th Tourney will be a final championship tourney for the top 32 players with the most kills over the first 12 tourneys.

If you are terminated form your game, you are out of the tourney, but not the series. The tourneys will run for 3 rounds each. From 64-players to 16 and then a 4-player final.

You must sign up for each tourney.

For the individual that accumulates the most kills throughout the first 12 tournaments of this series a General Achievement Medal will be awarded.

Each tourney will be open to 64 players, with the 13th tournament only being the 32 top killers. The more tourneys that you enter as they become active, the better chance you have of winning and moving on to the Championship Tourney. If there happens to be a tie that results in more than 32 players, then those players who are tied with kills that result in the over 32 limit will play one or more games to determine the final entrants into the tourney. (These games will not count in the overall kill count for the series.)

In addition, as soon as each tourney is full, and game invites have been sent out, I will post the thread for the next tourney in the series, so be on the lookout for those that wish to keep playing this series.

To join, simply indicate by posting in the thread that you want in. I will respond in the thread that you are in when I sign you up. I reserve the right to refuse any player form entering, but you really had to upset me to do that. .

Freemiums are welcome if they commit one slot. to the tourney

For all the tourneys, other than the map, the game settings remain the same throughout:

4-player games

There will be special rules for the Championship tourney, to be revealed when it becomes active for the top 32 players. As each tourney progresses, overall kill counts will be tabulated after each round, and tables posted. Each kill counts as 1. Whether you win the game or not if you kill a player, it will be counted. Information on the final tourney can be found here:


I have been approved a General Achievement Medal for the individual scoring the most kills in the series. Now... on to the next Tourney:

Tourney #8: Battling the Japanese

While America sat out the war raging in the European and Asian areas, Japan planned to rapidly seize European colonies in Asia to create a large defensive perimeter stretching into the Central Pacific; the Japanese would then be free to exploit the resources of Southeast Asia while exhausting the over-stretched Allies by fighting a defensive war. To prevent American intervention while securing the perimeter, it was further planned to neutralize the United States Pacific Fleet from the outset. On 7 December (8 December in Asian time zones), 1941, Japan attacked British and American holdings with near-simultaneous offensives against Southeast Asia and the Central Pacific. These included an attack on the American fleet at Pearl Harbor, landings in Thailand and Malaya and the battle of Hong Kong.

By the end of April 1942, Japan and her ally Thailand had almost fully conquered Burma, Malaya, the Dutch East Indies, Singapore, and Rabaul, inflicting severe losses on Allied troops and taking a large number of prisoners. Despite a stubborn resistance in Corregidor, the Philippines was eventually captured in May 1942, forcing the government of the Philippine Commonwealth into exile.
Japanese forces also achieved naval victories in the South China Sea, Java Sea and Indian Ocean, and bombed the Allied naval base at Darwin, Australia. This then paved the way for "WWII: Australia" to take place.

show: Players

show: tourney kills leaderboard

Information about this tourney can be found at
Last edited by Fuzzy316 on Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:53 pm, edited 19 times in total.
The Fuzzy One

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese

Postby Fuzzy316 on Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:05 pm

I'm in of course.
The Fuzzy One

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 1/64

Postby rmjw10 on Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:01 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 1/64

Postby abygorb on Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:21 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 1/64

Postby big-bad on Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:36 am

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 1/64

Postby Nailer X on Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:08 am

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 1/64

Postby Fuzzy316 on Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:02 pm

2. rmjw10
3. abygorb
4. bigbad 4573
5. Nailer X
I have you in
The Fuzzy One

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 5/64

Postby heavenly29 on Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:03 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 5/64

Postby Seamus76 on Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:22 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 5/64

Postby Fuzzy316 on Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:14 pm

6. heavenly29
7. Seamus76
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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 7/64

Postby westbo on Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:10 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 7/64

Postby Silly Knig-it on Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:52 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 7/64

Postby Fuzzy316 on Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:22 am

8. westbo
9. Silly Knig-it

I have you in.
The Fuzzy One

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 7/64

Postby Crarg on Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:29 am

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 7/64

Postby abygorb on Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:33 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 7/64

Postby pridekiller on Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:34 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 7/64

Postby subprime on Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:44 am

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 7/64

Postby Baby-Bjorn on Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:08 am

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 7/64

Postby sandman175 on Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:09 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 7/64

Postby Fuzzy316 on Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:00 pm

10. Crarg
11. abygorb
12. pridekiller
13. subprime
14. Baby-Bjorn
15. sandman175

I have you in.
The Fuzzy One

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 15/64

Postby Marshallbobby on Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:51 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 15/64

Postby J_Indr on Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:26 am

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 15/64

Postby efreddy on Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:32 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 15/64

Postby JayRandy on Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:04 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's American Odyssey: Battling the Japanese 15/64

Postby centac on Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:28 pm

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