by dowian2 on Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:30 pm
For lack of a better way, I split points equally in the Napoleonic Europe games where objectives were met. In two games, one player was eliminated, and the other two were still alive at the time the game ended. I don't think there are any objectives in the remaining maps, but if there are, the same rules will apply. All games are set for the second set of games with 50 round limits, as mentioned in the rules of this tourney (missed that when creating the two games last night). If they aren't joined after two invites, I'll drop the games and recreate as three-player games, awarding 4th place to the person who didn't join. I can't see bringing in reserves now. Good luck, all!
Player / Points / Games Played [Updated 11/23] [3 games active]
nebsmith / 27 / 8
jammyjames / 24 / 8
sundance123 / 21 / 8
Crownprop / 20.5 / 8
Marshallbobby / 20 / 8
zissou2 / 19.5 / 8
Enter Smith / 18 / 8
Evil Semp / 17.5 / 6
reahma / 17.5 / 7
Didacus / 17 / 7
Gillipig / 16 / 7
thelord / 16 / 7
theheadholes / 15 / 7
The Red / 15 / 7
Linnick / 14.5 / 7
HaireWolf1 / 14.5 / 8
Last edited by
dowian2 on Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:19 am, edited 6 times in total.
If you want to play a game where luck isn't a factor, go play chess.
High score: 3074, #67
High rank: Brigadier