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Three Kingdoms of Korea [Quenched]

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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [15.8.11]

Postby thenobodies80 on Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:51 am

natty_dread wrote:Actually I think the new version looks like crap. The colours are horribly bright and look like someone vomited on my screen.

So maybe you should just take this map offline until I have the time to redraw it properly.

No, I don't.
I think you have to adjust your monitor settings...the new version is much better and i tested it on two different machines (I can do a third test in few hours). something to your monitor/machine....It's been a while you post/draw only washed color maps and now I understand the reason!

I can't test the junks right now with colorblind filters....did you worked on their colors? (red/teal) O:)
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [15.8.11]

Postby natty dread on Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:46 am

Nobodies, I already posted a version which you can upload, with XML and all (see my last post).

thenobodies80 wrote:I think you have to adjust your monitor settings...

There's nothing wrong with my monitor settings. My monitor settings are perfect.

Little known fact: Some monitors display a higher range of colours than other monitors. For example, on my laptop, all images look much more washed out because of this.

So... it's not my fault if you only use cheap laptop monitors.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [15.8.11]

Postby DiM on Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:55 am

natty_dread wrote:So... it's not my fault if you only use cheap laptop monitors.

that's right, everybody except you uses cheap laptop monitors.
especially tnb80. i heard that when he became a foundry foreman he inherited a crappy 12 inch, IBM 5151 monochrome monitor. lack has been keeping it since 1984 and has passed it from generation to generation. it still has some banana peels on it from when andy used to have it.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [15.8.11]

Postby natty dread on Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:03 am

DiM wrote:
natty_dread wrote:So... it's not my fault if you only use cheap laptop monitors.

that's right, everybody except you uses cheap laptop monitors.
especially tnb80. i heard that when he became a foundry foreman he inherited a crappy 12 inch, IBM 5151 monochrome monitor. lack has been keeping it since 1984 and has passed it from generation to generation. it still has some banana peels on it from when andy used to have it.

What the f*ck is your problem again?
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [15.8.11]

Postby natty dread on Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:10 am

Seriously, this is getting moronic.

You'd think if there was something wrong with "my monitor settings" then perhaps photographs, video etc. would look distorted when I view them? Or too colourful or something?

How is it that when I take a picture with my digital camera, and look at it on my computer, it appears exactly as it should, not overly saturated as would be the case if my "monitor settings" were at fault.

When I look at youtube videos or shit like that, the colours appear normal. Ie. the same as what I see in the real world, with my eyes.

Then again, I see some people use colours on their maps that make me want to gouge out my retinas and eat them for breakfast. It's those guys whose monitor settings should be examined more closely, I wager.

But no, that doesn't stop some people from assuming that I can't fucking use a monitor, and talking down to me like an idiot who "needs to adjust your monitor" because "your maps look like shit". Yeah thanks, that's really heartwarming.

Seriously people, use your fucking brains.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [15.8.11]

Postby DiM on Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:58 am

natty_dread wrote:Seriously people, use your fucking brains.

tone it down and use yours for a change. if it were just one person telling you the map is lacking colour then i'd be inclined to trust the map maker but in this case EVERYBODY is telling you the same thing. so i really doubt EVERYBODY has bad monitors or that EVERYBODY is wrong about the colours.

i haven't seen a single person to take your side in this matter so according to the foundry rules you must do as you're told by the community.

also watch the language. a point can be made without using f*ck every couple of words. it doesn't make you smarter it doesn't make you cooler and it doesn't help your case. you should have realised this when you were 14.
“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [15.8.11]

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:20 am

DiM wrote:i haven't seen a single person to take your side in this matter

I think it looks great, and don't understand what all the fuss is about.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [15.8.11]

Postby natty dread on Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:27 am

DiM wrote:
natty_dread wrote:Seriously people, use your fucking brains.

tone it down and use yours for a change. if it were just one person telling you the map is lacking colour then i'd be inclined to trust the map maker but in this case EVERYBODY is telling you the same thing. so i really doubt EVERYBODY has bad monitors or that EVERYBODY is wrong about the colours.

i haven't seen a single person to take your side in this matter so according to the foundry rules you must do as you're told by the community.

also watch the language. a point can be made without using f*ck every couple of words. it doesn't make you smarter it doesn't make you cooler and it doesn't help your case. you should have realised this when you were 14.

Excuse me, did I miss the time you became a moderator? Or did I miss you becoming the fucking internet language police? How about you take that condescending, holier-than-thou attitude and shove it where the sun doesn't shine?

And no, "everybody" is not "telling me the same thing" - it's a small minority who has problems with the colours. I don't see a huge flood of input from the hundreds of people who have played this map coming over here complaining about the colours. Do you?

Secondly, taking the colours of this one map and assuming that I must be an idiot who can't use his monitor is absurd and idiotic. The low-saturation colour scheme of the map was a conscious and intentional artistic choice. It was not done because "my monitor settings are wrong" like some people are so fond of assuming. Sure, you can argue whether it was the right choice or not, but please don't assume I'm a fucking moron who can't use a computer or set his monitor settings. It's sort of insulting.

Third, no one had a problem with the colour scheme when the map was in development. No one brought up the issue back then, so I didn't see reason to change them. Only after the map has been in beta have some people (mostly the colour blind) been announcing that they have problems with the map. AND I HAVE BEEN ADDRESSING THE ISSUE AND FIXING THE COLOURS! I've already done two (2) separate updates addressing the colour issue. So I don't see what the big fucking deal is, why you have to badger me about this. I've already posted an update with increased colour saturation - what more do you want from me?
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [15.8.11]

Postby The Bison King on Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:34 am

drunkmonkey wrote:
DiM wrote:i haven't seen a single person to take your side in this matter

I think it looks great, and don't understand what all the fuss is about.

*raises hand*

I thought the old washed out colors looked fine. Yeah, maybe hey weren't instantly recognizable but they looked good. All it takes is a few extra seconds of studying the map to match the colors with the bonuses. I think that that is entirely in the hands of the players. It's not the map makers fault that you are completely lazy, and need everything to be as obvious as day and thrown in your face.

The washed out colors are fine. Those who demand brighter colors are just being big fat babies.

Hi, my name is the Bison King, and I am COMPLETELY aware of DaFont!
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [15.8.11]

Postby DiM on Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:25 am

natty_dread wrote:
DiM wrote:
natty_dread wrote:Seriously people, use your fucking brains.

tone it down and use yours for a change. if it were just one person telling you the map is lacking colour then i'd be inclined to trust the map maker but in this case EVERYBODY is telling you the same thing. so i really doubt EVERYBODY has bad monitors or that EVERYBODY is wrong about the colours.

i haven't seen a single person to take your side in this matter so according to the foundry rules you must do as you're told by the community.

also watch the language. a point can be made without using f*ck every couple of words. it doesn't make you smarter it doesn't make you cooler and it doesn't help your case. you should have realised this when you were 14.

Excuse me, did I miss the time you became a moderator? Or did I miss you becoming the fucking internet language police? How about you take that condescending, holier-than-thou attitude and shove it where the sun doesn't shine?

And no, "everybody" is not "telling me the same thing" - it's a small minority who has problems with the colours. I don't see a huge flood of input from the hundreds of people who have played this map coming over here complaining about the colours. Do you?

Secondly, taking the colours of this one map and assuming that I must be an idiot who can't use his monitor is absurd and idiotic. The low-saturation colour scheme of the map was a conscious and intentional artistic choice. It was not done because "my monitor settings are wrong" like some people are so fond of assuming. Sure, you can argue whether it was the right choice or not, but please don't assume I'm a fucking moron who can't use a computer or set his monitor settings. It's sort of insulting.

Third, no one had a problem with the colour scheme when the map was in development. No one brought up the issue back then, so I didn't see reason to change them. Only after the map has been in beta have some people (mostly the colour blind) been announcing that they have problems with the map. AND I HAVE BEEN ADDRESSING THE ISSUE AND FIXING THE COLOURS! I've already done two (2) separate updates addressing the colour issue. So I don't see what the big fucking deal is, why you have to badger me about this. I've already posted an update with increased colour saturation - what more do you want from me?

wow just wow. the amount of frustration. you have one sad little existence there mate.
do something about it cause you're not looking like a mature 29 years old that you claim to be but rather as a 15 year old frustrated teen that really need to learn some manners and get laid.
“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby isaiah40 on Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:01 am

Okay you two, you need to stop this immediately. This bickering and arguing is not doing anyone any good. The only thing it is doing is making BOTH of you look bad so much so that others will not want to deal with either of you period. This also means people won't want to comment in your maps because they will think that you will just argue about everything. So please get this stopped now.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby thenobodies80 on Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:02 am

1. I don't use cheap monitors or the like, if there's something where I "waste" tons of money are computer components.
2. I don't see the reason for all this mess, so guys, please chill down BOTH. I never said you're stupid or something like that, so don't put in my mouth words I've not used. I think you're a bit stressed natty...
3. Now, could you please respond to my question, that was really precise. Did you worked on the junks colors?
If the answer is yes, then I'll send the file to lackattck....if not, please do it.(red/teal)

Now please stay on topic.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby natty dread on Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:19 pm

thenobodies80 wrote:3. Now, could you please respond to my question, that was really precise. Did you worked on the junks colors?
If the answer is yes, then I'll send the file to lackattck....if not, please do it.(red/teal)

Well, how about you look at the images and figure out if the junk colours are good enough for you? I mean, I don't want to redo this a couple of weeks from now.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby thenobodies80 on Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:07 pm

These files were sent to lackattack:

Large Version:
Small Version:

In any case, even if they are good for me, it doesn't mean they are good for the must wait for their feedback, not mine.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby thenobodies80 on Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:19 pm

The new files are online. :)
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby natty dread on Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:32 pm

And this is how they look as jpegs:

Click image to enlarge.

vs. original:

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby natty dread on Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:54 am

Is everyone ok with the map now? Can it be quenched?
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby nippersean on Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:07 pm

I hope not Natty.

I respect the effort, time and skill all the mapmakers put in, and have never made a negative comment before....

This map is awful in many respects...gameplay, too many cut-offs + neutrals - I said this about austerlitz but like that foggy dubs now, so i'll be easy on that.

It's ugly - really ugly.
It is very unclear - the bonus regions, the key - you cannot play this without Bob, the ships....

It is very difficult to work out anything on this map, even with experience - I cannot work out what you get bonuses for, what is the bonus region, well I'm getting better at 1/2 hr per turn.

My teammate (a strong player) just mis-deployed 'cos he thought all ships connected - did you not think of colourblind people?

Just a fuckin mess.

This map needs A LOT of work in clarity, gameplay, presentation - right now it's a mess that shudda never gotten into beta.

Sorry if I upset anyone, I do appreciate the skill , hardwork - just looks like this one slipped through the net. For me (and my teammates) btw I win this turn - it's not sour grapes - just a very poor map from a foundry that is better than this.

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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby natty dread on Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:40 am

Well, no one's forcing you to play it.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby thenobodies80 on Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:03 pm

nippersean wrote:My teammate (a strong player) just mis-deployed 'cos he thought all ships connected - did you not think of colourblind people?

Can I ask which junks (ships) are a problem to distinguish for your teammate?
I want to be sure to not have other colorblind issues on this one before going further with the process. O:)
Said that, I must point out that it is written on the map that only junks with the same color are connected each other.

natty_dread wrote:Well, no one's forcing you to play it.

Natty, you should know that this is not a great answer nor a solution of the current issues.

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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby natty dread on Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:37 pm

thenobodies80 wrote:Natty, you should know that this is not a great answer nor a solution of the current issues.

Sure it is. You can't please everyone, people like different things. Some people love the map, some hate it, just like any other map. That's fine.

I don't see any specific issues being brought up here. Junks connect to junks of same colour, as is stated in the legend. All the bonuses of the map are explained in the legend. If players don't want to take the time to read the rules of the map I can hardly be blamed for that.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby danryan on Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:44 pm

I haven't played this since early in Beta, since I didn't like the color scheme and found the bonus scheme unbalanced. I can't speak to gameplay, but looking at the map I still see similar visual issues as the original. My 2 cents.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby natty dread on Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:53 am

danryan wrote:I haven't played this since early in Beta

Yeah thanks. Maybe we can also get input from someone who has.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby danryan on Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:37 am

natty_dread wrote:
danryan wrote:I haven't played this since early in Beta

Yeah thanks. Maybe we can also get input from someone who has.

You're part of the reason. I mean, you're so reasonable and open to input. Did you fix the completely fucked up bonus structure?
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [10.10.11] Updates pg1

Postby natty dread on Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:12 am

Oh no, I've pretty much just been sitting on my ass and masturbating the whole time the map's been in beta. Thank you, come again!
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