Alex's Tournament Super American Civil War # 14 Tournament Map Click image to enlarge. 64 players need to join
It's simple:
It's a game with 10 round with minimum of 5 players by round.
Round 1: 8 players, the 7 best in each group pass to the other round.
Round 2: 8 players, the 7 best in each group pass to the other round.
Round 3: 7 players, the 6 best in each group pass to the other round.
Round 4: 7 players, the 6 best in each group pass to the other round.
Round 5: 6 players, the 5 best in each group pass to the other round.
Round 6: 5 players, the 4 best in each group pass to the other round.
Round 7: 6 players, the 5 best in each group pass to the other round.
Round 8: 5 players, the 4 best in each group pass to the other round.
Semifinals Round 9: 8 players, the Top 4 advance in each group pass to the other round.
Final with 8 players and the super winner, win the tournament.
PREMIUM ONLY Standard Automatic Escalading Chained Sunny No Limit You have 48 hours to accept the invitation.If you dont accept,I take the player on the reserve and youre automatically out of the tournament.Random will be used to create the seeds.
Vous avez 48 heures pour accepter l'invitation.Si vous n'acceptez pas l'invitation,Je prendrai un joueur de la reserve et vous ĆŖtes automatiquement exclus du tournois.Une pige alĆ©atoire est fait pour crĆ©er le tableau des joueurs.
Come and Have Fun
Venez et ayez du plaisir
show: Players
Alexlau Butters1919 blonderic farinelli Beer Baron dmastrong KKlemen Cascades Evil Semp Fuzzy316 deanof7 ckyrias MyTurnToWin westbo reahma rmjw10 silversun6 efreddy Tomod JayRandy Arya zissou2 MattiWacklin macrillo Odeuminus musteriuz Field-Marshal Ot vegnagun ScaryTeded centac JackLovesMen spartacus65 AtreidesHouse agentcom Power Bomb dagothsunshine Yellow Peril musicalmaven machrs TheTrueNorth randy pierce concal Graeko dumhic Ebis chapcrap subprime fookeh Larkin2 HerrZ Marshallbobby Emperor69 friesuschrist Leatherhead Great-Ollie grifftron Jim1086 ElricTheGreat mr. white123 lerougetpe Napoleon47 chidone Tirbid VaieseMan
show: Reserves
Silly Knig-it
Bracket show: Round1
Group 1 1.machrs 2.MattiWacklin 3.chidone 4.ckyrias 5.HerrZ 6.JayRandy 7.Odeuminus 8.Field-Marshal Ot Group 2 9.Arya 10.KKlemen 11.musteriuz 12.silversun6 13.Ebis 14.Beer Baron 15.randy pierce 16.subprime Group 3 17.Tomod 18.Emperor69 19.Evil Semp 20.JackLovesMen 21.dumhic 22.agentcom 23.dagothsunshine 24.VaieseMan Group 4 25.chapcrap 26.Leatherhead 27.deanof7 28.Great-Ollie 29.ScaryTeded 30.farinelli 31.Yellow Peril 32.lerougetpe Group 5 33.macrillo 34.AtreidesHouse 35.Marshallbobby 36.westbo 37.vegnagun 38.Tirbid 39.Alexlau 40.rmjw10 Group 6 41.grifftron 42.TheTrueNorth 43.friesuschrist 44.dmastrong 45.reahma 46.spartacus65 47.MyTurnToWin 48.Power Bomb Group 7 49.Cascades 50.concal 51.efreddy 52.Napoleon47 53.blonderic 54.Jim1086 white123 56.Butters1919 Group 8 57.musicalmaven 58.zissou2 59.Larkin2 60.fookeh 61.centac 62.Fuzzy316 63.Graeko 64.ElricTheGreat
show: Round2
Group 1 1.chapcrap 2.Arya 3.ElricTheGreat 4.musteriuz 5.grifftron 6.musicalmaven 7.Alexlau 8.centac Group 2 9.KKlemen 10.Field-Marshal Ot white123 12.Great-Ollie 13.MattiWacklin 14.ckyrias 15.ScaryTeded 16.Tomod Group 3 17.Odeuminus 18.Tirbid 19.Evil Semp 20.machrs 21.AtreidesHouse 22.farinelli 23.chidone 24.agentcom Group 4 25.macrillo 26.rmjw10 27.Power Bomb 28.friesuschrist 29.efreddy 30.TheTrueNorth 31.Butters1919 32.blonderic Group 5 33.zissou2 34.Marshallbobby 35.JackLovesMen 36.VaieseMan 37.MyTurnToWin 38.westbo 39.reahma 40.fookehGroup 6 41.Beer Baron 42.subprime 43.HerrZ 44.dagothsunshine 45.lerougetpe 46.silversun6 47.Napoleon47 48.Yellow Peril Group 7 49.Leatherhead 50.Fuzzy316 51.Emperor69 52.randy pierce 53.Jim1086 54.concal 55.Graeko 56.dmastrong
show: Round3
Group 1 1.Yellow Peril 2.HerrZ 3.MyTurnToWin 4.Emperor69 5.lerougetpe 6.concal 7.machrs Group 2 8.grifftron 9.blonderic white123 11.Evil Semp 12.VaieseMan 13.Marshallbobby 14.centac Group 3 15.chapcrap 16.dmastrong 17.friesuschrist 18.JackLovesMen 19.Butters1919 20.agentcom 21.Graeko Group 4 22.chidone 23.Leatherhead 24.efreddy 25.Power Bomb 26.Great-Ollie 27.Arya 28.reahma Group 5 29.Jim1086 30.musteriuz 31.Tirbid 32.MattiWacklin 33.TheTrueNorth 34.dagothsunshine 35.musicalmaven Group 6 36.westbo 37.KKlemen 38.farinelli 39.silversun6 40.Fuzzy316 41.ckyrias 42.Beer Baron Group 7 43.rmjw10 44.fookeh 45.Field-Marshal Ot 46.Tomod 47.Odeuminus 48.subprime 49.ElricTheGreat
show: Round4
Group 1 1.reahma 2.MattiWacklin 3.VaieseMan 4.chidone 5.KKlemen 6.agentcom 7.Yellow Peril Group 2 8.musteriuz 9.Tirbid 10.dmastrong 11.Odeuminus 12.Emperor69 13.HerrZ 14.MyTurnToWin Group 3 15.Marshallbobby 16.Arya 17.fookeh white123 Didn't accept invitation in 48 hours 19.ckyrias 20.grifftron 21.friesuschrist Group 4 22.Leatherhead 23.Power Bomb 24.silversun6 25.musicalmaven 26.westbo 27.Great-Ollie 28.subprime Group 5 29.dagothsunshine 30.chapcrap 31.farinelli 32.concal 33.Graeko 34.ElricTheGreat 35.Field-Marshal Ot Group 6 36.machrs 37.blonderic 38.Beer Baron 39.TheTrueNorth 40.Tomod 41.Butters1919 42.centac
show: Round5
Group 1 1.Tirbid 2.Tomod 3.centac 4.musicalmaven 5.chidone 6.dmastrongGroup 2 7.ElricTheGreat 8.Marshallbobby 9.blonderic 10.westbo 11.HerrZ 12.GraekoGroup 3 13.ckyrias 14.reahma 15.Great-Ollie 16.Field-Marshal Ot 17.subprime 18.concalGroup 4 19.chapcrap 20.Power Bomb 21.Butters1919 22.Yellow Peril 23.agentcom 24.fookeh Group 5 25.KKlemen 26.friesuschrist 27.grifftron 28.TheTrueNorth 29.MattiWacklin 30.farinelliGroup 6 31.MyTurnToWin 32.Leatherhead 33.machrs 34.Arya 35.Odeuminus 36.Emperor69
show: Round6
Group 1 1.Marshallbobby 2.Power Bomb 3.ElricTheGreat 4.chapcrap 5.HerrZGroup 2 6.machrs 7.reahma 8.Emperor69 9.dmastrong out freemium 10.musicalmavenGroup 3 11.Field-Marshal Ot 12.Graeko 13.Tomod 14.centac 15.Great-OllieGroup 4 16.MyTurnToWin 17.Butters1919 18.blonderic 19.ckyrias 20.MattiWacklinGroup 5 21.KKlemen 22.Tirbid 23.farinelli 24.Arya 25.grifftronGroup 6 26.concal 27.TheTrueNorth 28.agentcom 29.Yellow Peril 30.Odeuminus
show: Round7
Group 1 1.machrs 2.Power Bomb 3.musicalmaven 4.Arya 5.Tirbid 6.chapcrapGroup 2 7.Odeuminus 8.HerrZ 9.reahma 10.MattiWacklin 11.centac 12.Field-Marshal OtGroup 3 13.ckyrias 14.Butters1919 15.Emperor69 16.concal 17.blonderic 18.GraekoGroup 4 19.ElricTheGreat 20.Yellow Peril 21.KKlemen 22.Great-Ollie 23.grifftron 24.TheTrueNorth
show: Round8
Group 1 1.ckyrias 2.Tirbid 3.Graeko 4.musicalmaven 5.HerrZGroup 2 6.TheTrueNorth 7.ElricTheGreat 8.grifftron 9.reahma 10.chapcrapGroup 3 11.blonderic 12.Great-Ollie 13.concal 14.MattiWacklin 15.centac Group 4 16.machrs 17.Field-Marshal Ot 18.Emperor69 19.Power Bomb 20.Yellow Peril
Group 1 1.Yellow Peril 2.musicalmaven go to the final 3.ElricTheGreat go to the final 4.grifftron 5.Emperor69 6.Great-Ollie go to the final 7.chapcrap go to the final 8.Field-Marshal OtGroup 2 9.Tirbid 10.concal 11.reahma 12.blonderic 13.MattiWacklingo to the final 14.HerrZgo to the final 15.Graekogo to the final 16.machrsgo to the final
show: FINALS
1.HerrZ 2.musicalmaven 3.chapcrap 4.Great-Ollie 5.ElricTheGreat 6.Graeko 7.MattiWacklin 8.machrs WINNER