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Pedro Nunes [noted]

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Re: Pedro Nunes

Postby s3xt0y on Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:26 am

Gillipig wrote:
s3xt0y wrote:
Gillipig wrote:
s3xt0y wrote:What have they done in the past for situations like this?

Mixed outcomes. Sometimes actions are taken sometimes they're not. I think a lot depends on if the player only plays these types of games. And have done so for quite some time.

Well this is a mixed if he continues to do this it would be considered ok...but if I went and made 50 Europe 5 player games I would get a spanking?

If you created 50 games like this it would be very obvious that you targeted newbies! I think intention is the key here. CC doesn't want to be a control freak and tell people who just like to play certain games that they can't do so. But they also don't want people to get away with farming newbies. This guy pedro nunes has almost only played on two maps. Europe and World 2.1. Based on that I'd say he just like these maps and is not targeting newbies. But I understand what you mean.

I understand what your saying but the fact remains that he does have a lot of 5 player games. If they were 6 player games there would be no question and Europe is not a horribly different map with 6 instead of 5, so it comes back around. He is targeting new players with his choice.
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Re: Pedro Nunes

Postby morleyjoe on Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:29 pm

Yes it is interesting - I clicked on Watch Game on 4 of his games I was thinking of joining, and next thing I knew every single one of 16 spots were filled with "?". Not another single type of player. Not sure on the odds about that, but it seems fishy.
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Re: Pedro Nunes

Postby chapcrap on Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:52 pm

I know that I have already previoulsy stated this, but I much prefer 5 player games to 6 player games. I know the difference in terts is slight, but for me, I have a preference. He probably does too. Maybe his preference is so that he can farm though. I don't know.
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Re: Pedro Nunes

Postby s3xt0y on Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:17 pm

For having just under 1000 views with no admin attention im beginning to think this is just going to let expire...
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Re: Pedro Nunes

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:00 pm

you want to find out if he is farming all of us scout his games and join them leave one spot open,if he drops them he was farming,or we can find out if he can actually play his maps
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Re: Pedro Nunes

Postby Symmetry on Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:07 am

Common-sense is the tool to employ. If a load of seasoned players can't work out exactly how the rules have been broken, but see that something is wrong, then a warning is what's needed, and maybe a rethink of the wording of the rules.

I had a look at this guy's games, and he hasn't really broken a rule, but he's gone against the spirit of the community. There's really no way he could have known that given that we're still debating whether it was right or wrong here, and we've been here for a while.

I'd let it go, but maybe note it to see if he gets another complaint. At worst- a warning.
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Re: Pedro Nunes

Postby chapcrap on Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:54 am

Symmetry wrote:Common-sense is the tool to employ. If a load of seasoned players can't work out exactly how the rules have been broken, but see that something is wrong, then a warning is what's needed, and maybe a rethink of the wording of the rules.

I had a look at this guy's games, and he hasn't really broken a rule, but he's gone against the spirit of the community. There's really no way he could have known that given that we're still debating whether it was right or wrong here, and we've been here for a while.

I'd let it go, but maybe note it to see if he gets another complaint. At worst- a warning.

I don't see how he's gone against the spirit of the community. He has been playing the same maps since he started. Did he start off as a farmer from day 1?
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Re: Pedro Nunes

Postby Gillipig on Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:54 am

chapcrap wrote:
Symmetry wrote:Common-sense is the tool to employ. If a load of seasoned players can't work out exactly how the rules have been broken, but see that something is wrong, then a warning is what's needed, and maybe a rethink of the wording of the rules.

I had a look at this guy's games, and he hasn't really broken a rule, but he's gone against the spirit of the community. There's really no way he could have known that given that we're still debating whether it was right or wrong here, and we've been here for a while.

I'd let it go, but maybe note it to see if he gets another complaint. At worst- a warning.

I don't see how he's gone against the spirit of the community. He has been playing the same maps since he started. Did he start off as a farmer from day 1?

My point exactly. He's not farming because these are the only types of games he's ever played. Even when he was a newbie he preferred these types of games. But if King_Herpes all of a sudden would start exclusively playing the same types of games it would be an obvious case of farming.
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Re: Pedro Nunes

Postby king achilles on Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:44 am

From his history of games, I still do not see that much of a collection of new recruits although I can see that he is a possible candidate of getting there.

Pedro Nunes has been sent a friendly message to divert his game settings from time to time or preferably make his game a 6-player setting to prove to us that he is not after the new recruits.

We have the farming rule so let's respect it. You can still choose the game settings that you want. You can still play a number of new recruits because of course, it's not illegal. But let's also not get too carried away to the point that we continue to do the same thing over and over and over again and collect as many new recruits as possible. When we check your game history, we would prefer to see a diverse collection of different types of opponents and not mostly of "?" players.


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Re: Pedro Nunes

Postby Symmetry on Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:45 am

chapcrap wrote:
Symmetry wrote:Common-sense is the tool to employ. If a load of seasoned players can't work out exactly how the rules have been broken, but see that something is wrong, then a warning is what's needed, and maybe a rethink of the wording of the rules.

I had a look at this guy's games, and he hasn't really broken a rule, but he's gone against the spirit of the community. There's really no way he could have known that given that we're still debating whether it was right or wrong here, and we've been here for a while.

I'd let it go, but maybe note it to see if he gets another complaint. At worst- a warning.

I don't see how he's gone against the spirit of the community. He has been playing the same maps since he started. Did he start off as a farmer from day 1?

Fair point- I checked further back, and you're right, and I was wrong.
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