Conquer Cup I

Introducing the Conquer Cup, our signature mega-tournament, the largest global domination game event in the world! No joke, we are actually going to submit this into the Guinness Book of World Records - so here's a shot at becoming part of a world record

Conquer Cup I will have 625 participants, first come first served. There is a small entry fee, but you can get in for free (see below). There are lots of prizes and awards including a grand prize Apple iPad2 going to the winner! But normally the cups will be held only 3 times a year.
The Conquer Cup is fully automated, which means the games wil be created automatically and players will be matched and placed into games automatically. In the future this new tournament automation technology will be available for community tournaments as well.
All the details are on the new Conquer Cup page, under the Game Menu on the left, so go check it out once you finish reading this announcement!
Super Achievements
In honour of the Conquer Cup, we've released a new category of medals, appropriately named "Super Acheivements" because they are super hard to get.

Conquer Cup Bronze Achievement: Awarded to members that were a quarter-finalist in the Conquer Cup.

Conquer Cup Silver Achievement: Awarded to members that were a semi-finalist in the Conquer Cup.

Conquer Cup Gold Achievement: Awarded to members that won the Conquer Cup.

Conqueror Achievement: Awarded to members that achieve the rank of Conqueror. Stay tuned for an announcement from our support admin, king achilles. He is working on a list of past Conquerors and will be issuing the Conqueror Achievement in the next 24 hours. Thanks to sailorseal for first suggesting this type of award.
Conquer Credits
You want to get Premium Membership, or register for the Conquer Cup, but you don't have a credit card. Sure, you can connect PayPal to your bank account or possibly apply for a credit card with TrialPay or participate in our Referral Program... but wouldn't it be much easier to fill out a couple of surveys? Conquer Clup has partnered with Peanut Labs to introduce our own currency - Conquer Credits. Collect credits by taking advantage of surveys and other offers until you have enough to redeem for premium or to register for the cup. To get you off on the right foot we're starting off all players on the scoreboard with a balance of 100 Conquer Credits, on the house!
Medals Awarded & Medal Recipients
We've provided a way for you to see who's holding the various medals of Conquer Club. From the medals page, there is now a view link underneath each medal count. Click the link to get to a page that lists all recipients of that medal, or all individual issues of that medal, accordingly. You can then search further by username.