by Tviorr on Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:58 pm
I count 70 classic maps. There are a number of Canada, British and other relatively straightforward and simple maps.
Im thinking that should be enough. I think its pretty great that HA manages a lot of different choices. Ive tried to mainly play on new maps. Certainly, Ive tried hard to stay away from playing a map where I already won a game, and I find it fairly straightforward to find a fresh map to play, even in round 11 and even though Im a freemium that tend to have only 1 spot reserved, so my third game is usually in fairly close to the wire.
Granted Ive lost a lot of games, which does help in keeping my options open, but still... that makes it a pretty good selection for my taste. And after all, the tourney was set up with a few medals, most pointing towards playing different opponents and different maps, so it shouldnt be a surprise that its not the object of the tourney to drown oneself in classic maps, should it?
In order to keep the map options open it might ... migth be an idea for HA to entertain to make a few more random maps, or for that matter add 10 or 20 for the last couple of days if there are none left. But thats up to HA of course and indeed that may already be a consideration thats in the fairly large workload that HA has taken on.
Good work, HA.
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