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Postby fritsyyy on Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:19 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis?
Conducting Secret Diplomacy?

Game number(s):

[game]9913341 [/game]


Hey sorry to bother the admin if im wrong but i feel as though i was ripped off in the game number i supplied. i could be 100 percent wrong but they refused to attack eachother and reinforced little troops when neighbouring countries to avoid killing the bonus.. i was the dominant play for most part of the game so i can understand why they kept killing my bonus but they made no attempt on killing eachothers bonus... thanks guys and i hope you can sought it out
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Re: 9913341 SPEED GAME

Postby sniffie on Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:08 pm

fritsyyy wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis?
Conducting Secret Diplomacy?

Game number(s):

Game 9913341


Hey sorry to bother the admin if im wrong but i feel as though i was ripped off in the game number i supplied. i could be 100 percent wrong but they refused to attack eachother and reinforced little troops when neighbouring countries to avoid killing the bonus.. i was the dominant play for most part of the game so i can understand why they kept killing my bonus but they made no attempt on killing eachothers bonus... thanks guys and i hope you can sought it out

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Re: 9913341 SPEED GAME

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:44 pm

Three player games are a breeding ground for SD complaints. Everybody has different game plans or strategies in games. Just because someone doesn't do the attack that you think they should doesn't make it secret diplomacy. You said that you were the strongest player most of the game so were you expecting the weaker players to beat each other down? In round 11 blue took a good amount of countries from both you and red, red came right back at blue then in round 12 and 13 you went after red. You left red weak enough for blue to take out.

I don't see the secret diplomacy that you claim. This is CLEARED.
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