Conquer Club

Game 9857776[closed]es

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Game 9857776[closed]es

Postby imthewarrior on Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:33 am


This player is using extreme profanity and threatening others with suiciding them if they don't attack others for him. This player should be banned or extremely reprimanded.


The accused are suspected of: Severe profanity and bullying

Game number:
Private 1st Class imthewarrior
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Re: Game 9857776

Postby jeraado on Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:56 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Severe profanity and bullying

Game number(s):

Game 9857776


This player is using extreme profanity and threatening others with suiciding them if they don't attack others for him. This player should be banned or extremely reprimanded.

Updated to the form and added links. Presumably the OP is basing the report on the gamechat:

2011-10-11 11:46:39 - tjd25041: Yellow, if you help mess up blue i wont attack you.
2011-10-12 02:36:04 - tjd25041: Yellow, take out astana. We gotta make some actual progress on him. I will not attack you as long as you go after him.
2011-10-12 03:20:22 - elingsley: deal, I was going to say the same thing to you.
2011-10-12 03:35:45 - tjd25041: Alright yellow, f*ck that. You just reinforced more. If i dont see you seriously f*ck up blue next move, im gonna say f*ck it and just go after you
2011-10-12 08:50:21 - elingsley: settle down, I didn't read your message until after I had finished my turn, and I took him out the turn before that. If I'd read it first it would have been done.

Firstly, CC does not prevent players from using profanities in gamechat. It may not be classy, but it also isn't against the rules. Also, he hasn't explicitly threatened to actually suicide, it could easily be read in the context that he's threatening to target you, and since suiciding is only against the rules insomuch as it is against the rules to deliberately throw games (or to support secret diplomacy), there really isn't enough there to prove that he is planning on breaking the rules, much less actually doing so.

My advice; this report is probably going to get closed. You can reflect your feelings in rating this player, and/or foe him and move on.
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Re: Game 9857776

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:09 pm

We don't generally moderate game chat unless it is extreme. You have the foe feature which means you won't be able to read his chat or posts in the forum. He also won't be able to join games that you have joined first. Marking this CLOSED.
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Sergeant 1st Class Evil Semp
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