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Tribal War - Florida v14.2 [31 Jan 2012] pg27

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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:44 pm

Thanks everyone.

What are the next steps for this? Obviously we're sitting tight, but just wondering what's next, and a possible time frame.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby isaiah40 on Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:13 pm

Seamus76 wrote:Thanks everyone.

What are the next steps for this? Obviously we're sitting tight, but just wondering what's next, and a possible time frame.

Next is beta, time frame is when it happens? :lol:

No seriously, whenever lack gets to uploading the files at break-necking turtle speed.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby thenobodies80 on Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:18 pm

Last Call

The map has passed through rigorous gameplay and graphics examinations and all major concerns have been addressed. If you have any other concerns, please make your voice heard. If after a reasonable amount of time there has not been any objection or protest, the map will be stamped and submitted for the Beta period.

Please, post questions and concerns if any.

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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Seamus76 on Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:16 pm

Insert Jeopardy theme song here...What is Beta, Alex? :D
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby mviola on Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:26 pm

I hate to be "that guy" but on the side shouldn't it be "scalp your opponents" not scalp your opponent?

It still makes grammatical sense, so it's not really a big deal.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Seamus76 on Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:48 pm

by mviola on Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:26 pm
I hate to be "that guy" but on the side shouldn't it be "scalp your opponents" not scalp your opponent?

It still makes grammatical sense, so it's not really a big deal.

Not a problem at all. That should be an easy fix if need be. Let us get this thing in Beta, hopefully soon, and see if there is anything else that comes up I can do at the same time as that. Thanks for looking so closely.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby koontz1973 on Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:06 am

not scalp your opponent? is better without the (s). Couple of reasons, you might only be in a 1v1 game so opponents is bad, also, you can only scalp one player at a time.

The original is good.

Insert Jeopardy theme song here...What is Beta, Alex

Name something you wait for that when it comes, people have instant opinions about?
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby ender516 on Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:06 pm

I prefer the plural: "scalp your opponents" or even "scalp your enemies". There may be only one other player in the game, but that player will have many braves (troops), at least to start.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby samuelc812 on Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:27 pm

Why not "scalp your opponent(s)", gives you the option ha

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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby thenobodies80 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:53 am

          Beta - Quenching

---The Final Forge period has concluded for the Tribal War - Florida Map. All objections have had their time. The Foundry and I hereby brand this map with the Foundry Beta Brand. Let it be known that this map is now ready for BETA Play. After an extended period of time in BETA and once all quirks and issues have been resolved, the map will be put into Full Play (barring any Lack vetoes).

Conquer Club, enjoy!


While the map is in BETA Play, there are a couple of administrative tasks that are required of the mapmaker(s) in addition to the initial gameplay testing:
    1. Please ensure that the first post of the thread contains all the necessary information to help future visitors to the development thread; it's particularly important to ensure the most recent images are there, along with any helpful guides (such as gameplay quirks/nuances or the location/size of any starting neutrals etc.)
    2. Finally, it is the responsibility of the mapmaker(s) to ensure that they respond to further feedback in a timely and constructive manner.

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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:31 am

What a great day! Officially CC's 200th Map, such an honor.

We're so excited to see this in action and we hope everyone enjoys it. Thank you again to all who helped this map along.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Flapcake on Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:34 am

Congratulation Seamus =D>

Im looking forward to play your cool map :D
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:42 am

Great new Seamus, been looking forward to this. Remember though, you have responsibilities though now, and that is to let everyone in the foundry to play you and win as well. ;)
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:38 am

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:42 am
Great new Seamus, been looking forward to this. Remember though, you have responsibilities though now, and that is to let everyone in the foundry to play you and win as well.

Wait a second Koontz, you told me I had to lose when we first played on your map, and I obligingly did. LOL!!
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:56 am

Noticing a couple of issues so far:

1. Greasemonkey doesn't seem to be allowing the Log to load. If you turn it off and reload the page the game will work.
2. In a 1v1 game players should be starting with 8 territories, not 14. We'll have to fix that in the code.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby VicFontaine on Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:21 pm

Just a suggestion—and "No," I didn't read this thread at all:

It would be a good idea to have the canoes be a bonus of +2 or +1, or even +1 auto if all three are held, or something like that. Transportation is always important in war!
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby b00060 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:41 pm

Any new map that gets posted in Beta and the map maker, V.J. joins a bunch of the games within minutes of its release to farm people is plain cheap ass crap. I will be spreading the word to not create any games for this map as the makers seem to be joining them and reaping points. Talk about some bullshit!
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby b00060 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:59 pm

I stand corrected, he has also joined team games as the co-creators partner Seamus76. If this is acceptable to the CC community, then there is definitely something wrong here. Number 1, this is clearly taking advantage of players for easy wins. Number 2, you would think they would want to make everyone's experience on their map enjoyable, not joining every game so they can dominate a complicated map they know extremely well. If you want to tool around and play on your own map, set up some private games, not go out and join games to STEAL points.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:21 pm

by b00060 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:59 pm
I stand corrected, he has also joined team games as the co-creators partner Seamus76. If this is acceptable to the CC community, then there is definitely something wrong here. Number 1, this is clearly taking advantage of players for easy wins. Number 2, you would think they would want to make everyone's experience on their map enjoyable, not joining every game so they can dominate a complicated map they know extremely well. If you want to tool around and play on your own map, set up some private games, not go out and join games to STEAL points.

Wow, this is an extremely harsh accusation, and ridiculous in it's own right. I personally take offense to your comments and your tone.

First of all let me say that this map is our way of giving back to the CC Community, and that we only want people to enjoy the map, and play on it for a very long time, over and over. That is why we worked extremely hard, for hundreds of hours, and for more than 6 months.

Second, we have been waiting a long time to play on this map, and have played against each other as well. There is no rule that creators of maps can't join games on them, and again we are just excited to finally play on it. I can't speak for V.J., but this map is extremely fair regardless of how well we know the map from a creation standpoint, and from what it looks like the game you played with him was Freestyle, which is completely different from a standard game and takes more of your own personal strategy to win, or lose rather than who knows the map better.

Third, I think most people would really enjoy the challenge of competing against the map maker, I know I was honored to get my butt kicked by Koontz when his map came out, or to win or lose against amazing cartographers like Cairns, nattydread, and the rest.

I'm really sorry you had a bad experience but your accusation is unfounded, and offensive.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby b00060 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:30 pm

OFFENSIVE????? How about you see a new map and want to play it so you create a game and it gets joined right away by the mapmaker who promptly takes his turns and ends and then stalls knowing that he has you screwed (Oh yeah, hey knew anyone that has BOB would have their screen frozen so he could do whatever he wanted). Perhaps a Hey, I am the mapmaker, mind if I join your game. As someone and anyone that is trying to learn a map, i think a bullshit out of the gate blindside was uncalled for and flat out soured me on this map. Now that I know who the map makers are and how they operate, I will stay clear of both of you and the map. If you don't see how that is wrong, then that's on you. I could see after a few weeks once people get familiar with the map or if they ask permission, but right out of the gates, knowing that bob will screw their opponent in a freestyle game on the map they know, then no, it is not ok and I take offense. I am deeply appreciative of the those that have created maps here, because it is what makes CC so special, but this, this is not on the up and up.

oh and V.J.s actions display the exact opposite of this remark:

First of all let me say that this map is our way of giving back to the CC Community, and that we only want people to enjoy the map, and play on it for a very long time, over and over. That is why we worked extremely hard, for hundreds of hours, and for more than 6 months.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:45 pm

Well, all I can say is sorry you feel that way, and sorry you had a bad experience. That was certainly not either of our intents, and seeing available games I'm sure he was just excited to play someone on it. Unfortunately anyone who uses bob on a regular basis is at a disadvantage right now since bob doesn't like the map at the moment, but I wouldn't call your game a blindside. Looking at the log there wasn't much strategy or bonus play involved, and looked like it was just a straight up fight of the dice. We will both not be joining any more public games, and didn't realize that would cause a negative effect, this is our first map, and having never played on it before either, we are both learning as well and trying to identify any bugs or gameplay issues, but I guess that was the wrong way to go about it.

I would ask that at least give the map another chance, and reconsider your opinion of us, but if nothing else give the map a chance.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby b00060 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:28 pm

I accept that response Semus and have had nothing but good experiences with you in the past. The part that was upsetting was he knew it was freestyle and that bob didn't work and took advantage of that delay and even stalled to eliminate my bonus for the upcoming round. That accompanied with intimate knowledge of the bonuses and the map made it like taking candy from a baby and definitely not a positive first time experience on a map. I will definitely give the map a try again, but not until it passes the beta testing. As you mentioned above, this game had no strategy involved other than it was freestyle and he took advantage of the BOB malfunction. Not to say he would not have won anyways as he definitely knew the bonuses to grab and the map way better than i did, which was why it was a blindside. Knowing that BOB didn't work and would essentially freeze me in a freestyle game was taking advantage of inside knowledge. As I said, i created this game right after it was released, so there was no way for me to know this flaw. Alas, Beta games come with a warning, i just didn't know I would have to worry about the creator taking advantage of the current game flaws for an easy victory and then saying don't be a sore loser boy? Just low class on VJs part.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:40 pm

I appreciate you giving it another chance, and hope this is water under the bridge, it is certainly from my standpoint and I by no means meant any disrespect or hard feelings at all. Personally I really can't talk about freestyle games too much since I have never played a freestyle game and have no idea how it works. I do know V.J. though, and he would not have looked at the game and purposefully used the bob malfunction as a way to cheaply take advantage of the situation. I apologize again though for the situation, and do understand your point of view. We do need people to play as many games as possible during beta to work out any bugs that may be out there, so if you change your mind and are able to play some more games please let me know how we can make the map better. Thanks again for taking the time to set you games.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Incandenza on Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:12 pm

Excuse me, "scalp your opponents"? Really? Scalping? In Conquistador-era Florida? Hooooooookay.
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Re: Tribal War - Florida v13.0 [19 Sep 2011] pg18

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:15 pm

by Incandenza on Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:12 pm
Excuse me, "scalp your opponents"? Really? Scalping? In Conquistador-era Florida? Hooooooookay.

Being born and raised in Florida I would have accepted Cheesy, but since I couldn't have the Chief's wearing cutoff jean shorts I'm really not sure I follow your post. There is plenty of evidence to suggest the Timucua were the first tribe to witness the landing of Ponce de Leon in St Augustine in 1513. Then in 1539, Hernando de Soto, a very famous Spanish Conquistador led an army of more than 500 men through the western parts of Timucua territory. In 1564 a French expedition under Laudonnière brought an artist with them, Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues. He painted numerous scenes of Timucuan life which were then published in engravings done by the Flemish artist Theodor De Bry in 1591. Le Moyne's picture "Trophies and Ceremonies after a Victory", show three poles upon which "trophies" were suspended. Flanking a pole with a scalp at its top is a pole with an arm tied to it and another with a leg fastened to it in the same way. It shows rigid strands (vines maybe) that spiral down the poles, connecting the top of the trophy to the ground. The "trophies" are meant to be the surviving physical attachments to which the souls of the slain warriors remain fixed. The arm, scalp, and leg probably represent respectively, executive power, spirit, and motion.

So basically, at least the Timucua scalped their enemies during the time Conquistadors were in Florida.
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