Moderator: Tournament Directors
OliverFA wrote:Game 9416073 OliverFA wins!Seems that two wins put me in the next phase!
xman5151 wrote:4 games, 4 wins! I don't plan on losing
V.J. wrote:I'm dropping out because I'll be out of town and I don't want to lose like that.
Thanks for the invite!
Dukasaur wrote:stretchingdog and Shaba have missed their first invite. Re-invited.
nacmonkey missed his first invite, re-invited.
smithrog has missed an invite, but I have to be lenient with him, because he had originally accepted his invite into the game that was re-made when V.J. quit. It's not his fault the game was re-made.
If stretchingdog, Shaba, and nacmonkey miss their second invites, I will nuke all 3 games that they are in, and remake them as one 5-player game and one 6-player game with the surviving players.
xman5151 wrote:4 games, 4 wins! I don't plan on losing
Dukasaur wrote:Game 9565438
Still waiting for one last game. Might have to impose an arbitrary limit soon.
Dukasaur wrote:Only one Round 6 game still going.
If the Round 6 game ends before that last Round 5 game, I will have to invoke the Deadlocked Games rule.
2011-10-17 07:45:47 - Dukasaur: Okay, guys, round six has come and gone.
2011-10-17 07:46:30 - Dukasaur: I have to invoke the deadlocked games rule
2011-10-17 07:48:20 - Dukasaur: Five days notice: 8:45 my time (or as close to it as I can manage) next Saturday I will come here and declare a winner according to the reinforcements received on your last turn previous to that time.
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