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IA vs The Pack - 23 - 28 of 51 Final (11/12)

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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby John Deere on Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:03 am

John Deere wrote:
Oh i love the way IA brings in a new player at last minute (before the war) to help them, Whats next? Gonna bring someone else in for reinforcements? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So IA brings in two good players to play us? :lol: :lol: :lol: I dont understand your guys concern. We are just a bunch of toothless hill billy rednecks, heck we just barely got internet last year. buts i surely do enjoys these fun risk games........ :lol:
Thanks grifftron for the pic! Your the man:)
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby Great-Ollie on Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:20 am

Sure wish they would update the thread, not sure why they insisted on running a war thread when they clearly have no interest in keeping it updated. Looks really good on leadership. Still waiting on over due games.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby chemefreak on Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:05 am

I just want to let everyone know that the CDs are watching this thread closely. I also want to remind you all of the following:

Subject: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011]

War Thread Behaviour

In order to curb some poor behaviour in the war threads, players will be denied medals if their behaviour is deemed to be disruptive or inappropriate, even if it does not meet the site wide policy for a forum infraction. In the past, we’ve locked war threads due to the behaviour of a single individual, thus inherently punishing both clans. In order to be consistent, this will only be applied by the Clan Dept Head (most often these issues are raised by the CD team).

In other words, let's keep this civil. Thanks.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby ljex on Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:06 am

lynch5762 wrote:
Leehar wrote:
Great-Ollie wrote:Now they won't even post the score! LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Has it been a week yet? :-$

And betiko makes a good point tho, It's obviously a lot of you talking here, and for better or worse that is what most of the clan world sees, and unfortunately it really doesn't reflect well upon you. You may say all your trash-talking is all in good fun, but honestly it doesn't look like that. Maybe you do have valid cause, but to come here with half your clan to complain about ratings? Seriously?

If they really are insulting you even worse in the games, then let your play do the talking (and perhaps you are), but I think it's about time you guys picked your battles and at least tried to keep a low keel for once. It is somewhat understandable if you guys are happy at being unbeaten so far, and props to you for that, but it gets very few friends when you move towards arrogance that many would view as undeserved (with half the wins coming for now against other new clans and not top quality opposition like how thota and tofu racked up their unbeaten streaks.)
Maybe you guys don't care how you're viewed either, but it really doesn't come off well, so I do urge you to perhaps restrain yourself a bit more than you have seemed to so far. Maybe you've viewed it as defending yourselves against attacks from outside parties, but ignoring things like that can do wonders (And which I believe most of IA has done so well, loki and co haven't seemed to rise to your bait as you have to demons provocation)

Let's get a couple of things straight...
No Leehar... it hasn't been half of our clan complaining about ratings... that is the point!! I hate to be a stickler for details, but there have only been 6 post by us that relate directly to the bullshit ratings they have given our players during these war games.. (that hardly constitutes half of our clan)
On the other hand.... there have been 12 posts by ljex alone and several from many others trying to take their jabs at us about the lack of opponents we have faced and our style of play... so this thread has gone from back and forth banter to total self defense!!! It seems to me that is an obvious assumption but we are always the first to admit it??? All we can do is sit back and wait
I for one am proud to be a part of a group that has 100% support from ALL of it's members to back each other up and if that means that we are more vocal then so be it!!

To be honest... the posts from outside clans in this thread has out numbered IA's posts 2 to 1 and for that I feel bad for IA (not because they can't speak for themselves but because I think for the most part they are a stand up bunch of people and have decided to stay out of this crap) I commend them for that and let's not forget that this is their war thread also.

Yes there has been plenty of "smack talking" by us and it has been equally matched by a couple of the IA squad... I think it is obvious that we can appreciate a little smack talking but.....

There have been several posts that reference other clans not wanting to play with us because of what we say..... In response to that, let me make one thing clear for sure...



Now I don't mean to be harsh and I am sure that you thought you post was good advice for us to head... but quite frankly we are sick of uninformed and unwarranted opinions (and advice) on how we should carry ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks again to IA for the war and good luck the rest of the way!

Firstly, i love how you act like 12 posts is such a big number...any time you get into a discussion with someone the amount of times you post in a thread is going to rise significantly.

Second, you can believe whatever you want, but i never intended to infer that the pack were not a good clan or take jabs at your lack of opponents. That is not a discussion for this thread, and you are playing a good opponent here so why the f*ck would i care who you play aside from a ranking thread where i said i didnt think you deserved to be in the top 10 YET! That is an important word, i know you guys are a top 10 clan, but your results at the time did not justify that ranking to me.

Third, go and look back at some of my post...i actually argued on the packs side for a few of the posts so saying 12 posts and then right after it saying i am taking jabs at you makes it sound like all of the posts are dedicated to jabs at you...a misrepresentation of the facts.

After looking at my posts, there have been more than 12 of them so idk where you got your stats. Anyway i would make the same arguments vs any other clan, believe it or not i dont hate the pack. Its also of note that i have been called out by name in about 5 pack posts so would you really expect me to not respond if i am reading the thread? Anyway the pack have proven to be very illogical in my opinion (see that guys? i started saying in my opinion so that you dont think i somehow think i am a god who knows everything). Why the f*ck would anyone care about ratings or think it is not a broken system? Do you really have the right to insult IA game choices of maps when you choose city mogul dubs? Furthermore complaining about the settings they are sending you? Lastly just because you are more positive points on a map does not mean you are better at the map. You must realize i am arguing the issues not arguing vs the people.

Ill do my best to leave now though i know myself well enough to realize that the pack will probably respond and then i will want to make a counter argument so if you really want me to leave...and here is where you really have the ball in your hands. Stop calling me out by name or posting in response to my posts, i know its hard...i probably wouldnt be able to do it. But i dont mind arguing here, you just keep asking me to leave so lets see how much you want that to happen.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby lynch5762 on Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:43 am

I never said that 12 posts was a lot... I just said it was more than most IA team members have... My only point was that Leehar's comment about us crying about ratings this whole thread was inaccurate...

I also realize that you have made comments on both sides but you have to admit that some of your posts where an attempt to belittle us... I don't care what you say really, I was only trying to point out that we get chastised for voicing our opinions yet that is all that everyone else is doing as well?? you can say as much as you want as far as I am concerned and I will do the same
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby GeneralRisk on Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:51 pm

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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby hmsps on Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:00 pm

chemefreak wrote:I just want to let everyone know that the CDs are watching this thread closely. I also want to remind you all of the following:

Subject: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011]

War Thread Behaviour

In order to curb some poor behaviour in the war threads, players will be denied medals if their behaviour is deemed to be disruptive or inappropriate, even if it does not meet the site wide policy for a forum infraction. In the past, we’ve locked war threads due to the behaviour of a single individual, thus inherently punishing both clans. In order to be consistent, this will only be applied by the Clan Dept Head (most often these issues are raised by the CD team).

In other words, let's keep this civil. Thanks.
Can you quote specifically what particular posts you are getting at or is this just another one jumping on the posters against the pack bandwagon? I have no particular allegience to either clan but it does seem that the so called neutrals on here seem to be well against the pack and their members. Certain members of the pack have continued to request that the thread is kept civil and asked that certain posters respectfully refrain from posting but the baits keep coming. I therefore hope your comment was more of a general observation as opposed to another biased attack
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby IR1SH ACE on Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:12 pm

wow what a war whats the score? :?
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby chemefreak on Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:22 pm

hmsps wrote:
chemefreak wrote:I just want to let everyone know that the CDs are watching this thread closely. I also want to remind you all of the following:

Subject: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011]

War Thread Behaviour

In order to curb some poor behaviour in the war threads, players will be denied medals if their behaviour is deemed to be disruptive or inappropriate, even if it does not meet the site wide policy for a forum infraction. In the past, we’ve locked war threads due to the behaviour of a single individual, thus inherently punishing both clans. In order to be consistent, this will only be applied by the Clan Dept Head (most often these issues are raised by the CD team).

In other words, let's keep this civil. Thanks.
Can you quote specifically what particular posts you are getting at or is this just another one jumping on the posters against the pack bandwagon? I have no particular allegience to either clan but it does seem that the so called neutrals on here seem to be well against the pack and their members. Certain members of the pack have continued to request that the thread is kept civil and asked that certain posters respectfully refrain from posting but the baits keep coming. I therefore hope your comment was more of a general observation as opposed to another biased attack

To the Peanut Gallery:

Both clan leaders know we CDs, myself included, have nothing against either clan. If fact, both clan leaders have pm'd me expressing their approval of this reminder. The reminder was directed at everyone, including players not in this war. Thus far the thread is highly amusing and right on the edge (give or take a word or two) of what a WAR thread probably should look like. If anyone has any further issues please feel free to message any of the CDs for further discussions.

This one is going to be close. I personally blew my prediction on this one. For that, I anticipate plenty of (deserved) crap from The Pack ;) Let's keep in clean and keep it fun.

:twisted: ChemE :twisted:
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby ljex on Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:23 pm

lynch5762 wrote:I never said that 12 posts was a lot... I just said it was more than most IA team members have... My only point was that Leehar's comment about us crying about ratings this whole thread was inaccurate...

I also realize that you have made comments on both sides but you have to admit that some of your posts where an attempt to belittle us... I don't care what you say really, I was only trying to point out that we get chastised for voicing our opinions yet that is all that everyone else is doing as well?? you can say as much as you want as far as I am concerned and I will do the same

Ah my misunderstanding on the 12 post thing, i must have misread it.

Yes some of my post had belittling remarks, but you can't say they were directed at the pack as a whole because they were directed at specific members. You have also made belittling remarks to me though and i know i wont ever care, such is the way of an argument. My only concern about you voicing your opinions is that they are not grounded by any supporting evidence. Ill just throw out one example because i don't really want to rehash every argument that has been made in this thread. Because it is mentioned in your post ill just go with the rating one. Rating is a broken system for many reasons...
1) ratings have no time weight nor do they ever fall off your record...if you think i am the same player now as i was 3 years ago you are sadly mistaken. Yet all of the ratings i got when i would deadbeat or make noob plays are still on my record the same as the rating i got yesterday
2) when 3 stars is average and a good rating is 4.8 (or close to excellent), one will actually get punished if someone rates you based on the intended use of the system.
3) many people are spiteful raters
4) not everyone rates you for every game...thus as people are more likely to rate you if they had a bad experience it is not a true judgement of your game play

the list goes on and on about why rating is pointless but i digress. Complaining about ratings is pointless because the system is pointless, I can understand why you care that he gave you an undeserved rating...he shouldn't have and it is a classless act but you shouldn't worry about it either. Not only is it a broken system but one spiteful rating is not going to make a huge difference over the years...
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby John Deere on Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:37 pm

Since we cant even get a score posted in the thread i will do it, It should be 12-8 Pack up
Thanks grifftron for the pic! Your the man:)
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby tec805 on Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:01 pm

hmsps this just another one jumping on the posters against the pack bandwagon? ...but it does seem that the so called neutrals on here seem to be well against the pack and their members...

I actually have to commend chemefreak on holding his tongue in this thread - he has been so anti-Pack for some reason that I'd expect him to do everything he could to cause us grief :roll:
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby Leehar on Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:17 pm

There's the Pack, and then there's the anti-pack, or wait, should that be UnPack! 8-[
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby tec805 on Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:30 pm

Leehar wrote:There's the Pack, and then there's the anti-pack, or wait, should that be UnPack! 8-[

I can understand an anti-Pack if we were a bunch of raging ass-hats, but anyone who has played us can tell you we are a quite polite, well mannered slobbering pack of wild beast. (see that handsome fellow to the right---> 4.9 rating for a reason!) ;)

Of course the UnPack would be 0-7 for clan wars and not have had a chance at such a highly ranked clan as IA! :lol:
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby TheMissionary on Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:19 pm

What's the official score?
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby betiko on Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:32 pm

qwert wrote:damn,these is fantastic clan war in bouth battlefield(games war and topic war).
Mine clan still need to learn much,much more to be good in bouth fields.
Just cary on, you got mine support :)

you sure don t need to know much more about creating maps. congrats on all the excellent ones you you did man, impressive!
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby Great-Ollie on Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:42 pm

TheMissionary wrote:What's the official score?

Official score is 12 to 8 for the PACK. We do have some losses coming though. Should be tight going into round 3.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby betiko on Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:13 pm

ljex wrote:
lynch5762 wrote:I never said that 12 posts was a lot... I just said it was more than most IA team members have... My only point was that Leehar's comment about us crying about ratings this whole thread was inaccurate...

I also realize that you have made comments on both sides but you have to admit that some of your posts where an attempt to belittle us... I don't care what you say really, I was only trying to point out that we get chastised for voicing our opinions yet that is all that everyone else is doing as well?? you can say as much as you want as far as I am concerned and I will do the same

Ah my misunderstanding on the 12 post thing, i must have misread it.

Yes some of my post had belittling remarks, but you can't say they were directed at the pack as a whole because they were directed at specific members. You have also made belittling remarks to me though and i know i wont ever care, such is the way of an argument. My only concern about you voicing your opinions is that they are not grounded by any supporting evidence. Ill just throw out one example because i don't really want to rehash every argument that has been made in this thread. Because it is mentioned in your post ill just go with the rating one. Rating is a broken system for many reasons...
1) ratings have no time weight nor do they ever fall off your record...if you think i am the same player now as i was 3 years ago you are sadly mistaken. Yet all of the ratings i got when i would deadbeat or make noob plays are still on my record the same as the rating i got yesterday
2) when 3 stars is average and a good rating is 4.8 (or close to excellent), one will actually get punished if someone rates you based on the intended use of the system.
3) many people are spiteful raters
4) not everyone rates you for every game...thus as people are more likely to rate you if they had a bad experience it is not a true judgement of your game play

the list goes on and on about why rating is pointless but i digress. Complaining about ratings is pointless because the system is pointless, I can understand why you care that he gave you an undeserved rating...he shouldn't have and it is a classless act but you shouldn't worry about it either. Not only is it a broken system but one spiteful rating is not going to make a huge difference over the years...

dude, just a last word about ratings. for me it s just something that expresses how the oponent behaved... at least this is how i rate. if i play vs a private and the guy is nice and did a couple of noob moves i d still give 5 stars. if the guy has been a total asshole in his way of playing and in the chat d rate 1s. if you want to judge how good/experienced the player is just take a look at his points, win rate, game played medals; and for me all normal players are like between 4.4 and 4.8; because if there hasn t been any problems people just put 5s, i guess also expecting 5s in return.
if i see a guy with under 4.4 before entering a game, i thing that he s either a suicider, a sore looser/trash talker or a deadbeater..
If you were a different player 3 years ago; well, people re-rate and people have been rating you since; and with the average and all what you did since it still should be ok.
just look at page 1 of the scoreboard, there is just one guy under 4.5! and given what he writes here and in games; i do find useful to take into consideration an average rating (with no corelation with gameplay!)
anyway, i m done talking about ratings.

the other thing, about win % vs points per map; don t forget that if you usualy play singles, assassin or terminator with 7 other players ect, obviously the win % can t be compared with th one from someone playing only teamvsteam or 1vs1, so yes, i do believe points are not just a crap factor that look good on lower ranked players.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby Txflier on Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:16 pm

Ok, I'd like to address the issue about ratings. Yes I'm aware that crappy ratings pop up from time to time from bitter players and for the most part if you have a decent rating those inaccurate ratings are ignored by most players. My point was that getting this type of rating in a clan war for no reason is unacceptable. While I did respond to Jimboy's rating rather harshly on his wall and I think PM it was in direct response to his BS rating, and I'm sure I was pretty drunk that night. :lol: (in his defense he did post something on my wall about him re-rating me after we played each other again) which I thought was at least a little stand up of him, and I was going to respond, but he deleted the comment so I figured he was standing by his rating. and for the comments that got me that rating I'll post below, since I'm assuming nobody went and read game chat. All I wanted to address was an BS rating for no reason. Anyways my 2 cents. Been enjoying the war and hope it can stay civil.

2011-09-14 14:55:06 - VampireM: now that most of been some great dice!
2011-09-14 16:22:44 - Txflier: eh so so. ;) :p
2011-09-14 22:19:27 - Txflier: LOL Vamp, talk about good dice.
2011-09-15 17:55:32 - VampireM: just thought i would even it out a little
2011-09-15 20:27:56 - Txflier: well yellow tried to return the favor, but just missed ya. :p
2011-09-16 08:39:04 - jimboy: Unreal....
2011-09-16 08:41:26 - jimboy: When you guys have such a sizable lead, that was created by dice and dice only, why would you even comment about Vamp getting good dice when it doesn't matter anymore?
2011-09-16 08:42:03 - jimboy: I'm sorry but I find that very amusing
2011-09-16 08:44:23 - jimboy: Next time please just take the high road and enjoy the win
2011-09-16 08:44:46 - jimboy: gg guys. Well played
2011-09-16 10:46:36 - Txflier: wow talk about getting your panties in a bunch. I was joking around with him because yes I did have great dice, and then he came back and had great dice as well. I wasn't bitching about anything.
2011-09-16 10:48:47 - Txflier: one bad thing about typing on the net, sometimes the meaning is lost in translation.
2011-09-16 10:49:32 - Txflier: good game team 2
Last edited by Txflier on Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby ljex on Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:27 pm

betiko wrote:
ljex wrote:
lynch5762 wrote:I never said that 12 posts was a lot... I just said it was more than most IA team members have... My only point was that Leehar's comment about us crying about ratings this whole thread was inaccurate...

I also realize that you have made comments on both sides but you have to admit that some of your posts where an attempt to belittle us... I don't care what you say really, I was only trying to point out that we get chastised for voicing our opinions yet that is all that everyone else is doing as well?? you can say as much as you want as far as I am concerned and I will do the same

Ah my misunderstanding on the 12 post thing, i must have misread it.

Yes some of my post had belittling remarks, but you can't say they were directed at the pack as a whole because they were directed at specific members. You have also made belittling remarks to me though and i know i wont ever care, such is the way of an argument. My only concern about you voicing your opinions is that they are not grounded by any supporting evidence. Ill just throw out one example because i don't really want to rehash every argument that has been made in this thread. Because it is mentioned in your post ill just go with the rating one. Rating is a broken system for many reasons...
1) ratings have no time weight nor do they ever fall off your record...if you think i am the same player now as i was 3 years ago you are sadly mistaken. Yet all of the ratings i got when i would deadbeat or make noob plays are still on my record the same as the rating i got yesterday
2) when 3 stars is average and a good rating is 4.8 (or close to excellent), one will actually get punished if someone rates you based on the intended use of the system.
3) many people are spiteful raters
4) not everyone rates you for every game...thus as people are more likely to rate you if they had a bad experience it is not a true judgement of your game play

the list goes on and on about why rating is pointless but i digress. Complaining about ratings is pointless because the system is pointless, I can understand why you care that he gave you an undeserved rating...he shouldn't have and it is a classless act but you shouldn't worry about it either. Not only is it a broken system but one spiteful rating is not going to make a huge difference over the years...

dude, just a last word about ratings. for me it s just something that expresses how the oponent behaved... at least this is how i rate. if i play vs a private and the guy is nice and did a couple of noob moves i d still give 5 stars. if the guy has been a total asshole in his way of playing and in the chat d rate 1s. if you want to judge how good/experienced the player is just take a look at his points, win rate, game played medals; and for me all normal players are like between 4.4 and 4.8; because if there hasn t been any problems people just put 5s, i guess also expecting 5s in return.
if i see a guy with under 4.4 before entering a game, i thing that he s either a suicider, a sore looser/trash talker or a deadbeater..
If you were a different player 3 years ago; well, people re-rate and people have been rating you since; and with the average and all what you did since it still should be ok.
just look at page 1 of the scoreboard, there is just one guy under 4.5! and given what he writes here and in games; i do find useful to take into consideration an average rating (with no corelation with gameplay!)
anyway, i m done talking about ratings.

the other thing, about win % vs points per map; don t forget that if you usualy play singles, assassin or terminator with 7 other players ect, obviously the win % can t be compared with th one from someone playing only teamvsteam or 1vs1, so yes, i do believe points are not just a crap factor that look good on lower ranked players.

What is a system that only differentiates one player out of the top 250? Do you really think there is only one ass hole in the top 250 players? If not then the system does not differentiate players adequately. Obviously there is more than one annoying player in the top 250 just look at memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=228722.

Yes win % does not factor the various alternative types of games...though if you do relative win % then that would be the most accurate i agree but it requires a great deal more work and time which is not always worth it.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby Txflier on Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:33 pm

Side note: I'd be surprised if any clan would ignore such frivolous ratings against its members in a war. It's not the rating so much, as the lack of respect and maturity the rating represents.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby GeneralRisk on Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:50 pm

TheMissionary wrote:What's the official score?
Score gets updated hopefully before war is over
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby betiko on Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:57 pm

ljex wrote:What is a system that only differentiates one player out of the top 250? Do you really think there is only one ass hole in the top 250 players? If not then the system does not differentiate players adequately. Obviously there is more than one annoying player in the top 250 just look at memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=228722.

Yes win % does not factor the various alternative types of games...though if you do relative win % then that would be the most accurate i agree but it requires a great deal more work and time which is not always worth it.

lol, don t know that player but the profile says a lot!
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby GeneralRisk on Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:24 pm

ljex wrote:
betiko wrote:
ljex wrote:
lynch5762 wrote:I never said that 12 posts was a lot... I just said it was more than most IA team members have... My only point was that Leehar's comment about us crying about ratings this whole thread was inaccurate...

I also realize that you have made comments on both sides but you have to admit that some of your posts where an attempt to belittle us... I don't care what you say really, I was only trying to point out that we get chastised for voicing our opinions yet that is all that everyone else is doing as well?? you can say as much as you want as far as I am concerned and I will do the same

Ah my misunderstanding on the 12 post thing, i must have misread it.

Yes some of my post had belittling remarks, but you can't say they were directed at the pack as a whole because they were directed at specific members. You have also made belittling remarks to me though and i know i wont ever care, such is the way of an argument. My only concern about you voicing your opinions is that they are not grounded by any supporting evidence. Ill just throw out one example because i don't really want to rehash every argument that has been made in this thread. Because it is mentioned in your post ill just go with the rating one. Rating is a broken system for many reasons...
1) ratings have no time weight nor do they ever fall off your record...if you think i am the same player now as i was 3 years ago you are sadly mistaken. Yet all of the ratings i got when i would deadbeat or make noob plays are still on my record the same as the rating i got yesterday
2) when 3 stars is average and a good rating is 4.8 (or close to excellent), one will actually get punished if someone rates you based on the intended use of the system.
3) many people are spiteful raters
4) not everyone rates you for every game...thus as people are more likely to rate you if they had a bad experience it is not a true judgement of your game play

the list goes on and on about why rating is pointless but i digress. Complaining about ratings is pointless because the system is pointless, I can understand why you care that he gave you an undeserved rating...he shouldn't have and it is a classless act but you shouldn't worry about it either. Not only is it a broken system but one spiteful rating is not going to make a huge difference over the years...

dude, just a last word about ratings. for me it s just something that expresses how the oponent behaved... at least this is how i rate. if i play vs a private and the guy is nice and did a couple of noob moves i d still give 5 stars. if the guy has been a total asshole in his way of playing and in the chat d rate 1s. if you want to judge how good/experienced the player is just take a look at his points, win rate, game played medals; and for me all normal players are like between 4.4 and 4.8; because if there hasn t been any problems people just put 5s, i guess also expecting 5s in return.
if i see a guy with under 4.4 before entering a game, i thing that he s either a suicider, a sore looser/trash talker or a deadbeater..
If you were a different player 3 years ago; well, people re-rate and people have been rating you since; and with the average and all what you did since it still should be ok.
just look at page 1 of the scoreboard, there is just one guy under 4.5! and given what he writes here and in games; i do find useful to take into consideration an average rating (with no corelation with gameplay!)
anyway, i m done talking about ratings.

the other thing, about win % vs points per map; don t forget that if you usualy play singles, assassin or terminator with 7 other players ect, obviously the win % can t be compared with th one from someone playing only teamvsteam or 1vs1, so yes, i do believe points are not just a crap factor that look good on lower ranked players.

What is a system that only differentiates one player out of the top 250? Do you really think there is only one ass hole in the top 250 players? If not then the system does not differentiate players adequately. Obviously there is more than one annoying player in the top 250 just look at memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=228722.

Yes win % does not factor the various alternative types of games...though if you do relative win % then that would be the most accurate i agree but it requires a great deal more work and time which is not always worth it.

I am sure that there are many assholes in the top 250, but if they act civil in game chat and do not suicide then who cares. As far as Genleegettinhed, it appears he is a successful farmer who is kind to his prey before he kills them. I personally use the ratings as a kind of MMPI 2 test and score anyone below a 4.0 rating as suffering from mental health issues and in need of medication. Unless you do not mind being verbally abused if you win a game, then these -4.0 players are best avoided. Examples that come to my mind are Demonfork...codeblue1018......۩░▒▓₪№™℮₪▓▒░۩.....just my opinion.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - updated once a week

Postby FarangDemon on Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:57 pm

Call me a forum snob, but I'm disappointed by the lack of witty banter in this war thread. Or if there is witty banter, it's drowned out by all caps posts, ratings rants, cow cartoons, anti-ljex rants, or war propaganda that is not funny (to be fair, some of it is, but I didn't get the lawyer reference at all and I don't appreciate my clan being likened to WWII Imperial Japan, even though I know it's not serious).
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"He came dancin across the water.... FarangDemon, FarangDemon.... mmmhh....what a killer..."
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