I'm going to celebrate my birthday this year by running 2 tournaments a 16 player 1v1 and an 8 team dubs tournament
1v1 Rules
This will be a simple knockout 1v1 style. You lose, you're out. Players will play 1 game per round except for the finals which will be best of 3. Only 1 slot is needed for this tournament so freemiums are welcome as long as you can keep a slot reserved for your games. Matchups for Round 1 will be determined using http://www.random.org/. You must join your games within 24 hours of being invited. If you fail to join I will send you a maximum of 2 more invitations. If you fail to join after this you will be disqualified from the tournament. If this occurs in Round 1 then I will bring in a reserve, otherwise your opponent from the previous round will take your place. Each Round will be played on a different map as follows:
Round 1: Charleston
Round 2: Classic - Made a mistake with the structure

Qtr Finals: San Francisco
Semi Finals: Africa
Finals: Brazil (best of 3)
All games will be played with the following settings
No Round Limit
Sign ups will only be accepted in the thread. Have fun all. THIS IS NOW FULL. Accepting Reserves only. If necessary I will act as a reserve since I would like to start as early as possible after the weekend. Thanks for joining all.