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[CC2] Semi Finals KoRT vs EMPIRE [37-23][Final] KORT WINS !

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [0-1]

Postby ljex on Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:27 am

Bruceswar wrote:congrats to my teammates for winning Great Lakes! 1-1!

really 1-2 if lance would bother to take his turn in space
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [0-1]

Postby BYUwonder11 on Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:53 pm

ljex wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:congrats to my teammates for winning Great Lakes! 1-1!

really 1-2 if lance would bother to take his turn in space

Considered that turn bothered, 2-1! :)
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [0-1]

Postby White Moose on Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:12 pm

BYUwonder11 wrote:
ljex wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:congrats to my teammates for winning Great Lakes! 1-1!

really 1-2 if lance would bother to take his turn in space

Considered that turn bothered, 2-1! :)

The almighty threadmaker (me, duh) and the sexy Loes makes it all tied up.

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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby Denise on Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:32 am

Second set exchanged.
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby josko.ri on Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:51 am

Denise wrote:Second set exchanged.

I am not big fun of your home games :-k
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby lord voldemort on Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:56 am

josko.ri wrote:
Denise wrote:Second set exchanged.

I am not big fun of your home games :-k

Whys that mate?
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby Bruceswar on Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:55 pm

lord voldemort wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Denise wrote:Second set exchanged.

I am not big fun of your home games :-k

Whys that mate?

We think they are boring and lame... That is why.
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby BYUwonder11 on Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:20 pm

Bruceswar wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Denise wrote:Second set exchanged.

I am not big fun of your home games :-k

Whys that mate?

We think they are boring and lame... That is why.

If you don't like them and want to forfeit them all so you're not bored it's your call... :mrgreen:
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby BYUwonder11 on Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:22 pm

But don't do that, that would be even more lame and boring. If anything, you could have fun knowing that we're having a blast
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby Bruceswar on Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:35 am

BYUwonder11 wrote:But don't do that, that would be even more lame and boring. If anything, you could have fun knowing that we're having a blast

7 of your 10 games you guys and gals sent at us are more dice dependent. That says it all right their.
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby josko.ri on Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:43 am

Bruceswar wrote:
BYUwonder11 wrote:But don't do that, that would be even more lame and boring. If anything, you could have fun knowing that we're having a blast

7 of your 10 games you guys and gals sent at us are more dice dependent. That says it all right their.

If they think that is good for their strategy then I have no problem with that. I just think it will not be so enjoyable games for me like the ones from batch 1 :(

Edited(added to not double post):

Karelpietertje is apsent from CC until Monday. I have his password and will cover for him in all games during that period. I will try to play his turns in last hours to minimize possibility that his next turn come before Monday.

I will count my turns taken like sitter, and as sign of sportmanship, I decided to limit myself on this way: for every 5 turns played by me like a sitter for anyone, I will reduce my maximal games to play. for example, if I sit 1-5 turns total in the war, I will play maximal 19 my games. if I sit 6-10 turns then my maximal games will be 18, for 11-15 turns my maximal will be 17 games etc. it is not within the rules so it is nothing official, but I would do it on that way to avoid feeling that I am overused in this clan war, like it was in some of previous wars. until this moment I didnt sit any turn in this war.

anyway, I think that overusing sitters in clan wars may be officially solved on this way (to add 1 game count to a player who made sitting per every X turns sat) but there are other places in CLA forum for discussion about this.
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby drunkmonkey on Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:38 am

Cows take Lunar trips Game 9714295
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby Lubawski on Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:39 am

Bruceswar wrote:
BYUwonder11 wrote:But don't do that, that would be even more lame and boring. If anything, you could have fun knowing that we're having a blast

7 of your 10 games you guys and gals sent at us are more dice dependent. That says it all right their.

Are you kidding? I'm in 4 of them and the only one you could possibly accuse of that is City Mogul, which I would agree with if it were anything other than trips foggy. With trips foggy it is far more strategy based than dice.

I don't see how anything is more dice/1st turn dependent than Waterloo dubs, where first turn dice can damn near end that game. However, I wouldn't dare say that because I know how good Moose is on there, and even if he gets 2nd turn he's deadly. I think we all know dice play a factor in this game, but ultimately we believe it is our strategy/communication that sets us apart from the rest. Please don't try to down play our eventual winning of this challenge by already claiming the dice will decide it.
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby lord voldemort on Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:54 am

They are simply laying the ground work for an excuse for if they lose.....Its okay guys... I know we can only beat you if we have good dice :roll:
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby ljex on Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:20 am

Bruceswar wrote:
BYUwonder11 wrote:But don't do that, that would be even more lame and boring. If anything, you could have fun knowing that we're having a blast

7 of your 10 games you guys and gals sent at us are more dice dependent. That says it all right their.

first lets assume that the 7 games you are talking about are the conquest ones. Those games are no more dice dependent than some of the ones you have given us aside from maybe city mogul which mike is right in trips foggy it is more skill than you think. So really stop bitching and moaning about our you really think we would send games we view as dice heavy? Lets follow the logic of that though out and just see where it takes us, so we are going to send you mostly dice heavy games right? So of our total of 30 games lets say we keep up at our current pace of conquest maps and have 15-16 total by the end of the challenge. Now lets at the same time say that you keep up with your current pace of conquest maps, that will give you about 10 by the end of the challenge. Do you follow me to this point? Now because as you say these are mostly dice heavy games we should anticipate that each clan will win half of these types of games. For ease of math lets say we have 16 conquest style maps by wars end, giving us each half of the wins would put the score at 13-13. Here is where the good part comes in, that essentially makes it a 34 game war where you have 20 home maps, i dont see how that is good for us. Therefore we can reasonably that we think we are good enough on those maps to make up for a bad round of dice or a slightly bad drop. The only other options out there are that we think we are good enough to beat you in a 34 game challenge with only 14 home games or we are looking to get lucky which after you praised our playing ability so much in the past im sure you think that is the case.

Yes i understand i included your conquest maps...but if you are going to say ours our lucky than yours no different.
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby Denise on Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:42 am

josko.ri wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:
BYUwonder11 wrote:But don't do that, that would be even more lame and boring. If anything, you could have fun knowing that we're having a blast

7 of your 10 games you guys and gals sent at us are more dice dependent. That says it all right their.

If they think that is good for their strategy then I have no problem with that. I just think it will not be so enjoyable games for me like the ones from batch 1 :(

Edited(added to not double post):

Karelpietertje is apsent from CC until Monday. I have his password and will cover for him in all games during that period. I will try to play his turns in last hours to minimize possibility that his next turn come before Monday.

I will count my turns taken like sitter, and as sign of sportmanship, I decided to limit myself on this way: for every 5 turns played by me like a sitter for anyone, I will reduce my maximal games to play. for example, if I sit 1-5 turns total in the war, I will play maximal 19 my games. if I sit 6-10 turns then my maximal games will be 18, for 11-15 turns my maximal will be 17 games etc. it is not within the rules so it is nothing official, but I would do it on that way to avoid feeling that I am overused in this clan war, like it was in some of previous wars. until this moment I didnt sit any turn in this war.

anyway, I think that overusing sitters in clan wars may be officially solved on this way (to add 1 game count to a player who made sitting per every X turns sat) but there are other places in CLA forum for discussion about this.

I suppose, but why complicate rather than simplify? Don't we have enough stuff to keep track of during a war? But as you said, probably not the right place for the discussion.

Josko, I appreciate your caution but your sitting for Karelpietertje is legitimate, so no worries.
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby lord voldemort on Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:48 am

He is gone for the weekend....assuming his games arent in this set i dont see any issue in that...If they are in this set...Then perhaps you should of delayed entering him into the games ;)

Either way josko...We dont care if you sit for him if he actually isnt here ;)
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby Masli on Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:49 am

btw lovo, where did you find that that avatar that looks like bruce ?
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby lord voldemort on Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:01 am

Masli wrote:btw lovo, where did you find that that avatar that looks like bruce ?

Its a rage face...
specifically me gusta
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby White Moose on Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:10 am

Let's not go into a useless discussion about weather maps are more or less dice dependent. It won't do anything good for anyone and will probably spiral down to dice/drop whining.
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [2-2]

Postby Denise on Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:17 am

White Moose wrote:Let's not go into a useless discussion about weather maps are more or less dice dependent. It won't do anything good for anyone and will probably spiral down to dice/drop whining.

Good idea.
Last edited by Denise on Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [3-3]

Postby mkcummins on Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:55 am

let's squash it right here, guys. this is a great challenge so far and proving to be worthy of both clans. If ANY member of EITHER clan has negative feelings towards DROPS or DICE of ANY kind, please only speak of it in your own private clan forums. this kind of talk is beneath both clans.

on another note, the monkis have the lead....
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [3-3]

Postby BYUwonder11 on Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:36 pm

mkcummins wrote:let's squash it right here, guys. this is a great challenge so far and proving to be worthy of both clans. If ANY member of EITHER clan has negative feelings towards DROPS or DICE of ANY kind, please only speak of it in your own private clan forums. this kind of talk is beneath both clans.

on another note, the monkis have the lead....

Hmm, the horsies are gettin' spanked by the monkeys are they? That has been an entirely war to keep up a bit on as well. Lookin' forward to the next set of games here, have fun guys
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [3-3]

Postby Lubawski on Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:22 pm

Crap, I forgot to respond to Josko too, which would have been, "no need to decrease your game count over covering turns for someone who is legitimately out. We trust you guys.

Like LoVo said, however, if Karel is in round 2 games, please just hold off joining those until he gets back. We can wait to start those games until he is here. It's only a couple of days. I'm sure you all agree considering that if Josko was better than Karel at the map, he would be in the games in the first place.
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Re: [CC2] Semi Finals | KoRT vs EMPIRE [3-3]

Postby drunkmonkey on Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:27 pm

Hey guys - they trust us. It's working. :twisted:
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