Has this been tried before? A simple made-up map with seven continents:
• Democracy (or Capitalism?): any four of seven terts gets the bonus of 6
• Communism: hold all seven terts for a bonus of 9
• Socialism: each of the seven terts autodeploys one
• Monarchy: own the capital plus 2, 4, or 6 for bonuses of 4, 6 and 8
• Dictatorship: the capital autodeploys 5 but the surrounding terts auto-remove one each
• Anarchy: random assortment of auto-deploys and -removes (averages plus-one)
• Theocracy: capital auto-removes 2 but is needed for bonuses with 2, 4 or 6 terts of 6, 8 and 10
The idea is for each continent to be roughly equal in the ratio of difficulty to reward. As XML gets more features, this game can be revised to reflect their use. The reward systems I've thought up will certainly work with current XML. Neutral starters will be used as appropriate. Can you think of better reward systems for any of the continents? Or can you think up an eighth or ninth continent?
Terts can be named DEM0 to DEM6, COM0 to COM6 and so on, or (short) names that are somehow associated with the political style/system can be used. I can't think of how that might work, however. Use Iran for theocracy, N. Korea for Communism, and so on? What's the largest true monarchy left on the planet? Here's an idea: find seven real countries to represent the seven systems and then somehow fit them together into a landmass for the map.
I have roughly 49 terts in total but there can be quite a lot of flexibility on total map size. Since no historical map has to be considered, it should be easy to fit more than 49 onto a standard sized map, but quite a bit of room will be needed for wordy explanation, much like my seven bullet points.
Thoughts? Ideas? Support? Trash?