This is also mirrored in the original post. Hopefully someone else can take the time to try to understand what I am getting at with borders, attack routes, etc. This is probably a little overwhelming, but oh well.
Draft #2:- Click image to enlarge.
This stuff will eventually make its way into the map:
- Click image to enlarge.
The squares on the land represent the entire "sector," which are territories in the original sense. Within each sector there are territories which border the sector they are in: cities (circles on land, +1 auto deploy), silos (triangles on land), launch pads (non-square rectangles), airports (diamonds on land), and naval bases (diamonds half on water, half of land). Ocean sectors work the same, where there is an overarching "territory" that controls the sector of water (the wavy half-circle), and then within each sector are ships, subs, aircraft, and naval bases. Ships, subs, naval bases border the sector they are in, however aircraft do not. All sector territories in the ocean that have waves pointing up reset to neutral, the others don't.
So this is on the legend at the bottom, but what is written there is basically just reminders for me until I get something a little more comprehensible. There are four types of ships: A for aircraft carrier, F for frigate, D for destroyer, C for cruiser. There are also subs and nuclear subs. Now how attacking works for ships, subs, and aircraft is that they all have a "range". This range is how many sectors away they can attack, for example if they had a range of 0, they could only attack within the sector that has the unit, however a range of 1 would also attack adjacent sectors. So, that being said, aircraft carriers attack all airplane with a range of 1. Cruisers attack ships with a range of 0, bombard cities with a range of 0, and bombard all ships with a range of 1. Frigates bombard all airplanes with a range of 1. Destroyers bombard all subs with a range of 1. Subs bombard all subs and ships with a range of 1. Nuclear subs act like silos, which I will get into later. Naval bases act as a way to get from land to the water, as they border both sectors they touch.
There are also airplanes, which if you remember do not border the sector they are in. There are three types of airplanes: Tankers (T), Fighters (Ft), and Bombers (B). Fighters bombard other aircraft with a range of 2 (this is a huge range, up to two sectors away). Bombers can attack all ships, land units and territories with a range of 1. Tankers have an auto deploy of 1, but only border other aircraft with a range of 0. Fighters and Bombers have a negative auto deploy of -1 (to simulate fuel constraints, etc). Aircraft carriers (and airports), if you remember, attack airplanes with a range of 1, this is the only way to get up to the aircraft since they don't border their sector (there is currently no way down from aircraft, I can see this being a problem but I'll leave it for now). Another thing of note is aircraft carriers and airports from the same side (darker land, darker water for SCO, lighter land and lighter water for NATO) border each other with a range of 3.
Silos on the land on either side bombard the four cities on the other side (the NATO side has 3 in NA, 1 in Tokyo). The nuclear subs bombard the 4 cities on the side they are closest to (they are subs from the other side, "second strike" simulation). There is also a silo on the moon, and this can bombard ALL cities, including the lunar city.
Now, for space. The launch pads are the way to get into space. The explosion looking "circles" reset to neutral 1, and try to represent movement through space, all of these territories. There are satellites (the diamonds), drop pods (circles with DP next to them), a battery (which bombards all satellites), anti-silos, and then some spaceships. The drop pods attack all of the sectors that correspond to their name. (CN attacks all Chinese sectors, RU is Russian, CA is Canadian, US is American). Anti-Silos bombard all of the land silos on the side they are closest to. The smaller spaceships bombard all opposing smaller spaceships from the other side (light blue vs dark blue). The borders in space is pretty much a follow the arrow ordeal, with lines with no arrow represents a mutual border.
A major thing that isn't put into the map yet is territory bonuses, there will be one per city that requires you to hold land, for holding a certain number of satellites, for holding the moon territories and city, holding a fleet sector with a certain number of its ships, holding a spacefleet, the space station. I also have thoughts of doing odd "seafaring dominance" and/or "space dominance" where if you take a certain number of the resetting neutral territories, you get a bonus. My ambitions are to put all of the bonuses in the top banner, and the borders in the bottom.
The legend will be redone along with the artwork most likely, as the two will sort of depend on each other.
I probably forgot something, but that is it for now. I know it is hard to tell some of the aircraft/subs/ships apart, and the letter underneath that signifies the type is really small, but you can still barely make it out. I can make an auxiliary legend that is blown up a bit if people are having a lot of trouble telling them apart in this draft.
Not sure if I like how space worked out, it might be changing drastically. I know about size constraints for the smaller version, will be moving stuff around, perhaps deleting a few to make that work in the future.
Edit: Added a legend to help for comprehension.
Thanks in advance for any feedback!