by deantursx on Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:28 am
Welcome to what will be my eighteenth tournament! In this one, we will play several games on large maps, each with 20 round limits on them. I still haven't played any round limit games, and I'm quite eager to try it. All games will be Sequential, sunny, chained, no spoils, and with 20 round limits. Here's how the tournament will go:
16 players, all must be premium.
Round 1: 2 groups of 8 players each. These groups will play 8 games:
Game 1: World 2.1
Game 2: Balkan Peninsula
Game 3: First Nations Americas
Game 4: Thyseneal
Game 5: Hive
Game 6: Conquer Man
Game 7: Fractured America
Game 8: Eastern Hemisphere
Scoring will be as such:
Get eliminated before the game ends: 0 points
Survive until the end of the game, but don't win: 3 points
Win the game: 10 points
The top 4 players from each group will advance to the finals. Scores from the previous round will carry over. The remaining 8 players will play again on the same 8 maps with 3 new ones, but with new scoring. The new maps shall be Classic, Doodle Earth, and USA.
Get Eliminated before the game ends: -2 points
Survive until the end of the game, but don't win: 5 points
Win the game: 20 points
Whoever has the most points at the end of the finals shall be crowned the winner of the tournament!
If there is a tie, it will be settled on the Random Map, with the same settings (including the 20 round limit of course!).
Post on this thread if you want in, or have any questions!
Last edited by
deantursx on Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:37 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Highest Score: 3047 - 2/11/13