by anamainiacks on Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:52 pm
With 6 of the battles in Round 12 done, we're halfway through the round and it seems like the consistency of the Paraguayans will prevail. The score currently sits at 40v38, and unless the Triple Alliance can produce 2 wins from their remaining 3 battles in South America, they'll have lost the overall battle. Looking at the current state of those 3 battles, only 1 looks likely to possibly come out as a win, while the rest are at the losing end of the game.
As for the next phase of the tournament, Capturing Your Flag, this is how I will be running it.
The first post states that matchups will be assigned randomly. However, this may not be very fair, as it means that a player need not play against all other players in order to reach the summit. So, if a player somehow gets a series of weaker opponents, he'll have a quicker ascend to the top. Thus, I'll be asking the 12 players in the winning faction whether they prefer a random draw for each round, or a random starting draw, followed by a fixed order I can develop to ensure that all players play against each other.
Also, we had a huge problem with reserves in the previous phase. Thus, for the next phase, reserves will NOT be used at all. However, I will not be using players from the losing team as replacements either, as players with many flag captures indicate they have won many games on South America, giving them an unfair advantage; while a player with few flag captures may be deemed not deserving of the right to have the chance to win the tournament.
As such, when players leave the game and there are an odd number of players left, I will stand in as a neutral player. This means that winning against me allows one to ascend, while losing to me will have no effect. I will not be eligible to win the tournament. If another player leaves the tournament and there are an even number of players left, I will step out and gameplay will resume as per normal, with 1 less matchup than before.
Sorry if this sounds rather confusing now, but it'll be clear once things get started.