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Game 9668280 keef12, Toads islandpedro, snipereyz[cleared]es

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Game 9668280 keef12, Toads islandpedro, snipereyz[cleared]es

Postby Iseman on Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:21 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Other: Collusion between teams here? Or can pink & cyan really be that daft?

Game number(s):

Game 9668280

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Re: Game 9668280 - keef12, Toads, islandpedro, snipereyz

Postby chapcrap on Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:44 pm

Iseman wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Other: Collusion between teams here? Or can pink & cyan really be that daft?

Game number(s):

Game 9668280


Any more details?
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Re: Game 9668280 - keef12, Toads, islandpedro, snipereyz

Postby Iseman on Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:20 pm

- islandpro & snipereyz building stacks against our stacks while keef12 & toads go on to dominate game
- try to point out what is happening, set them up to assist, & work with them to keep keef12/toads in check; but ignored
- stacking (but not attacking) continues to keep us immobilized while keef12/toads continue to grow stronger
- after posting this - islandpedro has moved away, mainly attacking yellow / cyan (us) and once again did not attempt to slow deef12 / toads
- wouldn't bother u guys; but somebody's either letting their 4 year olds play the game or there's something amiss here.
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Re: Game 9668280 - keef12, Toads, islandpedro, snipereyz

Postby Iseman on Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:40 am

OK - look at cyan's last move in this game
red / green obvious strength, we've tried repeatedly to work with cyan / pink to just be ignored and definitely did nothing to provoke them
cyan has taken our stack out for no obvious gain to the cyan / pink team
what else needs to happen to have this game investigated, that at the least there is collusion & at worst it's the same players?
What capabilities do you guys have? Can you guys review previous moves and kind of reconstruct the game? Or is it just he said / she said?
It's just way too obvious that pink / cyan have never been playing this game to win it for themselves
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Re: Game 9668280 - keef12, Toads, islandpedro, snipereyz

Postby gibbyrfc on Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:25 am

Dude, your accusing players that have been on the site for years,

you joined a team game with a couple of bad players,

foe them and move on,

they havn't play in any other games together and they are from different countries so they cannot be multi's.
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Re: Game 9668280 - keef12, Toads, islandpedro, snipereyz

Postby Iseman on Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:25 pm

oh great; a peanut from the gallery chimes in.

What's the status of this? Is anyone from the cheat / abuse team looking into this?
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Re: Game 9668280 - keef12, Toads, islandpedro, snipereyz

Postby chapcrap on Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:18 pm

Iseman wrote:oh great; a peanut from the gallery chimes in.

What's the status of this? Is anyone from the cheat / abuse team looking into this?

They will look into when they get a chance. Promise.
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Re: Game 9668280 - keef12, Toads, islandpedro, snipereyz

Postby QoH on Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:28 pm

Iseman wrote:oh great; a peanut from the gallery chimes in.

Dude, anyone's allowed to comment
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Re: Game 9668280 - keef12, Toads, islandpedro, snipereyz

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:18 pm

Iseman wrote:oh great; a peanut from the gallery chimes in.

What's the status of this? Is anyone from the cheat / abuse team looking into this?

No need to insult someone for their opinion. As far as looking at this as fast as you like, sorry. We have lives etc. etc.

Looking at the game I don't see the collusion. I see your team was happy building on the Americas and perfectly content letting blue and green build in Asia. Just because someone doesn't make the moves you expect or that you would do doesn't make it collusion. This is CLEARED.
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Re: Game 9668280 keef12, Toads islandpedro, snipereyz[cleare

Postby Iseman on Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:40 pm

Thanx for looking into it.
I'm not sure what you're saying about blue, he's on my team, also we were building in sa and not content - we repeatedly tried to work w/ pink / cyan and were ignored and then they finally turned on us - but ok - you made your decision.

I never said a thing about the speed of service. First time in here, so wasn't sure if there were folks that actually look into these things or people just gave their 2 cents about it. Hope my perceived impatience didn't influence your decision.

About the other - from your guys' post:
Trolling is the intentional attempt to cause chaos.
* Posting controversial or irrelevant messages or topics with the intent to provoke someone else into a pissing match, emotional response, flame fest or to generally disrupt the discussion, community or user is not cool. Prompting or provoking others to do that is just as bad.
* Don't provoke others into a flame fest, this won't be tolerated.

Thanx again for taking the time to look into it.
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Re: Game 9668280 keef12, Toads islandpedro, snipereyz[cleare

Postby QoH on Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:05 pm

Iseman wrote:About the other - from your guys' post:
Trolling is the intentional attempt to cause chaos.
* Posting controversial or irrelevant messages or topics with the intent to provoke someone else into a pissing match, emotional response, flame fest or to generally disrupt the discussion, community or user is not cool. Prompting or provoking others to do that is just as bad.
* Don't provoke others into a flame fest, this won't be tolerated.

And none of this happened lol. Chill out man.
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Re: Game 9668280 keef12, Toads islandpedro, snipereyz[cleare

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:37 am

Iseman wrote:Thanx for looking into it.
I'm not sure what you're saying about blue, he's on my team, also we were building in sa and not content - we repeatedly tried to work w/ pink / cyan and were ignored and then they finally turned on us - but ok - you made your decision.

I typed blue when I should have typed red. If you had trouble under standing what I meant I think you can see how hard it is to look at secret diplomacy with only the game logs to look at.

Iseman wrote:I never said a thing about the speed of service. First time in here, so wasn't sure if there were folks that actually look into these things or people just gave their 2 cents about it. Hope my perceived impatience didn't influence your decision.

You questioned the status of the report. I answered. Yes the official decisions are made by a few of us who volunteer our times so we ask for some patience. No you perceived impatience did not influence me.
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