Conquer Club

Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Winners: amazzony & ZionT]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 2 - Updated 16 Mar '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:07 am


Only one game left outstanding without an elimination in Round 1, so we'll move on to the next Round for the other players first.

The odds of moving on have been reduced from 75% to 67%, so play well!
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 2 - Updated 30 Mar '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:17 am


A third of the games of Round 2 are completed. Just 8 more games to go before moving on to Round 3!
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 3 - Updated 6 Apr '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:33 am


Only 1 game left in Round 2, so we'll move on to Round 3 and let the battles commence! This'll be the last game where winning isn't everything!
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 3 - Updated 6 Apr '11]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:40 pm

Game 8835870 - stevkov/sonjas and sonicsteve/Chariot of Fire qualify for Round 4.

gg to DJ and Dragon.
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 22 Apr '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:16 am


Round 3 is done, save for one game. It seems most likely to be ThrushAAX / Flow520 and amazzony / ZionT that'll progress to Round 4, but I won't invite them to Round 4 games till that's confirmed.

Round 4 fixtures have been created, and can be seen in the second post. Every pair will get to play every other pair once throughout the entire round. Remember, every position you place is important for this round!

Game load for this round will go to a maximum of 2 at once, except for the freemiums of course, which will be kept to 1.
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 22 Apr '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:19 am


Flow520 eliminates ZionT first due to the greater threat there, thus allowing Revlisd / NickJP to move on!

Names on the scoreboard will be edited along with the first score update.
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 22 Apr '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:35 am


NickJP has exceeded the 48 hours given for him to join the game. This, in addition to his close deadbeating in the previous round, has caused me to have to remove him from the tournament, along with his partner Revlisd.

As stated in the first post, the team that was eliminated from their previous group will take over their spot, meaning amazzony and ZionT are back in the tournament.

Hopefully everything runs properly from here on out.
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 1 May '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Sun May 01, 2011 2:38 am


About a week since Round 4 started, and no games have been completed so far.

I've decided to send out the next set of games, so that the tournament can continue to move along. Perhaps we'll keep to a pace of 1 game per week? I'm not sure yet, but perhaps that'll be the case. I'll also be checking with the freemiums if they're fine with playing more than 1 game at a time. Hopefully as the escalating card bonuses get higher and higher, the games will get completed too!

Fight hard, and earn those precious points!
Last edited by anamainiacks on Sun May 08, 2011 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 1 May '11]

Postby aad0906 on Sat May 07, 2011 6:24 pm

Round 4, game 1.3 has been completed. Game 8930423
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 15 May '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Sat May 14, 2011 11:20 pm


All first games have been completed, so Game 3 games have been created and sent out! The games will probably only be completed at a rate of once a fortnight at best, seeing how some of the games are moving. Flow520 is also unable to play more 1 game at a time, so his games will be delayed.

Scoreboard has been updated with the scores from the first game, but with 4 games to go, it's still anyone's game! Remember, you have to be within the top 8 teams to move on!
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 31 May '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Tue May 31, 2011 8:27 am


Sorry about the slow progress of the current round, especially for the 3 pairs that haven't had a game for over 2 weeks. For some reason Game 2.1 is taking ages to complete, and it's slowing things down as Flow520 is in it, and is a freemium. However, he is now able to take 2 games, so the next Game 3.2 has been sent out, and Game 4 for everyone has been created with invites sent out. Again, I apologise for the players that have to play these 2 games all of a sudden!

I'll update the scoreboard once Game 2.1 is complete. I'm not exactly comfortable with seeing an update with some players having 3 games accounted for, while others only have 1 score.

Thanks everyone for your patience! Things should pick up after this round, when we get to 2v2s (:
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 31 May '11]

Postby aad0906 on Tue May 31, 2011 8:35 am

No worries mate, thanks for organizing this!
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 6 Jun '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:57 am


The scoreboard's finally got a spankin' new update, following the completion of the last of the Game 2 games.

Right now, three teams lead the pack with 14 points each, having won 2 games played so far. For Guderian09 / aad0906 and ThrushAAX / Flow520, this gives them a 100% win rate so far, as they've won 2 out of the 2 games they've played so far! However that will soon change, as they now play in the same game, where one or both of their winning streaks will be tarnished!

As for the rest of the players, there's still much hope for you to carry on! Start clocking in some wins, and you're sure to make a mark on the scoreboard! (:

Good luck!
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 27 Jun '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:51 am


2 games were very recently completed, allowing us to finally move into the last set of games. This will be the last one for the round, till we finally move on to the next round.

Sorry for the round being so slow moving, 8-player games tend to stall this way... Things should move a lot faster in the subsequent rounds, when it'll just be a 1v1 team bracket! (: Thanks for your patience!

When the top 8 teams start to get firmed up, I'll start PMing teams for their home settings.
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 27 Jun '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:35 am

kristijan_mk is in as a temporary replacement for stevkov.

stevkov will reassume his place in the tournament in the subsequent rounds, provided he has enough slots for the tournament. If not, kristijan_mk will be a permanent replacement.
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 4 - Updated 3 Jul '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:41 am


Round 4 is complete up to Game 4 now. Each team only has 1 game left to complete, which is Game 5. Once this is done we can finally move on to the next round (:

Scoreboard has been updated, and we have 3 teams that have locked in their spot in Round 5. The remaining 5 spots are still up for grabs, depending on the order of elimination of the teams. Those 7's really give a big boost, so try your best to get this last one, or do whatever ensures you your spot!
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 5 - Updated 4 Aug '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:19 am


Round 4 is finally complete, and we can move on to Round 5!

There was a two-way tie for 3rd, three-way tie for 5th and 8th place. As stated in the first post, the head-to-head comparison was used to differentiate the players, and allocate seeds accordingly. Matchups according to seeding are now in the second post. All matchups will be playing 2 games at once, except for stevkov and sonjas, who are both freemium players.

Best of luck contending the different settings! Remember, if a tiebreaker game is needed for this round, a setting from one of the other teams will be randomly chosen.
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 5-6 - Updated 16 Aug '11

Postby anamainiacks on Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:20 am


Round 5 is quickly finishing, with only 1 tiebreaker game remaining.

One Round 6 game has been sent out, with the map randomly chosen from the 3 maps supposed to be played. Ideally, all 3 are to be played at once, but since stevkov & sonjas are freemium players, we'll slow things down for them (:
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 6 - Updated 20 Aug '11]

Postby anamainiacks on Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:28 am


Both matchups for Round 6 have been finalised, and games are now underway (:
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Round 6 - Updated 20 Aug '11]

Postby amazzony on Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:21 pm

Oh wow, didn't realise we are that far.... amazzony and ZionT ready for finals. Best of luck to our opponents, may the better team win!
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Winners: amazzony & ZionT]

Postby anamainiacks on Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:21 pm


As the final game draws to a close, amazzony & ZionT are too far ahead for jgalioto and Bigragooch to make a comeback in that game. And with that, I'm pleased to announced that the tournament is over, and the Broadway musical by amazzony & ZionT stand the tests of time, emerging as an international hit worldwide!

Congratulations to amazzony & ZionT!
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Winners: amazzony & ZionT]

Postby amazzony on Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:20 pm

That has been an awesome tournament, big thanks to Dot for running it! =D>

And, clearly, thanks for Zion for dragging me along to the win :D =D>
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Winners: amazzony & ZionT]

Postby ZionT on Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:14 pm

amazzony wrote:That has been an awesome tournament, big thanks to Dot for running it! =D>

And, clearly, thanks for Zion for dragging me along to the win :D =D>

Thanks ani! That was an awesome tourney and an unexpected come from behind win. From 8th to 1st! Haters. :o

Great fun, thanks for throwing it. I feel like an international sensation. :lol: Well played jgalito & Bigragooch.

amazzony let's be honest about who was doing the carrying...
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Re: Broadway, Your Way [TPA] [Winners: amazzony & ZionT]

Postby amazzony on Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:25 am

ZionT wrote:amazzony let's be honest about who was doing the carrying...

Alright, you are right - we were a great team! :)
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