Moderator: Cartographers
natty_dread wrote:I was wrong
cairnswk wrote:... difficulty in remebering who was Union and who was Confederate. Is there anyway you could work that reminder into the legend somehow for non-US players.
Also, i see you have bonuses for right flank, centre and left of each side which agrregate for Union 13 and Confed. 16.
Is this unbalanced for gameplay?
Also, do these bonuses include only the coloured positions marked on the map of also ER1, TR1 and TR2 for instance.
Minister X wrote:...
I honestly think all these questions could be answered simply by spending another minute studying the map.
The "tags" on the red and blue boxes indicate C for Confederate and U for Union (or USA). However, in the legend, I can put these red and blue colors under the appropriate words to strengthen the association. It will make the legend more difficult to read, however, so I'd like to hear from others whether they think it's needed.
The fact that there are more Confed. than Union terts makes absolutely zero difference to gameplay balance.
The right-most legend indicates the bonuses for the roads. Apparently this is not sufficiently clear? I have room to add the words "ROAD BONUSES". Would that help?
**I'm glad the reaction so far has been generally positive. Thanks.
MarshalNey wrote:I agree with Minister about the bombardments. While they would be a nice touch in a more complex map, I believe that Minister is aiming for a moderately simple gameplay framework. Given that goal, the number of gameplay elements should be small, probably no more than one, possibly two 'non-standard' types on the map (e.g., autodeploys, superbonuses, bombardments, one-way attacks, etc.)
Wow, though, this map is looking wonderfulI think that the framework that you've settled upon here is a keeper. The attack routes look reasonable and historically sound too. Tweaking and balancing for the drop will probably be the main bulk of work. ...Excellent work!
MarshalNey wrote: For neutral starts, obviously the auto-deploy regions should all be included. The smaller road & army bonuses should also be considered (like the MR bonus for instance). Try to tweak it so that you get a "golden number" of regions open for the drop. The "golden numbers" are listed under the Foundry gameplay guidelines (I think).
Minister X wrote:I set up a spreadsheet to calculate how often a bonus would be earned on the drop. It's not 100% foolproof but it's got to be close. If anything, I've been conservative. (Details if asked.)
With eight players the chances are negligible. With six they're about 3%. One in 33 games would have a drop onto a bonus. With five players, surprisingly enough, the odds aren't much worse. With four players there should be a bonus drop once in every twenty games on average. I could calculate more -- for three and for two players -- but it's very time-consuming and I think these numbers might be good enough to conclude that no changes to the map are needed. I was expecting them to be much worse.
MarshalNey wrote:Also in general, I like to see the percentage for bonuses on the drop at or below 5% (1 in 20 games), particularly if they are greater than a +1 bonus. For something like a +4, the percentage should be 1% or lower. That may sound harsh, but consider that many thousands of games will likely be played on the map, and every time players see an opponent get a whopping +4 on the drop, they'll howl and scream at the Foundry and CC (plus they'll foe the map... well, they would if they could anyway).
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
jefjef wrote:Think ER5 should be located inline with West Cem Hill and The Angle. Perhaps change its name to Zieglers Grove or Bryan farm.
Minister X wrote:Regarding bonus-on-drop: in looking over what I'd have to do to eliminate the chances, I realized I made a mistake in my calculations. They're really about half of what I said they were. (I forgot about some of the neutral starters I already had!) Still, if it would be easy enough to reduce the odds still further, why not? I'm sitting at 68 deployable out of 79. The golden numbers below 68 are 67, 66, then it skips to 59. There are only three droppable continents that consist of four terts: Hagerstown Rd., Carlisle Rd., and the Confederate Left. I can put neutral starters on the first two -- it would look consistent with the other neutral starters we've created on the other roads -- and stay on a golden number. It leaves just one continent of four or fewer terts that doesn't have a neutral starter on it preventing a drop-to-bonus. I think that will be fine.
Minister X wrote:According to the maps I've researched The Angle lies exactly halfway between Emmitsburg Road and Taneytown Road, so I'm going to say 'no' to this suggestion unless you can provide some compelling argument. Why did you suggest it in the first place? You provide no rationale or explanation.
Minister X wrote:NEXT: I've had two PM's from a constructive critic who obvious has poor command of the English language. I think maybe he PMed me instead of posting here because he's embarrassed by that so I'll protect his identity. He wants, if I understand him correctly, where I've got red and blue army boxes corresponding to Confederate and Union forces, to have then IDed as cavalry, infantry or artillery. It's a fascinating concept that I want to consider. [He also warns me that if I fail to do this the map will be unable to qualify for inclusion in a collection of "Greatest Battles of the Civil War".]
I had responded above to one request for artillery: the range at this scale was short (essentially just to the next tert) and the guns were spread amongst the divisions. That said, there are a few places it would make sense to put artillery, and if, instead of ranged attack they were given one-way attack, then we could actually set up artillery duels. Cavalry: most of the significant cavalry action took place off this map, and cavalry mostly fought dismounted. Still, cavalry played a role in the battle and if I could find places on the flanks to put a few units, having them be able to access two terts as in Austerlitz, it would provide a taste of their importance. In each case we'd be sacrificing geographic authenticity and accuracy but gaining, IMHO, flavor-of-the-battle authenticity. [Plus I'd retain eligibility for inclusion in that collection! ]
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
jefjef wrote:... historical troop alignments...
Victor Sullivan wrote:One thing I would add is a penalty for holding both a Union and a Confederate "flank," as it doesn't make much sense that one would benefit from holding both sides, if that makes sense. The idea of the penalty would be more to encourage players to stick to one "side of the war," and I think this could play out neatly in 1v1s.
As for the box format you're using, I'm frankly not a fan. Mostly this is because it just makes your map look far more confusing that it really is.
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