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cikotic klonkan92[Noted]e84

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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cikotic klonkan92[Noted]e84

Postby gibbyrfc on Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:42 am



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):9693470


As the log shows, Red (Klonkan92) has in 7 turns not attacked the strongest player on the board, he is constantly attacking me for what i can see as no reason,

the two are talking in a foreign language, i asked them to translate and one said it was saying hello, there is far more than saying hello there and its all too coincidental, i am the weakest player in a 4 player game and they still attack me every turn.

its so blatant i am not taking another shot until this is looked into.

Kind Regards.

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Re: cikotic klonkan92

Postby HaireWolf1 on Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:47 am

2011-09-08 07:40:24 - HaireWolf1: pozdrav za klokana = greeting for kangaroos
2011-09-08 07:41:31 - HaireWolf1: pa nije karta je balkanska pa mozemo koristiti nase jezike = and failed to chart the balkans, and we use our language
2011-09-08 07:42:15 - HaireWolf1: zao mi je = I'm sorry
2011-09-08 07:43:02 - HaireWolf1: pozdrav cikotic, cini se da se zuti previse buni... trebalo bi ga maknut = Hello cikotic, it seems that a yellow complain too much ... it should be removed =) =)
2011-09-08 07:43:59 - HaireWolf1: zuti britanac zeleni amerikanac = American, Briton yellow green
2011-09-08 07:44:42 - HaireWolf1: vazda se nesto bune = always something, revolt!

These two are definitely blatently cheating..I translated and also posted the translation in game chat for you.
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Re: cikotic klonkan92

Postby TheForgivenOne on Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:28 pm

gibbyrfc wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 9693470


As the log shows, Red (Klonkan92) has in 7 turns not attacked the strongest player on the board, he is constantly attacking me for what i can see as no reason,

the two are talking in a foreign language, i asked them to translate and one said it was saying hello, there is far more than saying hello there and its all too coincidental, i am the weakest player in a 4 player game and they still attack me every turn.

its so blatant i am not taking another shot until this is looked into.

Kind Regards.


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Re: cikotic klonkan92

Postby gibbyrfc on Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:33 am

why has there been no action on this?

other reports have been dealt with and this couldnt be more open and shut if it tried, it has been translated and they have been proven to be cheating,

what is the hold up?
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Re: cikotic klonkan92

Postby eye84free on Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:05 pm

Cleared of being multis.
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Re: cikotic klonkan92

Postby QoH on Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:44 pm

eye84free wrote:Cleared of being multis.

It wasn't for being multis... it was for SD
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Re: cikotic klonkan92[Cleared]e84

Postby eye84free on Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:04 pm

I swore i thought it said multis..Ill re open it.
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Re: cikotic klonkan92

Postby eye84free on Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:07 pm

I cant find any evidence of SD after looking through the log. Will note this for future ref.
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Re: cikotic klonkan92[Noted]e84

Postby HaireWolf1 on Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:20 am

Yeah they were actually talking in a language only understood by them. I translated for the complainant so he would know what they were talking about on the game log, but that was after they had conspired together. They talked about taking yellow out.
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Re: cikotic klonkan92[Noted]e84

Postby chapcrap on Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:07 pm

HaireWolf1 wrote:Yeah they were actually talking in a language only understood by them. I translated for the complainant so he would know what they were talking about on the game log, but that was after they had conspired together. They talked about taking yellow out.

Maybe they need warned for not speaking English in the chat.
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Re: cikotic klonkan92

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:35 pm

gibbyrfc wrote:why has there been no action on this?

We are allowed to play our games, go to work and see our families.

gibbyrfc wrote:other reports have been dealt with and this couldnt be more open and shut if it tried, it has been translated and they have been proven to be cheating,

Some reports are a lot more simple to take care of. If I know I only have so much time I will look at the abusive game chat or SD on my wall complaints. SD can take awhile to look at.

gibbyrfc wrote:what is the hold up?

Refer to the answer to the first quote.
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Re: cikotic klonkan92[Noted]e84

Postby HaireWolf1 on Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:32 am

Rule #2: No secret diplomacy

Any form of diplomatic discussion between opponents must be posted in the game chat in English or in a language that all opponents understand.
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Re: cikotic klonkan92[Noted]e84

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:50 am

HaireWolf1 wrote:Rule #2: No secret diplomacy

Any form of diplomatic discussion between opponents must be posted in the game chat in English or in a language that all opponents understand.

I understand what rule #2 is. That don't change the fact that sometimes we just don't have the time or even the fact that people keep bumping threads thinking they will get looked at faster if they are at top of the forum. Or sometime we just don't feel like looking at C&A forum.
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Re: cikotic klonkan92[Noted]e84

Postby gibbyrfc on Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:48 am

think i will start using german in chats and start some secret diplomacy of my own, get me more points and nothing will come of it!
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Re: cikotic klonkan92[Noted]e84

Postby jefjef on Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:39 pm

pozdrav cikotic, cini se da se zuti previse buni... trebalo bi ga maknut = Hello cikotic, it seems that a yellow complain too much ... it should be removed

This certainly appears to be a diplomacy to eliminate yellow NOT in English or a language all understand. A direct/specific rules violation that requires a warning.

This is their 2nd game together and in Game 9437702, that Cikotic won, there is also some gibberish in that chat.

Need a WARNING issued to these two.

klokan92 is likely a multi too.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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