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Zelda Mafia ~ Town Wins! Hyrule is Safe

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:19 pm

drake_259 wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:
drake_259 wrote:OMGUS VS

Check your role again victor from the mod and say that again please! (your role post)

all im gonna say, im not gonna role claim however that has gave me out a little bit.

I don't know what you're talking about! This only confirms my vote.

And get a spritzer or something, drake, you sound a bit "horse" ;)


Okay i'm more or less confused with this but hey guess what i'm town :P

Lol, like everyone's just gonna take your word for it :roll:

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby drake_259 on Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:35 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:
drake_259 wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:
drake_259 wrote:OMGUS VS

Check your role again victor from the mod and say that again please! (your role post)

all im gonna say, im not gonna role claim however that has gave me out a little bit.

I don't know what you're talking about! This only confirms my vote.

And get a spritzer or something, drake, you sound a bit "horse" ;)


Okay i'm more or less confused with this but hey guess what i'm town :P

Lol, like everyone's just gonna take your word for it :roll:


Hopefully Yup
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby drake_259 on Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:40 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:
drake_259 wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:
drake_259 wrote:OMGUS VS

Check your role again victor from the mod and say that again please! (your role post)

all im gonna say, im not gonna role claim however that has gave me out a little bit.

I don't know what you're talking about! This only confirms my vote.

And get a spritzer or something, drake, you sound a bit "horse" ;)


Okay i'm more or less confused with this but hey guess what i'm town :P

Lol, like everyone's just gonna take your word for it :roll:


Anyway, wanna post those scummy posts already so i can at least defend myself so i can stop horsing around
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby Epitaph1 on Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:59 pm

I just went back to look at Drake's posts. His initial posts don't indicate that he's scummy, but his posts have become more sparse and less thought out as the game has progressed. I'm not sure what to make of that, but he's also not giving much defense here.

Re: bomber. I don't think this person should reveal themselves or their night actions unless we have zero to go on or unless they see a possible breakthrough in a case.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby rdsrds2120 on Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:07 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:RDS: Why did you choose to roleblock Rodion for a second night in a row?

To see what changed or didn't change since we did kill one mafia member. I thought Rodion was mafia 2 days ago, and have been blocking him since. Since we lynched killboy and found he was mafia, I was going to see if blocking Rodion and Victor Sullivan (who I no longer believe is Mafia) would result in 1 less kill for that night. Here's a summary pretty much:

I thought VS and Rodion were Mafia
I blocked them both one night
We killed killboy, and VS made me believe he wasn't mafia
I then roleblocked Rodion and another person I thought might be mafia (DoomYoshi).

If the night resulted in no kill, I would have tried concluding that if both Mafia were blocked, there would have been 1 less kill than normal, and that we could narrow it down to at least one of the two roleblocked at least being a kill role, not necessarily mafia.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby rdsrds2120 on Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:09 pm

Oops, just read BG's post which seems to clear me and some others. Good stuff.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby BGtheBrain on Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:15 pm

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby drunkmonkey on Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:16 pm

I'm extremely confused. Please stop being so cryptic.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby drake_259 on Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:21 pm

Lets wait for VS to post back with his accusation, i'm just as confused.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby DoomYoshi on Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:26 pm

Nice to see you back rds. Not so nice to hear that I am your chief suspect, but meh.

unvote for now.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby drake_259 on Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:28 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:Nice to see you back rds. Not so nice to hear that I am your chief suspect, but meh.

unvote for now.

understanding with the roleblock controlling
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby spiesr on Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:41 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:Nice to see you back rds. Not so nice to hear that I am your chief suspect, but meh.
Can you confirm that you were blocked?
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:08 pm

Vote Count

dazza (1) - drunkmonkey
rds (1) - victor,
drake (1) - BG

14 alive, 8 to lynch
Deadline next sunday
pmchugh wrote:If I wasn't lazy, I would sig that :lol:
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:00 pm

spiesr wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:Nice to see you back rds. Not so nice to hear that I am your chief suspect, but meh.
Can you confirm that you were blocked?

Yes I can.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby Djfireside on Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:08 pm

The whole banter between VS and Drake is bit off. Not even sure how epona popped up. I am just as confused as everyone and just trying to read through everyones lines but at least starting to knock a few people into the townie list.
Always question things given too easily.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby spiesr on Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:58 pm

Okay so I went back and looked at some people's posts to see who I think we should pursue today. I now consider Epitaph1 to be probably town. There are just some things that I don't think he would have said if he was scum.
dazza2008 wrote:Hey! My action has not been seen in this game. I have a night action but have chose not to use it. In my opinion safest for the town if I do not.
Oh yes, of course you have a power and no way to possibly provide proof of it.
Hey, did MobDeadly ever state which game he is from?
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby dazza2008 on Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:54 pm

spiesr wrote:Okay so I went back and looked at some people's posts to see who I think we should pursue today. I now consider Epitaph1 to be probably town. There are just some things that I don't think he would have said if he was scum.
dazza2008 wrote:Hey! My action has not been seen in this game. I have a night action but have chose not to use it. In my opinion safest for the town if I do not.
Oh yes, of course you have a power and no way to possibly provide proof of it.
Hey, did MobDeadly ever state which game he is from?

Hey! what do you mean? There are roles that have an action that is not always wise to use. I have not got a lot of experience of these games but I thought for a long time and decided it was better not to use my action.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:29 pm

Ok, VS, you've got me. What is so scummy about drake? (maybe I'd see it myself if I read back through it, but VS said he'd write the case.) And what's with voting a player without presenting a case? Vote VS You'r a confirmed town, but that doesn't mean you can get away with scummy behaviour.

OK MOB so that's why you claimed. And now we also know BG's role. So we have a couple cleared townies now, and other than that I don't see how BG's claim helped us except for the fact that the mafia have more targets. How did that help us again?

I find it suspicious that dazza would clai to have a role so powerful he can't use it. It seems he's been cleared as town but I have my suspicions.

-SG7 ( :) )
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby BGtheBrain on Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:06 pm

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:22 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:Shield, your criticisms and ridiculous vote provide no benefit to the town.

And let me get this straight. You say VS cant get away with scummy behavior, so you vote for a proven townie? You could use the same reasoning to vote you right now.

I just find it fishy that VS votes drake and justifies it with just "I think he's scummy". That's not really enough to vote for someone, and VS as experienced as he is should know that. I mean maybe he's not town and he's using his town vibe to lead us all into lynching a random townie. But of course it's just a possibility. I have no proof of this. And a mafia investigator like VS does not make much sense, it seems like it would be a town role. But then again, VS was given his object N1 and so he could have started off as mafia and gotten an object to help him. But that begs the question: "could Nag give objects to mafia players?" We don't know for sure, and since nag's dead we can't ask him. So it seems safe to assume VS is an investigator, although he can't determine if he's town or not, tho it would seem he is town by his role. (is there any cop or anyone who can investigate VS? If so, don't claim... that'd be bad for town... but maybe try and see if VS is really town... then again knowing this someone's probably gonna mess with your results.... so... ignore this). So yeah, that's pretty much hy I'm suspicious of VS right now... altho I'm probably just being paranoid. But he didn't post his case yet so my vote stays, at least until he or someone else finds a better case.

-SG7 ( :| )
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

My Smiley: ( :) ) --- it's got SHIELDS!

everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby drake_259 on Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:18 pm

shieldgenerator7 wrote:
BGtheBrain wrote:Shield, your criticisms and ridiculous vote provide no benefit to the town.

And let me get this straight. You say VS cant get away with scummy behavior, so you vote for a proven townie? You could use the same reasoning to vote you right now.

I just find it fishy that VS votes drake and justifies it with just "I think he's scummy". That's not really enough to vote for someone, and VS as experienced as he is should know that. I mean maybe he's not town and he's using his town vibe to lead us all into lynching a random townie. But of course it's just a possibility. I have no proof of this. And a mafia investigator like VS does not make much sense, it seems like it would be a town role. But then again, VS was given his object N1 and so he could have started off as mafia and gotten an object to help him. But that begs the question: "could Nag give objects to mafia players?" We don't know for sure, and since nag's dead we can't ask him. So it seems safe to assume VS is an investigator, although he can't determine if he's town or not, tho it would seem he is town by his role. (is there any cop or anyone who can investigate VS? If so, don't claim... that'd be bad for town... but maybe try and see if VS is really town... then again knowing this someone's probably gonna mess with your results.... so... ignore this). So yeah, that's pretty much hy I'm suspicious of VS right now... altho I'm probably just being paranoid. But he didn't post his case yet so my vote stays, at least until he or someone else finds a better case.

-SG7 ( :| )

Seriously? Vote: shield it's like your trying to hard to re cause suspicion on vs again when we already know that he is in fact town. you want town to investigate him but you do not because of mess up i.e busdriver. And as for just being paranoid? im not so sure. I think we found our better case.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby pancakemix on Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:24 pm

Shield, what you just said is all speculation, and at this point we can't move on speculation. He's merely pointing out that drake is someone who hasn't gotten much attention and should probably be looked at. And so far, he hasn't done much for his case (despite what little it is based on).
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby dazza2008 on Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:53 am

shieldgenerator7 wrote:I find it suspicious that dazza would clai to have a role so powerful he can't use it. It seems he's been cleared as town but I have my suspicions.

-SG7 ( :) )

Listen! I never said it was powerful. I simply said it would not benefit the town for me to use it in my opinion.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:40 am

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 4: Ganondorf is Dead

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:44 am

shieldgenerator7 wrote:Vote VS You'r a confirmed town...

Everything after that is irrelevant. Serious FOS on shield.
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