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Postby eyeofdeath on Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:50 pm

Q: How many strait San Franciscans does it take to screw in a light-bulb?

A: Both of them.
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Postby johloh on Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:05 pm

wow...andy, can you take the final forge off of my map? its turned my thread into a mess...
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Postby luckiekevin on Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:10 pm

seriously, what is with these idiots?
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Postby luckiekevin on Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:13 pm

I can't see any messed up borders but I do agree that text is a little blurry on the smaller map.
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Postby AndyDufresne on Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:16 pm

Keygoi's given a public warning, so hopefully we won't have to go any further. Any warning from him, is like one from me. :) But we can all still have fun...reasonable fun at least! But lets get back on the map at hand, shall we?

I think the various points about the Ferry Routes were interesting, but I'm not entirely sure how you can make them mesh with this type of graphical map. Anyways, I'd suggest playing around with a few things, and posting samples. Perhaps we can get something to even flow and feel better than what we've currently got.

If possible, I'd definitely consider upping the size of the font slightly on the small map. In most places there is ample room, and I think it would benefit the large majority who play only the small map. Also the font seems slightly dull...and not as sharp as that on the large.

Also, the army shadows on the small map are a little too small. Those on the large are fine, but the coordinates barely fit in the shadows on the small map.

And one last thing, which you don't have to do, but consider moving your signature to a more inconspicuous place on the map...perhaps the top right corner in the black of the mountains. Just a thought :)

Keep up the work.

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Postby johloh on Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:47 pm

-the font is bad because i just resized the larger version...ill delete all the fonts on the small one and put them back in a smaller point than the large one...that will bring the crispness back to the fonts...
-im not happy with how my sig looks anyway...ill try changing it up and moving it.
-i made the army shadows as absolutely small as possible...ill give them a few extra pixels....

does Alcatraz need an explanation somewhere on the map? will people not understand it at first? Ive had a few requests to do rather not, but im thinking it probably needs to be done....opinions?
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Postby Samus on Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:03 pm

I was just bored screwing around, I assumed it was all stupid enough that it could just be disregarded if people didn't think it was funny. But unlike certain other jokes, I thought mine was funny. :) I really thought about including Keyogi, something about "what is he trying to cover up about the San Francisco map" or something, but he did not seem amused.

johloh wrote:does Alcatraz need an explanation somewhere on the map? will people not understand it at first? Ive had a few requests to do rather not, but im thinking it probably needs to be done....opinions?

Perhaps you could add a line about how "there's no escape from Alcatraz!" Combined with the arrows, I think that's good enough unless we're going to go to people's houses and hold their hand while they play.
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Postby KEYOGI on Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:09 pm

Samus wrote:I really thought about including Keyogi, something about "what is he trying to cover up about the San Francisco map" or something, but he did not seem amused.

It was funny the first time, I just think you got a bit carried away. :wink:
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Postby Samus on Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:12 pm

KEYOGI wrote:
Samus wrote:I really thought about including Keyogi, something about "what is he trying to cover up about the San Francisco map" or something, but he did not seem amused.

It was funny the first time, I just think you got a bit carried away. :wink:

Heh, okay, that's fair, 4 was probably too many. :)
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Postby oaktown on Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:58 pm

It's alright Samus, I live somewhere on that map and I thought each and every joke was pretty funny. Most locals don't mind jokes about SF being gay-friendly and open-minded... rather we laugh right along, knowing that you all probably live in states with crappy weather and no ski resorts. :)

Of course, if I was the one working on the map and looking for serious feedback, I might find the comments annoying.

Your "no escape from alcatraz" suggestion was actually pretty good.
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Postby luckiekevin on Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:10 pm

I personally don't feel that any further explanation is needed for the alcatraz scenario. But agree that "No Escape" is a nice short way to explain it.. It's just where can that happen? in parenthesis next to Alcatraz?

Alcatraz (no escape) +1

As far as the ferry routes go, how else could it possibly be done to match the realism of the satellite photo? I don't see this as being a problem at all and feel that it looks like a ferry map you might see at pier 39 or something. I think that the straight line with the boat graphic looked even more out of place and did nothing to support his argument.

Wish I had some sort of bright idea, but I just don't think the map needs one in respect to the ferry route lines
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Postby cheguevarra on Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:17 pm

If possible, I'd definitely consider upping the size of the font slightly on the small map.

Also, the army shadows on the small map are a little too small. Those on the large are fine, but the coordinates barely fit in the shadows on the small map.

Agreed with these points regarding the smaller map.

I like the lines being used for the ferry routes. Don't see why everyone is causing a fuss over them.
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Postby hulmey on Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:29 pm

well if you cant have a good look at your own map..Then go ahead and shoot urself!!!

For one thing you got a pixel just flaoting in the sea...

Im just amazed how this got FINAL FORGE and Qwert's Map didnt!!!

This Foundry is full of lick arses
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Postby Coleman on Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:27 pm

hulmey wrote:well if you cant have a good look at your own map..Then go ahead and shoot urself!!!

For one thing you got a pixel just flaoting in the sea...

Im just amazed how this got FINAL FORGE and Qwert's Map didnt!!!

This Foundry is full of lick arses

So let me figure this out... Since you see a problem nobody else does, instead of helping the creator of the map find it you tell him to shoot himself? Yet we are all some unrecognizable obscenity because of something between Andy's final forge decision making and Qwert?

That didn't make sense as I was typing it out and it still doesn't. Maybe you could help instead of being another 'lick arse'?
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Postby KEYOGI on Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:38 pm

Watch yourself there hulmey.
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Postby johloh on Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:42 pm

well if you cant have a good look at your own map..Then go ahead and shoot urself!!!
For one thing you got a pixel just flaoting in the sea...

yeah, first of all good job backtracking from your initial point about borders being off...and then saying I have a pixel floating in the sea? there are a lot of pixels 'floating' in the sea...they are called boats.

it has nothing to do with this map but...qwerts map didnt get finished because of his inability to listen to people...I however do listen to peoples opinions...but, you can now add one person to the list of people I will not listen to...

try and make a map yourself before you come here with no valid points and flame people...
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Postby luckiekevin on Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:15 am


Yeah Johloh has even been listening and taking suggestion from people that I thought were nuts, showing me that even when you follow suggestion that don't seem to make sense, the majority of those in the forum will right the ship afterwards.

In my opinion this map is far better than qwerts eastern front map, and it's mainly because of how cooperative and involved Johloh is. Humley, you're the biggest lick arse in here.
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Postby mibi on Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:29 am

Forge eh... i guess im late to the party.... well here are my two cents about this map.

Maybe its my monitor but the color of Contra Costa doesnt equate well with the color in the key, i had to figure it out by process of eliminattion. the key color is yellowy green, the area is greyish.

the no escape from alcatraz is brilliant. who ever thought of that deserves a prize.

in the small map the army circles are barely big enough to hold the numbers, no point in having them in there then since you can barely see them.

also, whats with that blury stuff on the south west coast line? and why do some water routes have glow nad others dont?

i think the title could use more character too.

that is all.
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Postby hulmey on Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:49 am

no valid points!!

if page 1 is your current map??

Then i have many valid points...

Confirm to me page 1 is your valid map and i will highlight the errors in your map.
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Postby Samus on Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:52 am

hulmey wrote:no valid points!!

if page 1 is your current map??

Then i have many valid points...

Confirm to me page 1 is your valid map and i will highlight the errors in your map.

Page 24 actually, page 1 was his first draft.

Man, you have no faith in Andy if you think he "Final Forged" what's on page 1. :D
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Postby luckiekevin on Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:09 am

thats why it says p24 in the title
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Postby hulmey on Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:39 am

ok whoops my mistake but usally map is on page1 lol...

However marine headlands and ingleside's sides boarders good do with tiding up.

again sorry. :oops:
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Postby Coleman on Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:21 am

hulmey wrote:ok whoops my mistake but usally map is on page1 lol...

However marine headlands and ingleside's sides boarders good do with tiding up.

again sorry. :oops:

I think if I saw the front page and thought it was final forged I would have been just as mad.
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Postby boberz on Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:55 am

hulmey wrote:well if you cant have a good look at your own map..Then go ahead and shoot urself!!!

For one thing you got a pixel just flaoting in the sea...

Im just amazed how this got FINAL FORGE and Qwert's Map didnt!!!

This Foundry is full of lick arses

a second ago you said you would point it out to johloh and now (when he asks you to do as such) you refuse and talk about a floating pixel, come on.

However i take the point that at first glance this map does look a little unproffesional but after a longer look it becomes a superb map
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Postby hulmey on Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:18 am

^^read rest of thread pls^^
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