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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby MoB Deadly on Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:58 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:I'm also very skeptical of a Link who didn't start with an item. I guess we haven't seen any VTs yet to have an idea of what their flavor is, but I wouldn't expect Link to start the game as VT.

This is definitely odd. I would think VT would be a different character.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:19 pm

MoB Deadly wrote:
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm also very skeptical of a Link who didn't start with an item. I guess we haven't seen any VTs yet to have an idea of what their flavor is, but I wouldn't expect Link to start the game as VT.

This is definitely odd. I would think VT would be a different character.

Well, I mean, it's not like I would've been able to use it N1, so why bother having it until I can use it?

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby BGtheBrain on Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:29 pm

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby spiesr on Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:46 pm

RDS, can you confirm if your upgraded abilities were a one shot deal, or if they remain for the course of the game?
MoB Deadly wrote:Im not 100% sure what you are trying to say Drake but I want to explain DoomYoshis strategy a bit. If we TELL rds who to block, we can doubly clear people as non mafia/sk. For example. If we tell rds to block you tonight, and there is still a mafia/sk kill, we can assume you are at least not a killer. This is in good interest to the town
Just saw your post spiesr, read this and tell me what you think
Well, it isn't quite that simple. Attempting to clear someone by having them blocked and then seeing if there is still a kill isn't very reliable. For starters, depending on how the mod runs blocks against the mafia group, it is possible that you could block them and then have a different member still kill. Also, even if you hit the right person, there are a couple of rare mafia aligned power roles that are unblockable. Anyhow, another reason that trying to direct the roleblocker is suspicious is that the mafia has an interest in it. I mean, when we decide in thread where to send him, the scum members hidden among us can influence that decision. Accordingly trying to clear even RDS himself by this method has serious flaws. First the scum can simply kill whomever we tell him to block. Second the can manipulate us into sending him to block one of his scummates so they can cover for him. Finally, RDS could simply be a mafia aligned roleblocker. Overall, I don't see any real benefit to be gained from trying to direct the roleblocker here today. In fact, Yoshi should really have known some of this. This makes me suspicious of his attempt to get us to direct RDs to the point where I will Vote DoomYoshi.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:55 am

You forgot to bold the vote. The thing is that while mafia could direct the town on who he should block, as of now the town is still in majority. It just makes sense that if you have a role claim that is disputed, it is better to agree on who to block ahead of time.

We don't even have to tell rds who to block, as long as he declares it at the beginning of night.

Right now, let's say that nobody knows who rds will block. Mafia could kill VS and then nobody has any idea whether rds was lying about his actions last night. Then he could say "I blocked whoever the vig killed, and Rodion again". Since Rodion can't verify whether or not he was role blocked, and dead men tell no tales we would be in exactly the same quandary as yesterday.

If he does indeed only get one role block tonight, he should still declare it. I just think if it is subject to town approval, then there is a better chance that it won't be a waste of a night.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby drake_259 on Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:47 am

BGtheBrain wrote:
drake_259 wrote:So what are you saying? It's random who goes then?

Please explain how it would go then.

Typically I thought the godfather was the one who carries out the action.
I the godfather is dead, then whoever submits the kills is the one who goes.

Like I said though, a more experienced player should be able to clarify this.

so if godfather gets blocked no one can kill?
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby nagerous on Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:51 am

DoomYoshi wrote:I still feel as if we have to wait for Night 3 to figure out what is going on with the rds/sully thing. So that we are as clear as possible on this, perhaps we should determine now who rds should roleblock tonight so that we can doubly verify his claim tomorrow. It is a weird time for him to go missing though.


Sully, it is likely that it is a typo that you did there, but I fos you nonetheless.

I know rds has just gone to university so he is pretty busy right now. As for Victor, I believe him and I think that not all Links do start with items. It reminds me of Freezie's Harry Potter Wandlore game when there was a certain amount of item swapping and dropping etc.

I don't see why Rodion would have a vote still on Victor when he clearly just made a typo and also how Rodion conveniently cannot seem to verify rds's claim. It seems to me that he is deliberately staying neutral on this issue in order to create confusion and conflict between RDS and Victor, who I believe both to be versions of Link.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:02 pm

Mr. Squirrel, can you verify whether or not we need a majority to lynch today or if it will be whoever has the most votes again?

I did not know rds just went to University. I just don't understand how people think that school is more important than Zelda Mafia... What is the world coming to?

I would still like rds to at least come in before the day ends, but barring that, I am not sure what else can be accomplished today.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby MoB Deadly on Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:11 pm

Zelda mafia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> school

times a billion
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:59 pm

As a math teacher, I am legally required to say that school is indeed more important than mafia.

Off the record, f*ck homework.

Oh, and vote Rodion. I agree with nag's analysis above, and he seems like a better candidate than killboy (who currently has the most votes). Remember, today is the deadline!

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:33 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:Mr. Squirrel, can you verify whether or not we need a majority to lynch today or if it will be whoever has the most votes again?

I was going to lynch the most voted player. You guys still have about 6-8 hours til deadline. You guys can always vote no lynch if you want.

Vote Count

Killboy (2) - rds, nag
C9 (1) - MoB
victor (1) - rodion
rodion (1) - victor

18 alive, 10 to lynch
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby MoB Deadly on Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:38 pm

Guys lets go for C9, he literally has not contributed at all.....
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby dazza2008 on Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:51 pm

Listen! I agree Commander9 has been very inactive. At this time I can't really see a better case vote C9
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby spiesr on Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:20 pm

Okay so now I am going to FOS MoB for trying to startup a bandwagon on a player who likely won't get a chance to defend himself before the deadline, and FOS dazza for blindly joining in...
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby dazza2008 on Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:22 pm

spiesr wrote:Okay so now I am going to FOS MoB for trying to startup a bandwagon on a player who likely won't get a chance to defend himself before the deadline, and FOS dazza for blindly joining in...

Hey! What good to the town is someone who does not do anything? He's not been active for a while in this.
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Postby drunkmonkey on Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:25 pm

We saw what happened last time we decided to lynch an inactive; I don't understand why we'd take that route again. I agree bringing this up with a few hours to deadline is suspicious.

This would also be the second time he's attempted to shift focus off killboy:

MoB Deadly wrote:For recent events, I don't know why we are still voting for killboy, yes I definitely saw the need to pressure him after his first couple comments. I definitely think he was submarining at first, however hes clearly been active now, I think we should let him breathe and maybe let some power roles get some info from him.

Vote killboy. If he turns out to be mafia, I have an idea where our next vote should go.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:10 pm

On Rodion: I do also agree with nag, I don't understand why that vote is still there. However, it is possible to assume that he forgot about the vote being there.

On Killboy: I completely agree with pcm. There is no real case there. However, lynching killboy is effectively a random inactive lynch... so pretty much the same as voting C9, which I also do not agree with. I can understand your point MoB and dazza. However, on principle, voting an inactive on Day 3 (especially a day 3 with replacements) is bad form.

I know you will all kill me for this, but I don't see enough clear evidence. We really don't want another mislynch.

vote no lynch
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby MoB Deadly on Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:37 pm

I dont know how often inactives come back into the game. Yeah so far C9 and / have only posted a couple times. Is it likely they would come back? If they dont, they are wasting their roles, they arent voting, I would rather have killboy around than one of them. But I will trust you guys if you think things may turn around and they contribute
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Rodion on Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:43 pm

Lol at Nag/VS - I didn't think someone would be so reckless as to mistype a key thing in their roleclaim without repairing it before pressing submit or making a quick EBWOP. That, added to all my previous suspicions, made me conclude VS was (poorly) fakeclaiming. His OMGUS vote on me didn't make him any less suspicious in my book.

Killboy, if by any chance you are reading this, claim immediately. Fully. That means character, power and what you did with your power on the last 2 nights. It's probably too late to get enough people to unvote you if your claim is good, but at least we might get information that may clear/implicate people in the future.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:03 am

Alright. Killboy is getting lynched, with a whopping 3 votes.... :roll: Scene coming up.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:14 am

Impa had finally corralled the remaining Links into a semi-organized group. With all of them finally working together, they decided to set out to storm Ganondorf's fortress. Impa stopped them before they could though.

"Haven't you all forgotten something?"

They looked at her, slightly confused.

"There are still 8 dungeons with completely random macguffins in each."

The Links looked rather annoyed at the thought of having to trek through 8 dungeons.

"Don't ask me why, just go..."

Without any protest, unsurprisingly, the Links set off to find these dungeons. Ganondorf saw this and dispatched one of his lesser minions to stop them. The party quickly slew the beast and continued their adventure.

Killboy - Octorok (Mafia Roleblocker) has been lynched!

Night 3 Begins!
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:15 am

:lol: =D>

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Night 3, Ganondorf's Minion Slain

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:57 am

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Night 3, Ganondorf's Minion Slain

Postby rdsrds2120 on Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:34 am

Huh. Lucky us.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Night 3, Ganondorf's Minion Slain

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:48 am

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

My Smiley: ( :) ) --- it's got SHIELDS!

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