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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Rodion on Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:59 am


Unvote, vote Victor Sullivan.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby drunkmonkey on Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:59 am

You're right; I misunderstood a quote by Sully earlier in the day.

Are you claiming you're a Link, but you started without an item? That seems odd. How did you obtain the item?
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby pancakemix on Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:02 am

MoB Deadly wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:
Rodion wrote:How can a tracker role clear Nagerous?

And when you say "previous night", do you mean your N2 track gets you a report from N1?

I mean Night 1.

nagerous wrote:Victor, please elaborate as to how I am cleared.

You targeted Hensow Night 1, and given the flavor of the scene from Night 1, I'd guess you to be the vig Link.


Thats a lie!! You said right here that he targeted Hensow Night 1, now you are saying he targeted him Night 2... What is going on??
Which actually cant be true, because Hensow died N1..... So please review and post again.

Relax, he obviously meant Night 1. It's not like it's anything to freak out over.

Also, as I pointed out before, rds claimed to block 2 people on N2. If he was lying, why would he divulge this extra information? It would double his chances of being caught, for no gain.

Firstly, Rodion is correct: This is WIFOM. Secondly, even if he did lie the Great Fairy could easily call him out on it.

Either way, now that Victor has explained how his power worked, I will ask my question once again: Do you not believe that Victor's counterclaim is a cause for concern?
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby pancakemix on Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:05 am

Rodion wrote:Obvious lie is obvious.

Vote Victor Sullivan.

Looks like he was "pulling a Chapcrap" (denying having been roleblocked to get the probable-town roleblocker mislynched, just like Chap did against Jonty in Game of Thrones Mafia).

Um, what? To my recollection, Chap never even claimed to have been roleblocked, and we definitely lynched jonty because he blocked edoc. I have no clue what you are trying to say here.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:08 am

Victor Sullivan wrote:Rodion's got the idea a little better, but not quite.

N1: No item, no action. I think I received the Ocarina at the end of N1, before D2 started.
N2: Targeted nagerous, received information regarding who nagerous targeted from N2.

I'd guess that I would be a Thief target than a kill target, but Idk.


EBWOP I meant "Targeted nagerous, received information regarding who nagerous targeted from N1. Just a typo.

MoB Deadly wrote:Thats a lie!! You said right here that he targeted Hensow Night 1, now you are saying he targeted him Night 2... What is going on??
Which actually cant be true, because Hensow died N1..... So please review and post again.


drunkmonkey wrote:You're right; I misunderstood a quote by Sully earlier in the day.

Are you claiming you're a Link, but you started without an item?

Yes. The one from Twilight Princess, I think? It doesn't say, but it looks like the Link model from Brawl.

drunkmonkey wrote:That seems odd. How did you obtain the item?

I don't have a clue how I got the item.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:10 am

pancakemix wrote:Either way, now that Victor has explained how his power worked, I will ask my question once again: Do you not believe that Victor's counterclaim is a cause for concern?

Could you elaborate on this? Do you mean my counterclaim of rds' roleblock?

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby pancakemix on Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:15 am

Victor Sullivan wrote:
pancakemix wrote:Either way, now that Victor has explained how his power worked, I will ask my question once again: Do you not believe that Victor's counterclaim is a cause for concern?

Could you elaborate on this? Do you mean my counterclaim of rds' roleblock?


Yes. I know you said about it possibly being delayed but I'm not completely sure I'm down with that.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby MoB Deadly on Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:16 am

So......... not only do we have a witch who switches items, or something similar..... but we now have ANOTHER role that somehow interacted with Sully and gave him the ocarania? Its a far-fetched story yes.... but I believe him..... We need some ideas people... I am suspect of PCM, but I think I would rather vote an inactive player
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:23 am

I consulted my Ocarina PM (can you believe I saved it? :D ) again.

Yes, I did receive it right before the end of N1, and I received it from an old man (not this one, mind you :) ). According to the PM I go back in time then track. So it all depends if the roleblock blocks my going back in time, or my tracking.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby DoomYoshi on Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:01 am

I still feel as if we have to wait for Night 3 to figure out what is going on with the rds/sully thing. So that we are as clear as possible on this, perhaps we should determine now who rds should roleblock tonight so that we can doubly verify his claim tomorrow. It is a weird time for him to go missing though.


Sully, it is likely that it is a typo that you did there, but I fos you nonetheless.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby MoB Deadly on Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:20 am

Great Strategy Yoshi, agree with telling rds who to role block, I am sure he will read it before night deadline is up. who do we think guys. My vote is PCM
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby drake_259 on Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:13 am


Well the chances from what i believe is that we will know if he is telling the truth tomorrow from VS but however in case this doesn't happen you could choose who to rb, however mafia could kill this person to cover it up (even VS). and we won't know either way. And FOS: Yoshi because you could be trying to get him to roleblock a town rather than just hopefully choosing a mafia. (only fos because it doesn't mean much as it's easy enough for a town person to say this as well but needed to be said).
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby spiesr on Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:18 am

MoB Deadly wrote:Great Strategy Yoshi, agree with telling rds who to role block, I am sure he will read it before night deadline is up. who do we think guys. My vote is PCM
Hmm, I am a little suspicious about you guys trying to direct the roleblocker. So an FOS for Yoshi and MoB.
Victor Sullivan wrote:Yes, I did receive it right before the end of N1, and I received it from an old man (not this one, mind you :) ). According to the PM I go back in time then track. So it all depends if the roleblock blocks my going back in time, or my tracking.
So you were a Link that started without an item? That seems a little weird. But more importantly, the old man is in this game!
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby MoB Deadly on Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:21 am

Im not 100% sure what you are trying to say Drake but I want to explain DoomYoshis strategy a bit. If we TELL rds who to block, we can doubly clear people as non mafia/sk. For example. If we tell rds to block you tonight, and there is still a mafia/sk kill, we can assume you are at least not a killer. This is in good interest to the town

Just saw your post spiesr, read this and tell me what you think
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby drake_259 on Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:24 am

MoB Deadly wrote:Im not 100% sure what you are trying to say Drake but I want to explain DoomYoshis strategy a bit. If we TELL rds who to block, we can doubly clear people as non mafia/sk. For example. If we tell rds to block you tonight, and there is still a mafia/sk kill, we can assume you are at least not a killer. This is in good interest to the town

Just saw your post spiesr, read this and tell me what you think

yes i get that but if mafia helps direct roleblocking then there is not much chance of mafia being roleblocked as they can send someone else to kill. it best if it is kept in the quiet until the next day.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby drake_259 on Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:26 am

drake_259 wrote:
MoB Deadly wrote:Im not 100% sure what you are trying to say Drake but I want to explain DoomYoshis strategy a bit. If we TELL rds who to block, we can doubly clear people as non mafia/sk. For example. If we tell rds to block you tonight, and there is still a mafia/sk kill, we can assume you are at least not a killer. This is in good interest to the town

Just saw your post spiesr, read this and tell me what you think


yes i get that but if mafia helps direct roleblocking? and then there is not much chance of mafia being roleblocked as they can send someone else to kill. it best if it is kept in the quiet until the next day.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby MoB Deadly on Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:28 am

Oh.... Ive never played where Mafia can choose who they send to kill. that makes it more complicated
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby DoomYoshi on Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:30 am

The problem is that if Victor is not mafia, mafia will likely kill him and we won't know have verification of rds' claim. Rds has 2 roleblocks, so he can still pick his own second target, we just want to have a built-in contingency plan for when Victor gets killed. Otherwise, rds could claim that he roleblocked whoever it was that happened to die.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby MoB Deadly on Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:36 am

I think that the fairy upgrading his boomerang sounds like it would only be a temporary effect in my opinion.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby drake_259 on Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:45 am

DoomYoshi wrote:The problem is that if Victor is not mafia, mafia will likely kill him and we won't know have verification of rds' claim. Rds has 2 roleblocks, so he can still pick his own second target, we just want to have a built-in contingency plan for when Victor gets killed. Otherwise, rds could claim that he roleblocked whoever it was that happened to die.

Doubtfully he could do this with both of his blocks so still would have one, = but by keeping it quiet anyway the person who he blocked could say whether they have been blocked or not (if they know). without revealing the role. (he could say he checked his maf partner and they said he was good and other dead. but how many times can he do this? and it would give us something to go on anyway if we later find he is maf and we will more likely subject him if his target dies which will stop him doing it more). (if dies we should check him up more).

so there are pros and cons and i just personally believe is better to stay quiet but it depends on what the majority thinks. if we get a few more posts on what people think then tomorrow we should say who for him to rb with one of his votes.

(by directing it doesn't make much difference but unless someone puts themselves forward to be roleblock? and if maf does they could say he is ok).

i wanna see what more people think and hope you could understand this post lol.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby BGtheBrain on Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:49 am

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby drake_259 on Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:01 pm

MoB Deadly wrote:I think that the fairy upgrading his boomerang sounds like it would only be a temporary effect in my opinion.

i did wonder that as townies will become overpowered, probably once per night

which then adds to my case he won't have a spare rb which mafia can't helping decide

BGtheBrain wrote:
drake_259 wrote:
MoB Deadly wrote:Im not 100% sure what you are trying to say Drake but I want to explain DoomYoshis strategy a bit. If we TELL rds who to block, we can doubly clear people as non mafia/sk. For example. If we tell rds to block you tonight, and there is still a mafia/sk kill, we can assume you are at least not a killer. This is in good interest to the town

Just saw your post spiesr, read this and tell me what you think

yes i get that but if mafia helps direct roleblocking then there is not much chance of mafia being roleblocked as they can send someone else to kill. it best if it is kept in the quiet until the next day.

I dont think Ive played a game where the mafia could select who sends in the kill. If a more experiened player could tell me an estimate of games that this occurs in that would be great.

If this is something rare, I will assume this was a slip up by a mafia member revealing how their night actions have been going.

FOS Drake

So what are you saying? It's random who goes then?

Please explain how it would go then.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby Epitaph1 on Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:28 pm

I don't think it would be a good idea to guide rds' action tonight. It tips off any antagonists and would allow too many ways to manipulate the results. Either another mafia member could carry out the kill (I have played in a game where this was allowed) or the real SK could take the night off and lead everyone to believe that the block was successful against a faux SK. There could be other possibilities as well.

Re: VS. His prior post does seem like nothing more than a typo. However, his story doesn't seem consistent with other Links. Unless I've overlooked something, it seems like every Link that we know of began the game with an item instead of acquiring it later. This may not be the case, as there are a number of Links we have yet to hear from (there are 11 Zelda games through Twilight Princess and 14 if you include Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, and Skyward Sword... although I doubt Skyward Sword would be included in this mafia). But I find it odd that he would get his Ocarina at a later point, especially in a manner that is completely inconsistent with the Zelda games. Mb we shouldn't expect this game to follow the series to a T. However, if it follows the series and we don't consider Majora's Mask since that Link is dead, Link would only acquire his Ocarina from Zelda (OoT) or dig it up in a forest (Link to the Past).

One last thought, instead of a doctor protecting the Deku Tree, could it be a Link with one or more potions? Perhaps potions about which he doesn't know their powers? I think the most bottles a Link can carry in any one game is 4, but he doesn't always understand its contents (See Purple Chu Jelly in Twilight Princess). Also, the contents in bottles are usually one-time uses and rarely 2-time uses as in the milk in OoT. So, using a restorative potion on the Tree could very well be a one-time use by that Link.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby drunkmonkey on Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:42 pm

I'm also very skeptical of a Link who didn't start with an item. I guess we haven't seen any VTs yet to have an idea of what their flavor is, but I wouldn't expect Link to start the game as VT.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3 deadline sunday

Postby MoB Deadly on Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:55 pm

Epitaph1 wrote:or the real SK could take the night off and lead everyone to believe that the block was successful against a faux SK. There could be other possibilities as well.

Good call, abort mission on telling rds who to block

Epitaph1 wrote:One last thought, instead of a doctor protecting the Deku Tree, could it be a Link with one or more potions? Perhaps potions about which he doesn't know their powers? I think the most bottles a Link can carry in any one game is 4, but he doesn't always understand its contents (See Purple Chu Jelly in Twilight Princess). Also, the contents in bottles are usually one-time uses and rarely 2-time uses as in the milk in OoT. So, using a restorative potion on the Tree could very well be a one-time use by that Link.

Yeah I was just referencing "Link with a potion" and doctor interchangeably. I would certainly hope Link has more than one potion, because if not, why would they use it night 1. My bet it the potion "refills" every night and can be used, unless a thief or witch steals it
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