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MoB Deadly wrote:Victor Sullivan wrote:Rodion wrote:How can a tracker role clear Nagerous?
And when you say "previous night", do you mean your N2 track gets you a report from N1?
I mean Night 1.nagerous wrote:Victor, please elaborate as to how I am cleared.
You targeted Hensow Night 1, and given the flavor of the scene from Night 1, I'd guess you to be the vig Link.
Thats a lie!! You said right here that he targeted Hensow Night 1, now you are saying he targeted him Night 2... What is going on??
Which actually cant be true, because Hensow died N1..... So please review and post again.
Also, as I pointed out before, rds claimed to block 2 people on N2. If he was lying, why would he divulge this extra information? It would double his chances of being caught, for no gain.
aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
Rodion wrote:Obvious lie is obvious.
Vote Victor Sullivan.
Looks like he was "pulling a Chapcrap" (denying having been roleblocked to get the probable-town roleblocker mislynched, just like Chap did against Jonty in Game of Thrones Mafia).
aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
Victor Sullivan wrote:Rodion's got the idea a little better, but not quite.
N1: No item, no action. I think I received the Ocarina at the end of N1, before D2 started.
N2: Targeted nagerous, received information regarding who nagerous targeted from N2.
I'd guess that I would be a Thief target than a kill target, but Idk.
MoB Deadly wrote:Thats a lie!! You said right here that he targeted Hensow Night 1, now you are saying he targeted him Night 2... What is going on??
Which actually cant be true, because Hensow died N1..... So please review and post again.
drunkmonkey wrote:You're right; I misunderstood a quote by Sully earlier in the day.
Are you claiming you're a Link, but you started without an item?
drunkmonkey wrote:That seems odd. How did you obtain the item?
pancakemix wrote:Either way, now that Victor has explained how his power worked, I will ask my question once again: Do you not believe that Victor's counterclaim is a cause for concern?
Victor Sullivan wrote:pancakemix wrote:Either way, now that Victor has explained how his power worked, I will ask my question once again: Do you not believe that Victor's counterclaim is a cause for concern?
Could you elaborate on this? Do you mean my counterclaim of rds' roleblock?
aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
Hmm, I am a little suspicious about you guys trying to direct the roleblocker. So an FOS for Yoshi and MoB.MoB Deadly wrote:Great Strategy Yoshi, agree with telling rds who to role block, I am sure he will read it before night deadline is up. who do we think guys. My vote is PCM
So you were a Link that started without an item? That seems a little weird. But more importantly, the old man is in this game!Victor Sullivan wrote:Yes, I did receive it right before the end of N1, and I received it from an old man (not this one, mind you). According to the PM I go back in time then track. So it all depends if the roleblock blocks my going back in time, or my tracking.
MoB Deadly wrote:Im not 100% sure what you are trying to say Drake but I want to explain DoomYoshis strategy a bit. If we TELL rds who to block, we can doubly clear people as non mafia/sk. For example. If we tell rds to block you tonight, and there is still a mafia/sk kill, we can assume you are at least not a killer. This is in good interest to the town
Just saw your post spiesr, read this and tell me what you think
drake_259 wrote:MoB Deadly wrote:Im not 100% sure what you are trying to say Drake but I want to explain DoomYoshis strategy a bit. If we TELL rds who to block, we can doubly clear people as non mafia/sk. For example. If we tell rds to block you tonight, and there is still a mafia/sk kill, we can assume you are at least not a killer. This is in good interest to the town
Just saw your post spiesr, read this and tell me what you think
yes i get that but if mafia helps direct roleblocking? and then there is not much chance of mafia being roleblocked as they can send someone else to kill. it best if it is kept in the quiet until the next day.
DoomYoshi wrote:The problem is that if Victor is not mafia, mafia will likely kill him and we won't know have verification of rds' claim. Rds has 2 roleblocks, so he can still pick his own second target, we just want to have a built-in contingency plan for when Victor gets killed. Otherwise, rds could claim that he roleblocked whoever it was that happened to die.
MoB Deadly wrote:I think that the fairy upgrading his boomerang sounds like it would only be a temporary effect in my opinion.
BGtheBrain wrote:drake_259 wrote:MoB Deadly wrote:Im not 100% sure what you are trying to say Drake but I want to explain DoomYoshis strategy a bit. If we TELL rds who to block, we can doubly clear people as non mafia/sk. For example. If we tell rds to block you tonight, and there is still a mafia/sk kill, we can assume you are at least not a killer. This is in good interest to the town
Just saw your post spiesr, read this and tell me what you think
yes i get that but if mafia helps direct roleblocking then there is not much chance of mafia being roleblocked as they can send someone else to kill. it best if it is kept in the quiet until the next day.
I dont think Ive played a game where the mafia could select who sends in the kill. If a more experiened player could tell me an estimate of games that this occurs in that would be great.
If this is something rare, I will assume this was a slip up by a mafia member revealing how their night actions have been going.
FOS Drake
Epitaph1 wrote:or the real SK could take the night off and lead everyone to believe that the block was successful against a faux SK. There could be other possibilities as well.
Epitaph1 wrote:One last thought, instead of a doctor protecting the Deku Tree, could it be a Link with one or more potions? Perhaps potions about which he doesn't know their powers? I think the most bottles a Link can carry in any one game is 4, but he doesn't always understand its contents (See Purple Chu Jelly in Twilight Princess). Also, the contents in bottles are usually one-time uses and rarely 2-time uses as in the milk in OoT. So, using a restorative potion on the Tree could very well be a one-time use by that Link.
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