The All-Comers Cup
All games are now created for every mini-clan-war.
Tie-break games are not subject to the player usage rule so feel free to get those games going with any players from your clan. Please get them going asap.
It has come to my attention that 3 players have otherwise exceeded the player usage limit.
- Faro of LoTZ - 8 games/series
iamkoolerthanu of GR - 8 games/series
ckyrias of TNC - 8 games/series
Here is a reminder of the rule:
Individual players can play a maximum of 30% of games (counting a 1v1 bout as 1 game). In round 1 this is 7 games. In rounds 2 & 3 this is 9 games, and in the semi-finals and final this is 10 games.
Tie-break games are not subject to player usage restrictions.
And, hereis a reminder of the consequences:
If rules are contravened, then the Tournament Organisers may determine that the offending team cannot score any victories from games concerned. If it is concluded that the offending clan have deliberately contravened rules to gain an advantage then the games concernd will be ruled as automatic victories for their opponents.
Technically, the offences took place when the player joined his 8th game/series. We are taking the last game/series created (that they are involved in) for this.
Therefore, the consequeneces are:
- LotZ v SoH - Singles Series 3
This would have been 1 point to LoTZ - and is now therefore no points for either clan.
GR vs MD - Game 9492539
This was already a win for MD no result not affected.
TNC vs LEG - Game 9499883
This game cannot be won by TNC. Either no points are scored by either clan, or, if LEG win then they gain the points. LEG have waived their right here - agreement with TNC