Speed Terminator V
Terminator of Planet Earth
Brought to you by DJ Teflon with assistance from HighlanderAttack.
Congratulations to the winner - Leehar

The GA Medal award for leader from the Initial Phase was won by uckuki.

This festival-style speed tournament involves all 7 of CC's global maps.
Preemium required to play speed.

This is a Tournament Players Association Year 2(TPA2) event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments. All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You need do nothing more than join one or more of the TPA2 events that will be announced each Monday. Check back on the TPA2 scoreboard in the Tournaments--> General Info forum to see how you're doing.
Thanks for taking an interest in this Tournament Players Association Speed Tournament
Before joining, please check all rules and ensure you are happy with the times - you need to be on-line during the final phase (Monday) in order to be able to win the tournament.
Maps: Classic, Doodle Earth, World 2.1, Land & Sea, Duck & Cover, Extreme Global Warming and High Seas.
Players per game: 3 - 5
Game Type: Terminator
Initial Troops: Automatic
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Chained
Fog of War: Yes and No
Round Length: Speed
Setup & Structure
Initial Phase
- The tournament starts on Sunday at CC Time: 2011-08-28 08:00:00 (1PM BST).
The initial phase runs through to Monday CC Time: 2011-08-29 12:45:00 (5:45PM BST). The initial phase will therefore last over 24 hours.
During this phase, players can join as many games as they wish.
Games will be 3-player, 4-player and 5-player.
The last game in this phase will start no later than CC Time: 2011-08-29 12:10:00 (5:10PM BST) - at this time empty games will be deleted.
The top 50% of eligible players (according to kill points percentage - see below) will progress to the second phase after a short break (this will be rounded-up if we have an odd number). A minimum of 9 players will progress.
Players will be ranked by kill points percentage. Scores from the initial phase are not carried forward.
This is calculated as follows:
- Each kill in 3-player games counts for 18 kill points.
Each kill in 4-player games counts for 16 kill points.
Each kill in 5-player games counts for 15 kill points.
(This reflects the real probabilities per kill according to player numbers.)
Each players kill points are added up and divided by the number of games played to give a kill points percentage.
For players to progress, or win the GA medal, they must have played at least 4 games, including 3 of the 7 different maps.
The player with the best kill points percentage from the first phase will also be rewarded with a General Achievement medal (should this player not win the tournament outright).
Final Phase
- This phase starts at CC Time: 2011-08-29 13:00:00 (6PM BST). The final phase is anticipated to last around 3 hours.
Final games in this phase will start no later than CC Time: 2011-08-29 15:30:00 (8:30PM BST) - at this time empty games will be deleted.
Again, during this phase, players can join as many games as they wish.
Games will again be 3-player, 4-player and 5-player.
Players will again be ranked by kill points percentage (see above).
The player with the best kill points percentage will win the tournament outright.
The winner must have played at least 3 games during this stage, including 2 of the 7 different maps.
Important Rules
Other Speed Tournaments