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jefjef (posting of personal info) [closed]

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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby Nola_Lifer on Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:57 am

Eddie, if this is so serious why didn't you just send an e-ticket?
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby jefjef on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:00 pm

eddie2 wrote:
jefjef wrote:AND here is eddie in live chat:

11:18:55 ‹eddie2› lv you like my c and a lol

Hunters - isn't it time for you to put a stop to the endless eddie2 spurious and frivolous use of this forum or can we all do it?

i am laughing because how petty the crime is with the punishment. at the end of it my name is personal info that you have not been given from me. and by site rules are not allowed to post at any point or anywhere. unless they are gonna change them then yes i do find it funny.

what i mean by this is as follows.

out of some of the reports i thought were real offenses but cc found them to be spurious or what ever. i do feel this is the worst but as the rules stand at present you have broke them. so this one is not a spurious report read the owen thread and king a's posts there is what you need to show this is a site rule been broken.

eddie. This is only a bs complaint. You know it. Your full name wasn't given. A link to your personal info wasn't posted. Your pic isn't posted. Your IP address isn't posted. Your home address isn't posted. Your phone number isn't posted. The city you are in isn't posted. The color of your tricycle hasn't been shared either. It was also no big deal to you in that owen thread you are referring to. ;)

You know why you filed this as why you filed so many other spurious complaints. I'd be really surprised if they let this one slide thru.

BTW: You pal joshyboy used your name with me. Maybe you should also list him in this complaint.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby Ace Rimmer on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:03 pm

During my time as mod/head chatter, first names were punishable offenses if the person did not want them known. This should be no different in the forums.

However, I know that KA doesn't mind personal info in private forums, so gl eddie. Your case is with merit (and I know you keep your real name private, unlike some people).
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby lord voldemort on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:09 pm

the guidelines do state any personal information. Clearly eddie doesnt want his real name to be out there...therefore its not appropriate
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby eddie2 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:10 pm

Ace Rimmer wrote:During my time as mod/head chatter, first names were punishable offenses if the person did not want them known. This should be no different in the forums.

However, I know that KA doesn't mind personal info in private forums, so gl eddie. Your case is with merit (and I know you keep your real name private, unlike some people).

the cla although a private forum. is not set up as a group of friends. it is a user group for clan leaders to discuss clan problems etc. so should not fall into the same catergory as most private groups on the site.
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby jackal31 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:26 pm

I would think, by addressing someone by their "true" name is a sign of respect and friendliness.

I think the childish actions taking place here are trumping the entire issue at hand. Maybe there are some grey areas in the rules, but dragging something like this to get a "major infraction" is going beyond the interpretation isnt it?
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby Ace Rimmer on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:32 pm

jackal31 wrote:I would think, by addressing someone by their "true" name is a sign of respect and friendliness.

Some people do not want their "true" name in public. eddie2 has given his true name out to a few people (I am one of them). I had my true name as my username, and I wanted to be more anonymous.
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby greenoaks on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:38 pm

Ace Rimmer wrote:
jackal31 wrote:I would think, by addressing someone by their "true" name is a sign of respect and friendliness.

Some people do not want their "true" name in public. eddie2 has given his true name out to a few people (I am one of them). I had my true name as my username, and I wanted to be more anonymous.

what a load of crap

if eddie2 Colin didn't want his first name to be public he wouldn't have filed a public report.
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:43 pm

greenoaks wrote:if eddie2 Colin didn't want his first name to be public he wouldn't have filed a public report.


Has eddie ever filed a non-spurious report?
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby SirSebstar on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:46 pm

I heard that this was the goodbye thread for eddie. I can see it is close enough. In memoriam eddie. always good for a laugh. bye bye.
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby eddie2 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:49 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:
greenoaks wrote:if eddie2 Colin didn't want his first name to be public he wouldn't have filed a public report.


Has eddie ever filed a non-spurious report?

wait a min this is not a spurious report when you fill out application forms book flights etc what part of the form does your name come under. wait a minite i am sure it is personal information correct me if i am wrong. So the rule that king a has just used in the owen case is about players not being allowed to post any form of personal info. so 1 plus 1 equals a case
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:43 pm

Gonna lock this.
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Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)

Postby king achilles on Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:36 am

I don't think saying the first name is a major infraction in this case. First names are not really personal identifiable information. If I told a friend in CC that my first name is Eddie and someone I don't know or don't get along with called me Eddie, should I scream for a major infraction on that guy? So you told some people here your name? Does that mean it's okay for, let's say player A to call you by your name but not when player B does it? Forum guidelines will still be followed here.
Based from the screenshot you provided, it also roots back to something you said in live chat which you were referring to him. You flamed a person using jefjef and he responded with that post. If that post was indeed in violation of any rule or guideline, why just now to report it? This report is vindictive. You made this report because you disagree with a ruling and at the same time, to also continue to find ways to get back with someone who you have a personal feud with. I told you before to keep away from each other months ago or else. Your case lacks enough evidence to prove your point but what it does prove is that you are letting this personal feud spill out in the forums and in live chat and it has got to stop. This is your 5th minor infraction of spamming the forum all this time with your bitter quarrel with jefjef so it's one month for you.

And eddie, since you brought this out in the public, you can't report people if they call you by your first name now. With this report, you told everyone who gets to read it whether the name mentioned here is actually true or not.
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