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owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[closed]

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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:11 am

cc has an open forum.the thing is IR may not have posted that info itself.but she brought alot of aspects of her private life to cc including threads to her personal info.she gave out her real name and other personal info without a care. so having done this and her being famous its like t.v. and news paper or any other media (cc) is a media ! all different types of info being passed. she told a lie and got caught using the media info that was out there. she brought her personal life to cc. owen didnt go looking for someone who had never given out any info before. it was the only way to prove she lied and vindicate himself after he got banned by an ex mod from using a forum calling her out on the lie. dont blame him a bit. violation would be owen giving out info of a nature about someone who hadnt flagrantly exposed any of their personal info on cc before. she lied she got caught ban her from the cc forums. freedom of the press on media vehicles. consider owen paparrazi
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:35 am

Dibbun wrote:
Frop wrote:
*mod edit*

Doesn't this simply mean this has already been dealt with?

That's precisely what it means, which is why I'm learning towards interpreting this "report" as beating a dead horse and harassment against owen.

I know, right?

Like, I could post extremely racist comments, throw in some porn links and then call someone a "giant cock-sucking maggot whore", but as long as the post gets edited, I should be fine.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Woodruff on Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:40 am

Metsfanmax wrote:C&A is not the place to report forum violations. Please report the post(s) that violates the rules.

Forum violations absolutely have been dealt with via the C&A forum quite recently, actually.
Last edited by Woodruff on Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Woodruff on Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:41 am

natty_dread wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Is he wrong?

He (by he I'm referring to Serbia) is a hypocrite for making this report entirely about Owenshooter while there were multiple people who "posted personal information". Which clearly shows the vindictive nature of this report.

I'll ask he wrong? Perhaps you can answer the question this time, instead of avoiding it.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby Gypsys Kiss on Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:43 am

jbrettlip wrote:The page he linked wasn't to IR, or any other CC user. It is just a guy's page....and therefore CC basically has no jurisdiction.

Believe me, the BpB have been all over the personal info rules since the whole clan recieved a ban for including Owen's pic in our sig (yes, it was a witchhunt whcich the mod who banned us openly flaunted).

If memory serves, you wanted the person using Owens Avatar banned....why was it such a surprise when everyone using the said avatar got banned? Owen keeps screaming out about consistency, well on that occasion he got it.

As for the Matt Damon issue, you can google his name and get all the info you want, but you probably couldn't do that with just a photo of IR's new boyfriend or any other photo of a nameless face.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby Vace Cooper on Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:18 am

Wrong, Gypsy. DaGip flew Owens avatar with f*ck scrawled on his Tshirt. Effectively "f*ck Owen" was his message. That was the beef with the avatar, nit that someone else flew it. Everyone is in here rewriting Owen history and even when wrong it still rocks!
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby Gypsys Kiss on Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:35 am

Vace Cooper wrote:Wrong, Gypsy. DaGip flew Owens avatar with f*ck scrawled on his Tshirt. Effectively "f*ck Owen" was his message. That was the beef with the avatar, nit that someone else flew it. Everyone is in here rewriting Owen history and even when wrong it still rocks!

It was an issue.....but so was the avatar itself

owenshooter wrote:garbage, he had "cock sucker" on my IMAGE which he does not have my permission to use, and it was removed by twill. when his 3 day ban was up, he returned, and reposted MY IMAGE with "free owen" on it, against the guidelines and rules of the community. they clearly state:

Don't ever post personal information of other users. Anywhere. Ever. Even if they already posted it somewhere else. This includes posting personal information about a CC user on another site, you will be held accountable here.

he has RE-POSTED personal info of another user, which he is not allowed to do, even if i have posted it somewhere else (my old avatar/my clan sig), and he needs a DM ban, period. i don't think there is anything muddy about this...-0
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:35 am

The problem with the post, is that it contained personal information that InsomniaRed NEVER posted on CC, and in fact, it can be reasonably assumed that she absolutely DID NOT WANT THE INFORMATION IN THE LINK EVER MADE PUBLIC ON CC.

i got to agree that this guy is not a cc member. but i also have to bring up the fact that if you click the facebook like link in the left hand panel go to the 5k people who are members of cc facebook you will find insomnia reds facebook page. which is where the info was got from so it was public info already. if owen does get punished for this then admin need to take a serious look at themselves along with lack because facebook pages holds personal info. and that link by it self gives all members acsess to players personal info so is in breach of the site rule in question.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby lord voldemort on Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:41 am

eddie2 wrote:
The problem with the post, is that it contained personal information that InsomniaRed NEVER posted on CC, and in fact, it can be reasonably assumed that she absolutely DID NOT WANT THE INFORMATION IN THE LINK EVER MADE PUBLIC ON CC.

i got to agree that this guy is not a cc member. but i also have to bring up the fact that if you click the facebook like link in the left hand panel go to the 5k people who are members of cc facebook you will find insomnia reds facebook page. which is where the info was got from so it was public info already. if owen does get punished for this then admin need to take a serious look at themselves along with lack because facebook pages holds personal info. and that link by it self gives all members acsess to players personal info so is in breach of the site rule in question.

I came here to say this. Its quite easy to get to her facebook already through cc's 'Official page'
She has already put herself out there as to who she is as a person to CC.

As for the guy. He isn't a member...therefore has no rights of privacy. Or are you to tell me I couldn't post a random facebook like of my friends photo I find funny?? Or something similar??

The timing of this thread reeks of a)desperation and b) stupidity. I don't even know why the mods haven't cleared it and seriously I like Serbia but its a blatant waste of time and bandwidth. Do you not think that if the mods had thought it was sharing personal info they would of already warned/banned where appropriate. I know they are sometimes an incompetent bunch but they aren't that bad. And they were on the ball with all the IR stuff going around anyway. As was Andy...who is a stickler for the rules (as he should be)
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby Serbia on Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:52 am

This post is the most ironic post of them all. From owen's own quoting:

Gypsys Kiss wrote:
Vace Cooper wrote:Wrong, Gypsy. DaGip flew Owens avatar with f*ck scrawled on his Tshirt. Effectively "f*ck Owen" was his message. That was the beef with the avatar, nit that someone else flew it. Everyone is in here rewriting Owen history and even when wrong it still rocks!

It was an issue.....but so was the avatar itself

owenshooter wrote:garbage, he had "cock sucker" on my IMAGE which he does not have my permission to use, and it was removed by twill. when his 3 day ban was up, he returned, and reposted MY IMAGE with "free owen" on it, against the guidelines and rules of the community. they clearly state:

Don't ever post personal information of other users. Anywhere. Ever. Even if they already posted it somewhere else. This includes posting personal information about a CC user on another site, you will be held accountable here.

he has RE-POSTED personal info of another user, which he is not allowed to do, even if i have posted it somewhere else (my old avatar/my clan sig), and he needs a DM ban, period. i don't think there is anything muddy about this...-0

Some of you say that owenshooter had to prove that he was right, and that InsomniaRed was lying. Why? What does it matter? And if the only way to prove that you're right about someone is to post the other's personal information, then you can't do it; it's against the rules.

And this is NOT the same as someone posting a random facebook page, where you can follow links from there to find personal information about someone else. The linked-to page is the page that contained information about a CC user. It was also posted specifically to share that personal information about that user, based on the quote.

There was intent, and the intent was malicious. The question now is, will Conquer Club punish this appropriately? Or, is this going to be the new modus operandi:

Army of GOD wrote:
Dibbun wrote:
Frop wrote:
*mod edit*

Doesn't this simply mean this has already been dealt with?

That's precisely what it means, which is why I'm learning towards interpreting this "report" as beating a dead horse and harassment against owen.

I know, right?

Like, I could post extremely racist comments, throw in some porn links and then call someone a "giant cock-sucking maggot whore", but as long as the post gets edited, I should be fine.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby Frop on Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:06 am

Don't be such a drama queen, Army of God's comparison is ridiculous at best and completely out of context. The moderator ruling back then was to remove the offensive content and no further actions were taken. I would be highly surprised if your hypocrite little vendetta is going to cause any backlash.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby Serbia on Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:27 am

hyp·o·crite    [hip-uh-krit]

1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

Now that you all know the definition, you can either explain to me how I'm being a hypocrite, or find a more accurate word to describe your anger towards me.

But the real question here is: am I wrong? You cannot prove that I am wrong. Which leads us to the most important question: What will Conquer Club do about this? Will they uphold their own rules, and follow their own punishment guidelines? Or are they going to sweep this under the rug?
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:06 pm

you people amaze me its a game forum. i could understand if IR was the one screaming but shes not. your own personal petty vendetta's are flying all over the place. whinning i want so and so punished because...... oh because i am a whinner and want to stir up crap about a dying person...... oh shes not really dying. and can post her own defense on cc. play the game foe the people you dont like or shut the f up. do you people have nothing better to do in life. or better still is this how you conduct yourselves outside of cc. if so dear lord stay away from me you whinners and complainers. you dont like my post foe me. very easily done and would probably would cut down on alot of whinning
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:48 pm

Frop wrote:Don't be such a drama queen, Army of God's comparison is ridiculous at best and completely out of context. The moderator ruling back then was to remove the offensive content and no further actions were taken. I would be highly surprised if your hypocrite little vendetta is going to cause any backlash.


He broke the rules and got off scot-free. And don't get me wrong, owen and I are friends (or at least I think we are). I enjoy his posts and what he does for this site. But I want some God damn consistency with the mods. strike made a mistake by not punishing owen. If owen goes unpunished for this, there's a precedent set that says mods can edit rule violations and not punish the poster.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:54 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:you people amaze me its a game forum. i could understand if IR was the one screaming but shes not. your own personal petty vendetta's are flying all over the place. whinning i want so and so punished because...... oh because i am a whinner and want to stir up crap about a dying person...... oh shes not really dying. and can post her own defense on cc. play the game foe the people you dont like or shut the f up. do you people have nothing better to do in life. or better still is this how you conduct yourselves outside of cc. if so dear lord stay away from me you whinners and complainers. you dont like my post foe me. very easily done and would probably would cut down on alot of whinning

No, owen broke the rules. And this isn't one of those vague "not sure where the line is" rules about trolling, flaming, baiting, etc.

This is a rules violation. He posted personal information. People have posted my Facebook before and have gotten a warning for it (I didn't report them. It just came automatically).
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:00 pm

then ban him from forum posts for a week and be done with it. let the punishment fit the crime beings what he did was uncover a horrible lie and himself got banned from live chat by an ex mod who shouldnt have had the power to do it for calling said MOD out on said horrible lie. he has already been punished by cc via ex MOD once. this is now a double jeopardy if he gets punished again really. but if punishment is what the whinners want then let it be a week. not the major infraction that it would normally be,under these circumstances. need to remember IR used a power that cc gave her to ban owen,that rightfully did not belong to her anymore. have not heard one word about the punishment for her on doing this
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:52 pm

Army of GOD wrote:
No, owen broke the rules. And this isn't one of those vague "not sure where the line is" rules about trolling, flaming, baiting, etc.

This is a rules violation. He posted personal information. People have posted my Facebook before and have gotten a warning for it (I didn't report them. It just came automatically).

what rules did he actually break come on tell me he clicked flike 5k went to insomnias facebook page it changed to in a relationship so he posted to counter act what she said as a leaving statement. sorry but owen got a lot of shit for what he was saying the night she left me included (even got kicked from live chat for it) so he has found proof and posted it where is the problem he used info availible to all members. So lets just let this die and stop the petty vendetas that go on.

Serbia you dont like owen and owen i am sure dont like you. it is like me and a couple of members of this site. FAMO thats all i can say, one of the m,embers posted my real name a while back you dont see me screaming about it because i joined facebook page so it is public.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby king achilles on Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:23 pm

Since owenshooter is already serving a 3 month forum ban, I would include this infraction with it.

It is wrong to post any personal information of others, most especially if your motive is to make a mockery out of that person or to evoke more flaming for him/her. For facebook information, you can use your own facebook profiles to spread what you want to say but keep it off from this website. The argument that you can use a non-member's profile is not valid in this case as it is very obvious who you are pertaining to.

Trolling is the intentional attempt to cause chaos.
show: Trolling Specifics
  • Posting controversial or irrelevant messages or topics with the intent to provoke someone else into a contest of over-manly confrontation, emotional response, flame fest or to generally disrupt the discussion, community or user is not cool. Prompting or provoking others (Baiting) to do that is just as bad.
  • Don't Bait or provoke others. Just because you didn't directly attack another user does not make your post a meaningful contribution. If your post's intent was to provoke another user into an emotional response, to get under their skin or to otherwise piss them off, you're baiting them. Hopefully the user doesn't take the bait, but you'll probably receive a disciplinary action from a mod.
  • Don't ever post personal information of other users. Anywhere. Ever. Even if they already posted it somewhere else. This includes posting personal information about a CC user on another site, you will be held accountable here.
  • Don't de-rail topics, don't spam them, don't flame them, don't bait them, don't drive a topic into a negative spiral.
  • Don't flog a dead horse. If a discussion is over, it's over. Screaming louder, more or in a different place is not going to change the answer already given. If you think the answer was wrong, PM an Admin. If you think the admin is wrong, then this probably isn't the right community for you.
  • If someone is trolling or baiting, don't fall for it. The best way to irritate trolls and ultimately drive them away is to ignore them. These people crave attention in any form, be it praise or condemnation, and will stay in an argument for the thrill of the battle. Ignore them and it will hurt more than any "zing" or insult you might come back with.

There is little that is more annoying than a troll. This will get you removed from the CC community quicker than almost anything else.

Flames are posts or parts of posts which, directly or indirectly, insult, belittle, bully, name-call, or otherwise attack another user, and are not allowed.
show: Flaming Specifics
  • It doesn't matter if another user rubs you the wrong way, that's not an excuse to flame or personally attack them.
  • Attacking a person instead of the user is NOT ok - it's all fun and games until it becomes personal.
    • Using a person's real information, picture, address, blog or anything else "personal" is NOT ok, and is Personal Information Abuse.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[closed]

Postby Serbia on Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:29 pm

king achilles, I very much appreciate the ruling here. The only further question I have, is why the punishment for this violation is going to be lumped in with a Minor Infraction (in this case, being the maximum 3 month forum vacation) instead of the next-level for a Major/Severe Infraction? The rules clearly state that Personal Information Abuse is a "Major/Severe Infraction", and recent precedent shows that a second Major/Severe Infraction leads to a full website ban. (precedent I'm citing is the Blitzaholic Account Sitting Abuse case) Can you please clarify this point?
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[closed]

Postby Rodion on Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:45 pm

I also have 2 questions of my own. It looks like Owenshooter was banned from Live Chat by a CC mod because he didn't believe a false story.

1 - What that ban warranted or unwarranted according to CC guidelines?

2 - If that ban was unwarranted, is Owenshooter getting any compensation after being unfairly punished?
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[closed]

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:57 pm

Rodion wrote:I also have 2 questions of my own. It looks like Owenshooter was banned from Live Chat by a CC mod because he didn't believe a false story.

1 - What that ban warranted or unwarranted according to CC guidelines?

2 - If that ban was unwarranted, is Owenshooter getting any compensation after being unfairly punished?

I have no clue what happened, but trust me, I highly doubt (like, 99.99999994% sure) they'll reverse it.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[closed]

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:11 am

and is anyone going to punish serbia for his ongoing unrelenting harrasment of another player like he has.because cc MODs have ruled on this twice now and yet their rulings are not good its become harrasment in my opinion.your whinning is getting old on this subject dude let be. if you are so much into the rules you might want to read the flaming and trolling sections a little better.causing chaos and personal attacks cyber bullying. etc,.
Last edited by jgordon1111 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[closed]

Postby jefjef on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:23 am

jgordon1111 wrote:and is anyone going to punish serbia for his ongoing unrelenting harrasment of another player like he has.because cc MODs have ruled on this twice now and yet their rulings are not good its become harrasment in my opinion.your whinning is getting old on this subject dude let be.

You apparently misunderstood king achilles ruling. He is stating that owenshooter is indeed GUILTY of posting personal information. He is just lumping it together with owens current ban. So this complaint filed by Serbia can not be considered harassment.

Personally though I think Serbia should just thank king a, be finished with this and not pursue an additional or more severe punishment.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[closed]

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:25 am

no jefjef i understood point was serbia is still pushing it even after the ruling.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[closed]

Postby jefjef on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:32 am

jgordon1111 wrote:no jefjef i understood point was serbia is still pushing it even after the ruling.

Well he does have a valid point and asking a valid question. Posting personal info is a Major infraction and subject to much more severe punishment then the minor infraction that is currently being served.
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