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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:21 am

We've given him enough time.

unvote vote Iliad
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:23 am

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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:54 am

Unvote my vote was only a joke vote anyways
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby dazza2008 on Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:40 am

Hey!unvote I thought I had already :oops:
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby naxus on Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:26 am

IDK about lynching Iliad. He isn't scumaring he has just kinda fell off the map the last few weeks. Look at Game of thrones scenes, he had to delay them like a week cause of how busy he was
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:56 am

naxus wrote:IDK about lynching Iliad. He isn't scumaring he has just kinda fell off the map the last few weeks. Look at Game of thrones scenes, he had to delay them like a week cause of how busy he was

Well, if he has a power role, he's obviously not using it. Either we get mafia or vanilla with an Iliad lynch, as I see it. If we had a replacement, that would be great, but the deadline is hours away. He's been prodded, and had time to make several posts in the off-topic forum since then.
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby nagerous on Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:03 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:vote Iliad for now.

Why not killboy?

Seems like scum are trying to move the wagon away from killboy who has acted scummy to someone who is clearly not around and unable to defend themselves.
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:26 pm

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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby drake_259 on Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:10 pm

Vote: Iliad

best for an inactive to go and doesn't look like they will get replaced anytime soon.
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby / on Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:22 pm

Sorry, I was missing for about four days due to internet issues.
i'm a bit torn on this, it's a bad idea generally to kill someone we know nothing about at this point, but either way it's kind of rushed... I sort of want to hear a claim from killboy, if not to avoid his own lynch then perhaps to avoid a vig kill?
I will however vote Iliad, normally I'd just ask for a replacement, but mr.s said he's been prodded, and illy has managed to post elsewhere 4 times today, kinda messed up that.
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:48 pm

Vote Count

killboy (3) - nag, sully, naxus
iliad (5) - epitaph, drunk, BG, drake, /

19 alive, 10 to lynch

Iliad Lynched. Scene coming shortly
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Day 2! Deadline Approachi

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:12 pm

As the many Links tried to make sense of the situation that had happened the night before, one of the Links refused to cooperate. Having stayed up all night, watching to see if anyone had woken up around him, he had been tired and was sleeping all day. The other Links thought this suspicious and struck him down while he slept. During the commotion to kill him, one of the Links stepped on a small box that had been lying next to the sleeping Link, breaking whatever was inside of it.
iliad - Link of the Oracle of Seasons has been lynched!

A box of Magical Rings (various investigative and protective powers) has been destroyed!
Just as the Links had finished killing their comrade, Impa, Zelda's nursemaid, showed up.

"What are you lot doing!?!?" She exclaimed, dumbfounded that they would be murdering their own.

The mob was silent and merely looked at her guiltily.

"Ganondorf is out there destroying, not only Hyrule, but all of the magical lands and you all are here killing each other!?!? What kind of heroes are you?"

The mob did not respond.

"That's it! From now on we need a plan. You all will work together to bring down Ganondorf. Now, what can you all do?"


Impa was getting impatient. "Look, just get passed the whole killing thing and tell me what kind of items you guys have."


".....None of you can talk can you?"


*facepalm* "This is gonna be a long adventure...."

Night 2 Begins!
You have 72 hours.
pmchugh wrote:If I wasn't lazy, I would sig that :lol:
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Night 2! Impa Intervenes.

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:02 am

I'm just waiting on one person
pmchugh wrote:If I wasn't lazy, I would sig that :lol:
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Night 2! Impa Intervenes.

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:52 pm

Link had been awoken when Ezlo, his magical hat and friend, scrawked at him. The hat told him that he had heard a commotion in the woods and that Link had to go check it out. Link reluctantly got up and grabbed his potion bottle. As he approached the clearing where the sound was being heard, he saw a large tree that had been set on fire. Link sighed, walked over, popped open his potion bottle, and poured it over top the flame which sputtered out in a hiss. He then staggered back into the woods and collapsed back on his mat to sleep.

In the morning, Link arose and found that his potion bottle and all the potion inside of it had disappeared. He searched the woods around the tree that he visited at night, but wasn't able to find the bottle anywhere. Coming to the conclusion that he couldn't have dropped it, that left only the possiblitly that someone had stolen it...

Day 3 Begins!
18 alive, 10 to lynch
pmchugh wrote:If I wasn't lazy, I would sig that :lol:
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:04 pm

Vote killboy

Let's give this another go.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby drunkmonkey on Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:06 pm

I'm willing to admit I picked the wrong deadbeat last time.

vote killboy
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:17 pm

Oh, and:


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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby DoomYoshi on Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:29 pm

I am not sure I understand the case on killboy here. It seems victor and nag are suspicious of his posts, which I do agree with. According to drunkmonkey, this is a case of submarining?

I am just trying to make sure that we indeed have two cases against killboy. If that is the case, I think there is currently enough pressure on him.

So, killboy, how can you respond to nag's question?
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:08 am

so no one died last night. this means I want to hear from rds. Who did you block last night? Whoever you blocked is likely to be the killer (of course there are other possiblities to consider, but rds has already been exposed and this is the easiest route to go without exposing anymore of our town power roles).
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:02 am

I think it sounds more like the bottle was the item used instead of the boomerang. there was no mention of the boomerang in the flavor. The question left from the scene is whether the same Link is mentioned in both paragraphs. Te way I read it, it seems as if one Link with one bottle is mentioned.

I am guessing that somebody is the great deku tree and that is who was burning last night... Or are there other trees? I seem to recall a small tree in one of the games.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby BGtheBrain on Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:06 am

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby pancakemix on Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:25 am

Usually, poisoning can't be protected against. This doesn't sound like a poisoning to me anyway. I'm curious as to why you brought that up...

I'd say Deku Tree is most likely. The only other tree I can think of is the Maku Tree from the Oracle games, and he was basically a lazy Deku Tree. That, plus Maple already being in leads me to believe it's the Deku Tree.

The Link in the scene is Minish Cap Link, based on the hat. (It also happens to be the only LoZ game I haven't played...)

As for whether there are two Links in the scene, I can't say for sure. The bottle is the key thread, but there could be four bottles in this game...
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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Night 2! Impa Intervenes.

Postby drunkmonkey on Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:32 am

The Link in paragraph 2 is the same Link in paragraph 1.

Mr. Squirrel wrote:Link had been awoken when Ezlo, his magical hat and friend, scrawked at him. The hat told him that he had heard a commotion in the woods and that Link had to go check it out. Link reluctantly got up and grabbed his potion bottle. As he approached the clearing where the sound was being heard, he saw a large tree that had been set on fire. Link sighed, walked over, popped open his potion bottle, and poured it over top the flame which sputtered out in a hiss. He then staggered back into the woods and collapsed back on his mat to sleep.

In the morning, Link arose and found that his potion bottle and all the potion inside of it had disappeared. He searched the woods around the tree that he visited at night, but wasn't able to find the bottle anywhere. Coming to the conclusion that he couldn't have dropped it, that left only the possiblitly that someone had stolen it...

The way I read it: scum tried to kill tree, Link w/ potion saved tree, and an item thief stole the bottle from Link. Maple & sword Link seem to be absent...maybe they were gun-shy from Night 1's events? Or possible that rds blocked one of them.

Does anyone with more Zelda knowledge have an idea who an item thief could be? As in, likely town or scum?
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby BGtheBrain on Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:00 pm

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:14 pm

Pancake, you should play finish. If not for completeness, then for it's own sake. I got around to it in the fall and I am glad that I did. It's say as far as Zelda games go, but worth a replay (I still have to give it one to complete 100%).

Drunk, as fR as item thief skull kid comes to mind first. Especially featured in Majora's Mask. While he was the main villain, he doesn't seem linked to Ganondorf in any way.

BG, poisoning is always a possibility but I am prone to think that drunk's idea makes the most sense.
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