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owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[closed]

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owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[closed]

Postby Serbia on Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:03 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Personal Information Abuse


Most all forum and Live Chat regulars are familiar with the recent InsomniaRed saga. Her very public and dramatic exit from CC, complete with a story worthy of a TV show. Along the way, InsomniaRed posted many links about herself, links to her facebook page, page, her real name, pictures, etc. Owenshooter, among others, called BS on the story, and in the end, would seem to be right. Owenshooter used his typical brashness, which rubbed many people the wrong way, including many who believed the InsomniaRed story in it's entirety, and was widely ridiculed by many. Owen, confident he was right, was eager to prove it once he came across evidence proving himself to be right. He found a page on facebook which apparently proves the entire InsomniaRed story to be fake.

The problem with the post, is that it contained personal information that InsomniaRed NEVER posted on CC, and in fact, it can be reasonably assumed that she absolutely DID NOT WANT THE INFORMATION IN THE LINK EVER MADE PUBLIC ON CC. I reported the post when it was first made, as it contained personal information about a CC user. The post was edited, with no further action. I believe that is contrary to the rules set forth in the Community Guidelines. But first things first.

The following is the post that owenshooter made. (along with additional posts - it has been suggested that owenshooter wasn't the one who posted the link; the extra posts, with timestamps, prove that it was indeed owenshooter who posted the link in the public forums first)

Owen's Initial Post, in the General Congratulations thread, on Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:25 pm
owenshooter wrote:congrats to insomnia red for shaking her coma and having a nice day at the beach with her boyfriend!!

*mod edit*

be sure to scroll down to the 27th... and the night strike apology should be rolling in at any moment...-0

Note the *mod edit*. That's where the link was. I personally saw it before the edit. I reported it as personal information.

LoVo's post in the General Congratulations thread, on Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:28 pm
lord voldemort wrote:congrats to me (yer i know)

LoVo's thread titled Insomnia Red.... posted on Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:56 pm
lord voldemort wrote:Just so you are all informed


pretty much found where she is....IE not in a coma...with a new bf...fully healthy...

though by fully healthy I mean not right in the head...

Also related

Let me explain what the original link was. It was a link to a man's facebook page. This man was claiming to be in a relationship with a girl who shares the same real life name as InsomniaRed. Owenshooter tells us in his post to "be sure to scroll down to the 27th..." When I clicked on the link, I did as he said, and there were pictures of InsomniaRed on a beach, with the owner of the facebook page. Those of us familiar with the back story know that it is InsomniaRed in the pictures, because she has previously posted pictures of herself, and the new ones on this page looked similar, and combined with links on the page using the same real life name as InsomniaRed has given, along with a link to what many of us know to be InsomniaRed's actual facebook page, it can be reasonably expected that the page linked to contained personal information about InsomniaRed.

Some people have tried to defend this posting. I've been told "InsomniaRed has posted personal information about herself! She posted her real life name, her facebook page, her page, pictures of herself, what she did for work, who she was dating, all kinds of things! Once it's posted, it's fair game!"

There is a problem with this. The pictures of InsomniaRed on the beach were never posted by InsomniaRed on CC anywhere. The link named someone who claims to be her boyfriend. This information was never posted by InsomniaRed on CC anywhere. The link contained other information about InsomniaRed, information about her relationship status, among other things.
All of the information on that page concerning InsomniaRed was never posted by InsomniaRed on CC ANYWHERE.

None of the information in the link was known by users on CC. And actually, that was the point! Owenshooter posted the link to prove that he was right all along, that InsomniaRed was lying about her illness, and here was the evidence - personal information on InsomniaRed that he had uncovered. THIS IS PERSONAL INFORMATION ABUSE.

Another argument I've heard is "but the link wasn't a link to a CC user's page! It was some unknown person's page! Therefore, it isn't personal information abuse!"

This is a flawed, and frankly stupid, argument. The link was not InsomniaRed's facebook page, true. However, it was her boyfriend's page, and contained information about InsomniaRed on it. And again, that was the point of posting it! I'll quote the post again:

owenshooter wrote:congrats to insomnia red for shaking her coma and having a nice day at the beach with her boyfriend!!

*mod edit*

be sure to scroll down to the 27th... and the night strike apology should be rolling in at any moment...-0

Owenshooter CLEARLY talking about InsomniaRed. He links to the page that contains information about her, even directs you where to go on the page to find the information he wants you to see. THIS IS CLEAR PERSONAL INFORMATION ABUSE.

Now as I said before, I reported the post. I saw it before it was edited; I clicked the link; I read the information, I saw the pictures, and I knew immediately that what I was looking at was personal information. Personal information which InsomniaRed did not want people on this website to know about. InsomniaRed had posted all over the site that she was dying, that she was going to join Mr. Moody in the sky, that she hoped everyone would remember her, hold a place in their hearts for her, etc. Obviously, for whatever reason, she wanted people to think she was dying, and would soon pass away.

Posting personal information to the contrary is Personal Information Abuse!!!

Now, after the post was reported, the link was edited out, and I got an email telling me that the case was closed. I took offense at that. I pm'd a Global Moderator to complain and discuss. I was told at the time that all of the evidence in this whole drama was being looked through, not just owenshooter, but InsomniaRed, and everyone involved. I was told that though the case was closed, it's not been forgotten. I got this reply 19 days ago, nearly 3 weeks. It seems to me that this should have been a very simple case.

To that end, let's look at what the Rules state. Following is a screenshot detailing Flaming Specifics, and specifically, Personal Information abuse.

Forum Guidelines

Now, here is a link to the Forum and General Rule Enforcement post. Scroll down to the Major/Severe Infractions section. You will see there is a list as to what constitutes a Major/Severe Infraction. #3 on the list is Personal Information abuse. At the VERY LEAST, owenshooter should have received a warning for this Major/Severe Infraction. However, we've been told by owenshooter's clanmates that he wasn't so much as warned:

Vace Cooper's first post
Vace Cooper wrote:he (owenshooter) did not receive a warning for this

Vace Cooper's second post
Vace Cooper wrote:he was not warned about this, and was not given any punishment for this.

jbrettlip's post
jbrettlip wrote:Serbia trolled this thread with an off topic accusation that owen never received a warning for and which occurred over a month ago

It's well known that these three are all real-life friends, and clanmates. If owenshooter HAD been warned, his two friends would know about it. (I also believe that the entire forum community would have found out, because there is a track record showing that anything that happens to owenshooter regarding site-discipline soon becomes a point of public discussion) And I'm VERY curious as to why a post containing personal information was edited, without so much as a WARNING to follow up!

CC is very quick to ban people for homophobic, racist, and bigoted comments. CC was quick to ban owenshooter himself when he trolled admin by mocking their generosity in giving away a premium prize that is less than the prize that owenshooter's clan is giving away. And yet, in a case regarding personal information, CC apparently has turned a blind eye.

Let us also keep in mind that following owenshooter's posting of the link to InsomniaRed's boyfriend's facebook page, that Lord Voldemort actually contacted the owner of that page! Here's that link again:

LoVo's post in the General Congratulations thread, on Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:28 pm
lord voldemort wrote:congrats to me (yer i know)

Is this what CC wants? Users on CC posting links containing personal information, so that other users can then take that information to CONTACT people who aren't even affiliated with CC, and post links to them about people who they know in real life, in the interest of causing damage to a person's reputation? CC, by their non-action, is being complicit in this.


It is well known that owenshooter received a previous ban for posting personal information. I know there has been much discussion about that ban, and many think it unfair. Regardless, it's on the books.

In other words, this is owenshooter's SECOND Major/Severe Infraction for Personal Information Abuse! According to the rules, he should be given a 1 Month Website Vacation. (a website vacation, because that is in keeping with the Blitzaholic case, where he was found guilty of his second Major/Severe Infraction, and was given a 1 Month Website Vacation, instead of a forum vacation)

So CC, what is the greater crime on this site? An anonymous user calling another anonymous user a homophobic and racist slur, or a user posting PERSONAL INFORMATION about another user, information that had NEVER BEEN SHARED WITH BY THE VICTIM, which resulted in at least one CC user ACTUALLY CONTACTING THAT PERSON, in an attempt to further damage a CC user's reptutation? I can not believe that this post had to be made. This is a clear violation, and a punishment is absolutely in order.

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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby jbrettlip on Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:10 pm

you missed about 20 people in your complaint. be sure to update your list after checking this thread.

Subject: Insomnia Red - Do you believe her story?

good luck.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Serbia on Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:21 pm

jbrettlip wrote:you missed about 20 people in your complaint. be sure to update your list after checking this thread.

Subject: Insomnia Red - Do you believe her story?

good luck.

This thread is specifically about owenshooter and his linking to a 3rd party facebook page that contained personal information about CC user InsomniaRed. If you have any evidence contradicting this report, please post it.

If you want to accuse other players, please start a separate report of your own. If you just want to troll, do it elsewhere. Keep it on topic, please!
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Dibbun on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:02 pm

When owen brought up that IR was lying in live chat, she banned him. Are you saying that it's ok for ex-mods who still have chat power to ban people who refuse to accept a lie, and those people are not allowed to present evidence to expose the lie?
nagerous wrote:Dibbun is a well known psychotic from the forums

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Jdsizzleslice wrote: So you can crawl back to whatever psychosocial nutjob hole you came from.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby QoH on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:06 pm

Dibbun wrote:When owen brought up that IR was lying in live chat, she banned him. Are you saying that it's ok for ex-mods who still have chat power to ban people who refuse to accept a lie, and those people are not allowed to present evidence to expose the lie?

No, he's saying that it's not OK to link 3rd party personal pages to prove such a lie.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Dibbun on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:08 pm

How else is he going to prove it? He brought it up in her goodbye thread using logic and reason and got horrendously trolled by the entire CC community.
nagerous wrote:Dibbun is a well known psychotic from the forums

Army of GOD wrote:Congrats to Dibbun, the white jesus, and all of his mercy and forgiveness.

Jdsizzleslice wrote: So you can crawl back to whatever psychosocial nutjob hole you came from.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby QoH on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:34 pm

Dibbun wrote:How else is he going to prove it? He brought it up in her goodbye thread using logic and reason and got horrendously trolled by the entire CC community.

Yeah, but posting personal info of someone ELSE isn't OK. I don't know how he could prove it otherwise, but is it such a huge deal to prove it?
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby khazalid on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:37 pm

technically he's probably right, but does anyone really care? let the poor guy have his smoking gun in peace, and maybe, one day, a collective hush might fall over the whole sorry debacle.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby natty dread on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:44 pm

Serbia wrote:This thread is specifically about owenshooter and his linking to a 3rd party facebook page that contained personal information about CC user InsomniaRed.

Yeah, no hypocrisy there.

What's this crusade really about Serbia?
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Woodruff on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:46 pm

Dibbun wrote:How else is he going to prove it? He brought it up in her goodbye thread using logic and reason and got horrendously trolled by the entire CC community.

That's really irrelevant.

natty_dread wrote:
Serbia wrote:This thread is specifically about owenshooter and his linking to a 3rd party facebook page that contained personal information about CC user InsomniaRed.

Yeah, no hypocrisy there.

What's this crusade really about Serbia?

Is he wrong?
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Dibbun on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:50 pm

Serbia wrote:It's well known that these three are all real-life friends

Hey bro I'm not trying to have there be another spurious report (this is a global mod issue, a C&A thread is spurious) so I'm going to request that you stop posting personal information about people. In light of the nature of this "complaint," your hypocrisy can also see as trolling or harassment of owen.
nagerous wrote:Dibbun is a well known psychotic from the forums

Army of GOD wrote:Congrats to Dibbun, the white jesus, and all of his mercy and forgiveness.

Jdsizzleslice wrote: So you can crawl back to whatever psychosocial nutjob hole you came from.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby QoH on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:52 pm

Dibbun wrote:
Serbia wrote:It's well known that these three are all real-life friends

Hey bro I'm not trying to have there be another spurious report (this is a global mod issue, a C&A thread is spurious) so I'm going to request that you stop posting personal information about people. In light of the nature of this "complaint," your hypocrisy can also see as trolling or harassment of owen.

That's completely false... Serbia is bringing up a valid point. Whether a C&A report IS necessary, its most definitely not trolling/harassment of owen, even if he could access the forums.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Metsfanmax on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:58 pm

C&A is not the place to report forum violations. Please report the post(s) that violates the rules.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Dibbun on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:59 pm

No I'm saying it's trolling/harassment when Serbia is doing the same thing he's accusing owen of, without any justification for his actions (e.g. not trying to protest a ban that was used to protect a lie)
nagerous wrote:Dibbun is a well known psychotic from the forums

Army of GOD wrote:Congrats to Dibbun, the white jesus, and all of his mercy and forgiveness.

Jdsizzleslice wrote: So you can crawl back to whatever psychosocial nutjob hole you came from.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Gilligan on Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:52 pm

Dibbun wrote:
Serbia wrote:It's well known that these three are all real-life friends

Hey bro I'm not trying to have there be another spurious report (this is a global mod issue, a C&A thread is spurious) so I'm going to request that you stop posting personal information about people. In light of the nature of this "complaint," your hypocrisy can also see as trolling or harassment of owen.

If the information is POSTED by the individuals themselves, then it's fair game. Owen has probably noted that he is real life friends with a few bandits.

However, InsomniaRed nor her boyfriend posted a link to his profile. Therefore, that is a violation of personal information. Not what Serbia says about Owen being real life friends with some bandits.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Frop on Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:55 pm

*mod edit*

Doesn't this simply mean this has already been dealt with?
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby Dibbun on Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:57 pm

Frop wrote:
*mod edit*

Doesn't this simply mean this has already been dealt with?

That's precisely what it means, which is why I'm learning towards interpreting this "report" as beating a dead horse and harassment against owen.
nagerous wrote:Dibbun is a well known psychotic from the forums

Army of GOD wrote:Congrats to Dibbun, the white jesus, and all of his mercy and forgiveness.

Jdsizzleslice wrote: So you can crawl back to whatever psychosocial nutjob hole you came from.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:58 pm

Boys and girls please keep the relevant to owen posting personal information. Everything else take to the sand box.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse

Postby natty dread on Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:16 pm

Woodruff wrote:
Is he wrong?

He (by he I'm referring to Serbia) is a hypocrite for making this report entirely about Owenshooter while there were multiple people who "posted personal information". Which clearly shows the vindictive nature of this report.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby demonfork on Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:22 pm

I smell blood....I think that mod's are going in for the kill.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:24 pm

Last chance to go to the sandbox natty and demon.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby jbrettlip on Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:33 pm

Ifg someone (like IR's boyfriend) isn 't a CC user, it is no different than the posting of any other link/picture. MAtt Damon's pic is in the "post a pic of yourslef link" and no one is calling for the user claiming to be him to be punished. The demotivational poster thread seems to have a ton of pics of people.....I think 98 pages of people need to be banned.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby demonfork on Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:40 pm

jbrettlip wrote:Ifg someone (like IR's boyfriend) isn 't a CC user, it is no different than the posting of any other link/picture. MAtt Damon's pic is in the "post a pic of yourslef link" and no one is calling for the user claiming to be him to be punished. The demotivational poster thread seems to have a ton of pics of people.....I think 98 pages of people need to be banned.

You bring up a valid point...If Matt Damon was a CC'er would we not be allowed to post public information about Matt Damon? IR is a public figure, she's in movies and shit and she was in Malcom in the Middle and shit...If she is already a public figure she should be open game just like every other celebrity and or public figure out there that we already have and continue to post about.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby Serbia on Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:28 pm

jbrettlip wrote:Ifg someone (like IR's boyfriend) isn 't a CC user, it is no different than the posting of any other link/picture. MAtt Damon's pic is in the "post a pic of yourslef link" and no one is calling for the user claiming to be him to be punished. The demotivational poster thread seems to have a ton of pics of people.....I think 98 pages of people need to be banned.

Serbia wrote:Another argument I've heard is "but the link wasn't a link to a CC user's page! It was some unknown person's page! Therefore, it isn't personal information abuse!"

This is a flawed, and frankly stupid, argument. The link was not InsomniaRed's facebook page, true. However, it was her boyfriend's page, and contained information about InsomniaRed on it. And again, that was the point of posting it! I'll quote the post again:

owenshooter wrote:congrats to insomnia red for shaking her coma and having a nice day at the beach with her boyfriend!!

*mod edit*

be sure to scroll down to the 27th... and the night strike apology should be rolling in at any moment...-0

Owenshooter CLEARLY talking about InsomniaRed. He links to the page that contains information about her, even directs you where to go on the page to find the information he wants you to see. THIS IS CLEAR PERSONAL INFORMATION ABUSE.

Brett, I've already answered your point, before you made it in this thread. But I quoted the relevant answer, to make it easier to find.
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Re: owenshooter - Personal Information Abuse[pending]es

Postby jbrettlip on Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:41 pm

The page he linked wasn't to IR, or any other CC user. It is just a guy's page....and therefore CC basically has no jurisdiction.

Believe me, the BpB have been all over the personal info rules since the whole clan recieved a ban for including Owen's pic in our sig (yes, it was a witchhunt whcich the mod who banned us openly flaunted).
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