Map Name: Rock Paper Scissors 25
Mapmaker(s): Dibbun
Number of Territories: 25
Special Features: It's rock paper scissors!
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: A minute to learn, a lifetime to master...
Map Image:
Basically each territory can 1-way attack 12 territories and can be 1-way attacked by 12 territories. I can see this being an outstanding 8-player assassin map.
I would sprinkle in various interesting "regional" bonuses..
Alien + Moon = UFO Bonus
Sun + Devil = Arizona Bonus
Monkey + Man = Evolution Bonus
I can even add in a victory condition, such as holding a territory and all 12 territories it can attack. This would make for some frantic 1v1 play.
This game does actually exist, so I'd have to get permission, but want to see if it's feasible first. If approved, the graphics would be largely unchanged, unless that was a problem then I'd seek a graphics partner, and I would do the XML coding myself.