Congrats to Leehar eddie2 Gromph maasman for winning this tourney!
Premium Only
Standard Tourney 32players 8 quad teams Bracket Style Tourney. Seeds will be based on points at sign ups, so 1 v 8, 2 v 7 etc. If we will up fast may extend to 16 teams.
Single Elimination best of 3 per round and best of 5 in the Finals.
When signing up please give a team name, players (as their name appears on CC), points for each player and Total points for team at signing up.
Team Bendover
Ben 2000pts
johnnu 2000pts
MikeZ 2000pts
urtruly 2000pts
Total 8000pts
Map Jamaica
Flat Rate
Reserve Policy: If there are any teams that do not join their game during Round 1, they will be replaced by a reserve after 48 hours of time has passed. If a team drops out during Round 2 or greater, that team forfeits, and no reserve will be replaced. It will count as a victory for the opponent.
If a team player does not join in Round 1 you will be allowed to fill using another player but still must meet the point total. After round 1 this is your team if a teammate does not join round 2 or greater within 48 hours your team will forfeit that game.
PM me if you have any questions