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Postby HardAttack on Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:45 pm



The accused are suspected of:
Severe LiveChat Abuse

This is tonight now, as happened many time before, again, an ordinary day for me, taking turns, having fun in this amazing site, then liking to visit live chat to meet with some friends and to have some talk with em... This is what happened tonight till the accused appeared in live chat.
His very first words, surprisignly not hello to all, or hello to any particular names, but very much insulting words targeting me and my family.
Sadly, in previous cases and tonight, i have forgotton to take a snapshot, sadly i am not able to put here a snapshot to set an evidence, but there are several names that i can leave their names down to be whitnesses.

Ace Rimmer
and some more....

Hey the mod in charge, i am full of respect to your responsibilities and the effort you put here for the site to look this amazing, efforts to purify this gaming taste from jerks and pussies. As a part of this, i am kindly asking your attention on this accused name, who has strange fun understanding of insulting ppl with severe swearing words even though the ppl he insults say not a single word to him to encourage him... He is a fremie, i dont know what sort of addition he puts for the site but looking like a worm mostly, but he is giving me(and someone else too"Seulessliathan") discomfort...
This should be noted dear Mod, me and many premiums, we are paying (not a big amounth anyway, but 1 > 0 so 25 > 0) to have fun without being trouble/pain in the ass for other players, respecting them... We are not paying to have trouble, to get banned from live chat for some hours or so when i have got nothing wrong in my behaviour....

Finally, i kindly request this to be noted/recorded for any further case, next time i ll be coming with very very clear evidences, without any doubt....

Kind regards.
Colonel HardAttack
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Re: ArendH

Postby HardAttack on Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:07 pm

nagerous wrote:Hello HardAttack,

Your account has been issued a Live Chat Ban.

Term of ban: 24 hours

Issued by: nagerous


You have received a 24 hour chat ban for flaming ArendH after multiple warnings. My advice would be to not to rise to the bait and if he continues to harass you in the future in live chat then immediately report it to the moderating staff and take screenshots. By flaming in retaliation you are in breach of live chat rules as well and therefore are liable for the consequences.


The Conquer Club

Yes, this is official 24 hours of ban decleration from live chat mod nagereous
Please pay time, see the red bolded line. I am not the flame starter, i am the one answering his swearing on me yes not in a nice way.
This is, i dont know if any interests you or not, the evidence to put the light on who to be the flame starter...
I got my ban of 24 hours, cos, after his 2 lines of severe swearing words/lines, yes i replied.
But, here what more important is, there is someone, someone who had already banned from live chat several times before for similar sort of rule violations, coming around, starting to swear on me without any reason...Fyi, i dont know who he is, we never played together or against us.
We have got a guy, who appears around and his very first words to swear on ppl...
Colonel HardAttack
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Re: ArendH

Postby Dibbun on Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:21 pm

Can you be more literal?

You say he was swearing - how so? He was insulting your family - how so? You "responded" - how so?

Nagerous said there were multiple warnings - so did you reply back at the guy multiple times with flame in your heart?
nagerous wrote:Dibbun is a well known psychotic from the forums

Army of GOD wrote:Congrats to Dibbun, the white jesus, and all of his mercy and forgiveness.

Jdsizzleslice wrote: So you can crawl back to whatever psychosocial nutjob hole you came from.
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Re: ArendH

Postby HardAttack on Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:31 pm

Dibbun wrote:Can you be more literal?

You say he was swearing - how so? He was insulting your family - how so? You "responded" - how so?

Nagerous said there were multiple warnings - so did you reply back at the guy multiple times with flame in your heart?

Several points i would like to make to be clear answers for your questions...
1/ FYI, when a fight is hot/started then i dont care much what i have said and what my replies have been as my reaction...Yes, he sweared a couple of times, then i replied maybe with more...
2/ The point is, not what my replies were, the point is we have got a guy, doing this many times to now with very much same looking cases, we have got a guy appearing and teasing swearing while he is not any encouraged or teased by me... You got this ? as this is very important... If you want to prevent flames in forest, then you will not throw burning cigs or any flame starter into the forest. You are, IMO, questioning how many trees are gone, how big the flames were etc, but to me you should be questioning why and how the flames that burnt the forest got started, who started the flamess...
3/ Evidences, i have got no snapshots for this case, but i have put names up there in my first post, they are whitnesses. Telling you, this is not 1st time arend doing this, maybe 10th it is to now. And everytime i paid my patience and told myself that this dog wud gonna stop barking. But enough it is you know ? I am not here to hear ppl swearing on me... This is no fun...

Am i clear ?

About the swearing words, if a reponsible mod like to touch with me what they were, then s/he (KA i guess) can send me a PM asking what they were...I am not going to publicily put them here.
Colonel HardAttack
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Re: ArendH

Postby jefjef on Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:49 pm

C&A does not deal with live chat. It is it's own entity and violations there do not coincide with CC proper. This will just be closed and you will be told to take it up with admin.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: ArendH

Postby HardAttack on Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:06 pm

Another note, i would like to add for the record ;
How it is sounding from my words above not sure, but i have to state in very clear, not to leave any space for any missunderstanding.
i have got not any little complaint of what action the live chat mod took, he did what was correct and neccesary exactly.
The mod banned me for 24 hours, yes mod was right as i did reply after arendh sweared on me.
Colonel HardAttack
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Re: ArendH

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:10 pm

HA as you have shown nagerous has already dealt with this situation in live chat. There is an escalating scale for discipline that is used. If you feel more needs to be done fill out an e-ticket and admin can answer your questions. E-tickets can be found here.

I am going to move this to CLOSED.
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Re: ArendH

Postby HardAttack on Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:17 pm

Evil Semp wrote:HA as you have shown nagerous has already dealt with this situation in live chat. There is an escalating scale for discipline that is used. If you feel more needs to be done fill out an e-ticket and admin can answer your questions. E-tickets can be found here.

I am going to move this to CLOSED.

Thanks mate;
My aim here with this, not to waste ur valuable times, but hopefully this is going to set an evidence and record for his further insults and severe actions he probably gonna keep it going...
I hope he gets some idea that i am not comfortable with the BS he is shitting around...
Thanks evil and jefjef for the advices and ways you show...
Next time, for very sure, i am going to be coming to the right most place/mod with visible evidences...
Colonel HardAttack
Posts: 1935
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