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Account sitting abuse - Chariot of Fire, Pedronicus [warned]

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Re: Account sitting abuse - Chariot of Fire, Pedronicus [war

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:52 pm

Well we could run round in circles on this one lol.

For starters I think it's very inappropriate to insinuate 'everyone does it' because they don't - and nor do I. The big difference as I see it is that I've submitted a defence that holds water and which explains why I sat on the occasions I've gone and received a warning for. To the best of my knowledge josko didn't deny the allegations levelled against him. So where's the comparison?

As for josko not trying to get me in trouble....give me a break. He and I evidently have a mutual dislike for each other and he's thrown a bucket of s__t from which he hopes some will stick. And if you think he's not being deliberately vindictive about the whole affair why else would he post something like this:

He's out to bring me down - deliberately - and this in spite of (apparently) having much weightier evidence against other players, yet he simply chose to target me because of some daft feud that has existed for almost a year.

If he wants to hold others up in a comparable light to himself then he should do so rather than perpetuate this ill will towards me when I've no case to answer.

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Re: Account sitting abuse - Chariot of Fire, Pedronicus [war

Postby Big Whiskey on Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:39 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Well we could run round in circles on this one lol.

For starters I think it's very inappropriate to insinuate 'everyone does it' because they don't - and nor do I. The big difference as I see it is that I've submitted a defence that holds water and which explains why I sat on the occasions I've gone and received a warning for. To the best of my knowledge josko didn't deny the allegations levelled against him. So where's the comparison?

As for josko not trying to get me in trouble....give me a break. He and I evidently have a mutual dislike for each other and he's thrown a bucket of s__t from which he hopes some will stick. And if you think he's not being deliberately vindictive about the whole affair why else would he post something like this:

He's out to bring me down - deliberately - and this in spite of (apparently) having much weightier evidence against other players, yet he simply chose to target me because of some daft feud that has existed for almost a year.

If he wants to hold others up in a comparable light to himself then he should do so rather than perpetuate this ill will towards me when I've no case to answer.


I have known CoF for awhile now.Imo he is one of the most respected players on C.C.I also do not feel that he did anything wrong here and should not of received a "warning."Just walk away Simon.You are a humble person that I hold a lot of respect for and you are above all this bickering.
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Re: Account sitting abuse - Chariot of Fire, Pedronicus [war

Postby josko.ri on Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:09 am

Whatever my motivation here is, that is irrelevant. only relevant things here are declaring what is and what is not against the rules because I have feeling that officials failed to declare it precisely. the main point of my guilty verdict were "the owners were capable of taking their turn at an earlier time and yet they chose not to take it.".

1. if that really is against the rules, it is all ok, but then I expect that everyone who needed a sitter when he was available to play a turn at earlier time but he chose not to take it, get equal punishment. is it so huge expectation from me that rules are treated equally for everyone, not only for josko?

2. if that is not against the rules, then it means previous verdict was wrong.

My personal opinion is that it is not against the rules. but who cares for personal opinion from one declared cheater? only important is what officials say, and they say this is rule breaking. so starting point for the report was rules declared by officials. I think that proving that many remarkable players of CC are doing the same type of "abuse" can convince officials that they had declared wrong rules.
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Re: Account sitting abuse - Chariot of Fire, Pedronicus [war

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:39 am

My God, lock this stupid thread... a decision was made, punishments were handed out.. chariot rebuttled, we will see what the mods say in return. No need to keep fighting back and forth, obviously there are many different opinions.
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Re: Account sitting abuse - Chariot of Fire, Pedronicus [war

Postby Chariot of Fire on Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:52 am

My sympathies, surprising as this may sound, actually lie with josko. It's really not his fault if team mates were leaving him turns to play (unless he asked them to, which I doubt he did) because what position is he left in?

I've had the same shit happen myself - and it falls on me, as sitter, to cover for that person. If that player was capable of taking his own turn and deliberately left it then it should be that player (not the sitter) who receives the warning.

I'm getting seriously fed up with this site and the hare-brained rulings made by Admin.

I don't think I've done anything wrong and my conscience is clear. Perhaps that is exactly how josko feels - and now I've grown to understand that.

If this is the case then I'm sorry to josko.

Thought I'd never say it, but it's true.
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Re: Account sitting abuse - Chariot of Fire, Pedronicus [war

Postby #1_stunna on Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:46 am


12:17:31 ‹Pixar› im gonna be fappin to that all night long
10:59:12 ‹rhp 1› holy hell... that did it.. I pissed myself
15:15:52 ‹Ace Rimmer› Sackett58, I think I may get some action this weekend
15:16:05 ‹Sackett58› Right hand or left Ace?
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Re: Account sitting abuse - Chariot of Fire, Pedronicus [war

Postby White Moose on Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:46 pm

Well spoken CoF!
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Re: Account sitting abuse - Chariot of Fire, Pedronicus [war

Postby Pedronicus on Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:18 pm

I agree. Give me a bollocking!!! (like a freemium like me really gives a shit about getting a bollocking from the admins on this site)

Give me a ban. A really long ban. A ban like no other ban that's been issued before. Make an example of me. Haul me over the coals. Tar and feather me, then chuck some bullet ants at me just for good measure.

I'm a big stoner and alcoholic to boot. When I've posted on forums, I was at work because you can make a letterbox sized window on your screen without drawing attention to yourself. I'm not going to open a window with some multi coloured map and try and explain to the boss that I'm on Google maps looking for a route to drive to a site visit.
Then after work, I end up in the pub with workmates get home, spark up a spliff and pretty soon I'm in a mess, holding one hand over one eye so I can focus. Do I take my turn and balls it up for my team mates or Do I ask for CoF to take the turn?

What I don't do is join a map when the next day I'm off on holiday for two weeks and get CoF to account sit me after he has used up all his 20 games in series.
Because that's abuse of the rules, not an abuse of my body.
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Re: Account sitting abuse - Chariot of Fire, Pedronicus [war

Postby Crazyirishman on Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:22 pm

This thread is still hasn't died? when will it end?
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