Conquer Club

HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (Winner: HighlanderAttack)

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (RD1 still can join)

Postby dapp69er on Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:32 pm

Is it to late for me to join this tourney
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (Full still can join)

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:44 am

HighlanderAttack wrote:There is only one GA award. It will go to the player who defeats the most unique players. Whoever defeats the most different players gets it so play all the different players you can.

I would like to chase the GA medal, but it seems whenever I look at the list of games waiting, it's always the same people available, and I'm wondering what I can do to play some of the others.

Would it be a violation of any rules to PM people and ask them to make themselves available at specific times? Or could we mutually PM you and ask you to invite us into some games in pairs?

Just exploring ideas here; I'm not assuming I have the answer.
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (RD1 still can join)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:38 am

I will update every Sunday--here is your second update: (8/12/11)

win percent Player Games
#DIV/0! Greenoaks 10
#DIV/0! Ccockatoo 10
#DIV/0! TheFlashPoint 2
100.00% Benga 3
100.00% Dittoeevee8888 3
75.41% HighlanderAttack 62
75.00% Cometripas 4
70.15% Emilywink 69
68.18% Chidone 45
65.52% Abygorb 33
63.16% Italianipastido 39
63.16% Ckyrias 22
62.50% TheTrueNorth 10
60.00% Blindman30 26
60.00% Le_Phenix 6
58.82% DD2 36
57.69% Razoget999 32
57.14% Dukasaur 38
57.14% Mr. CD 50
56.65% ETROPAL 239
55.56% Giannikas 13
55.00% Dorsettrob 20
52.94% Visigoth 38
51.85% Whakamole 33
51.64% GeneralRisk 136
51.43% Jessamine 44
50.00% Underated 21
50.00% Paulgamelb 17
50.00% Heatz 10
48.48% Paws1610 74
46.94% Unknownhero 67
46.15% TOBIASAN 28
44.00% Gabriel13 30
43.48% Sundance123 50
43.18% Frank_tank 46
42.86% Nailer X 7
39.39% Swimmerdude99 51
38.89% Pixar 22
38.64% Darielgi 47
36.67% Thelord 35
31.58% Canona85 19
31.08% Traffic133 95
28.57% Sandman175 13
27.27% Koontz1973 15
23.75% Fuzzy316 95
20.00% Dazzla35 10
16.67% _HiTMaN_ 6
0.00% Spartacus65 5
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (RD1 still can join)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:39 am

dapp69er wrote:Is it to late for me to join this tourney

it is too late but I will have another one after this tourney and will add you--it has been a great success
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (Full still can join)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:41 am

Dukasaur wrote:
HighlanderAttack wrote:There is only one GA award. It will go to the player who defeats the most unique players. Whoever defeats the most different players gets it so play all the different players you can.

I would like to chase the GA medal, but it seems whenever I look at the list of games waiting, it's always the same people available, and I'm wondering what I can do to play some of the others.

Would it be a violation of any rules to PM people and ask them to make themselves available at specific times? Or could we mutually PM you and ask you to invite us into some games in pairs?

Just exploring ideas here; I'm not assuming I have the answer.

You can use the list to pm, but add on your pm this disclaimer:

If you do not want to receive pm's from HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games Tourney pm HA so he can list you as (DO NOT PM)
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby dapp69er on Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:17 pm

That's too bad. Sweet though about the next one. U can add me to ur PM list and invite me to all ur tourneys if u want. I always like playing in ur tournaments
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:11 pm

dapp69er wrote:That's too bad. Sweet though about the next one. U can add me to ur PM list and invite me to all ur tourneys if u want. I always like playing in ur tournaments

Right now I do not use one but when I put one together

tourneys seem to fill up so fast so I just post
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:49 pm

So far:
49 players
1130 games joined
971 games completed

I will update every Sunday--here is your third update: (8/15/11)

win percent Player Games
75.00% Cometripas 4
74.24% HighlanderAttack 69
70.37% Chidone 45
66.67% Dittoeevee8888 4
66.67% Benga 3
65.31% Emilywink 101
64.71% Abygorb 36
62.00% Italianipastido 56
60.00% Ckyrias 31
60.00% Le_Phenix 6
60.00% Heatz 40
58.14% Visigoth 47
57.69% Blindman30 26
57.45% ETROPAL 314
55.56% Razoget999 32
55.00% Dorsettrob 20
54.55% TheTrueNorth 14
53.06% DD2 57
52.70% Paws1610 79
52.38% Jessamine 44
52.08% Dukasaur 64
50.35% GeneralRisk 154
50.00% Giannikas 13
50.00% Nailer X 13
50.00% Sandman175 24
50.00% Mr. CD 50
50.00% Whakamole 33
50.00% Spartacus65 28
50.00% Greenoaks 20
47.44% Unknownhero 90
47.06% Paulgamelb 17
46.00% Thelord 60
45.83% Underated 29
45.61% Sundance123 60
43.48% Frank_tank 47
43.48% Pixar 24
41.82% Darielgi 56
40.74% Gabriel13 38
40.00% Swimmerdude99 78
38.46% TOBIASAN 48
37.50% Koontz1973 21
31.58% Canona85 19
31.18% Traffic133 97
25.00% Fuzzy316 119
20.00% Dazzla35 10
16.67% _HiTMaN_ 6
9.09% Ccockatoo 11
0.00% TheFlashPoint 2
#DIV/0! Jonny_z 1
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:54 pm

I will try and go an update tonight--with my new job and my truck breaking down for the fourth time in a month I have been a bit too busy to do much with cc
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:30 pm

I will update every Sunday--here is your fourth update: (8/23/11)

win percent Player Games Wins
75.36% HighlanderAttack 69 52
75.00% Cometripas 4 3
66.67% Le_Phenix 6 4
66.67% Benga 3 2
66.04% Abygorb 60 35
65.35% Emilywink 104 66
63.64% Eddie2 11 7
62.79% Chidone 51 27
62.50% Dittoeevee8888 10 5
62.30% Italianipastido 61 38
57.69% Blindman30 26 15
57.14% Giannikas 23 8
57.06% ETROPAL 376 206
55.32% Jessamine 48 26
55.00% Dorsettrob 55 11
53.93% Paws1610 93 48
53.85% TheTrueNorth 19 7
53.45% GeneralRisk 177 93
53.33% Visigoth 68 32
53.33% Ckyrias 31 16
53.33% Nailer X 15 8
52.78% Spartacus65 37 19
51.88% Unknownhero 155 69
50.94% Razoget999 60 27
50.68% DD2 83 37
48.75% Dukasaur 99 39
48.00% Mr. CD 50 24
47.37% Sandman175 46 18
47.06% Paulgamelb 17 8
46.88% Whakamole 33 15
46.38% Sundance123 74 32
45.45% Heatz 46 15
43.48% Frank_tank 47 20
42.19% Thelord 69 27
41.67% Pixar 24 10
41.18% Greenoaks 20 7
40.68% Darielgi 59 24
39.29% TOBIASAN 57 22
38.46% Swimmerdude99 78 30
37.93% Underated 29 11
36.84% Gabriel13 38 14
33.33% Koontz1973 21 7
32.99% Traffic133 97 32
31.58% Canona85 19 6
27.73% Fuzzy316 119 33
20.00% Dazzla35 10 2
16.67% _HiTMaN_ 6 1
9.09% Ccockatoo 11 1
0.00% TheFlashPoint 2 0
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Aug 28, 2011 4:58 pm

Still a lot of people that have joined very few games and I haven't had a chance to beat.
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:09 pm

need more blank games
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:39 pm

Updated scoreboard with two days left--looks like the tourney is over, but the GA Medal is probably up for grabs--If you think you have a chance to win the GA please pm me with the amount of unique wins you believe you had and I will verify all who pm me.

Player Percent Wins Losses games
HighlanderAttack 75.36% 52 17 69
Cometripas 75.00% 3 1 4
Benga 66.67% 2 1 3
Chidone 66.67% 38 19 57
Emilywink 64.81% 70 38 108
Eddie2 63.64% 7 4 11
Abygorb 63.24% 43 25 68
Dittoeevee8888 62.50% 10 6 16
Italianipastido 62.30% 38 23 61
Spartacus65 58.54% 24 17 41
Blindman30 57.69% 15 11 26
Giannikas 57.14% 16 12 28
Paws1610 56.70% 55 42 97
Jessamine 56.25% 27 21 48
ETROPAL 56.05% 227 178 405
Unknownhero 53.46% 85 74 159
Nailer X 52.63% 10 9 19
TheTrueNorth 52.38% 11 10 21
GeneralRisk 52.25% 93 85 178
_HiTMaN_ 52.00% 13 12 25
Ckyrias 50.00% 17 17 34
Dorsettrob 50.00% 28 28 56
Visigoth 50.00% 38 38 76
Dukasaur 49.60% 62 63 125
DD2 48.81% 41 43 84
Razoget999 48.45% 47 50 97
Mr. CD 48.00% 24 26 50
Sandman175 48.00% 24 26 50
Paulgamelb 47.37% 9 10 19
Sundance123 46.46% 46 53 99
Whakamole 45.45% 15 18 33
Thelord 44.93% 31 38 69
Frank_tank 42.55% 20 27 47
Pixar 41.67% 10 14 24
Darielgi 41.67% 25 35 60
Heatz 40.91% 18 26 44
Greenoaks 40.00% 8 12 20
TOBIASAN 38.60% 22 35 57
Le_Phenix 38.46% 10 16 26
Swimmerdude99 38.46% 30 48 78
Underated 37.93% 11 18 29
Gabriel13 36.84% 14 24 38
Koontz1973 34.78% 8 15 23
Canona85 33.33% 7 14 21
Traffic133 32.99% 32 65 97
Fuzzy316 27.73% 33 86 119
Dazzla35 20.00% 2 8 10
Ccockatoo 9.09% 1 10 11
Jonny_z 0.00% 0 1 1
Linnick 0.00% 0 1 1
TheFlashPoint 0.00% 0 2 2
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:11 pm

Sept.5th last day to play

Tuesday Morning I will delete all games not started
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby ETROPAL on Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:39 pm

45 unique i beleive ... 1&st=Score

Puis,c'est très difficile pour moi d'essayé de comprendre la langue de Shakespeare, alors parler moi pas ou parler moi en français, la langue de molière.
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:19 pm

ETROPAL wrote:45 unique i beleive

Congratulations. I only have 35.
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:55 am

Dukasaur wrote:
ETROPAL wrote:45 unique i beleive

Congratulations. I only have 35.

Actually, I just did a double recount, and we're both wrong. ETROPAL only has 44, but he's still miles ahead of me. I only have 32 complete as of now. Might have one more done by the end of the day, but that still leaves you miles ahead.
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:02 am

This tourney just has to finish out any existing in progress game from this point on--then I can finalize it. For now ETROPAL has 44 unique wins so this means he is in the lead for the GA MEDAL. From the talk it looks like he has the lead and no one will catch him. Same for the winning percentage as I am over 75% win rate so no one should have a chance at passing that from the last check. Still to be official we need to let everything play out so I can finalize things. I will send a pm with ETROPAL's unique wins and if anyone did have a better record they will have to report it to me
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:02 pm

1555 games played in total for this tourney--wow not bad at all
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:46 pm

HighlanderAttack wrote:1555 games played in total for this tourney--wow not bad at all

It was a neat concept. Congrats on a successful tourney.
“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:24 pm

chidone wrote:Right now I have 44 unique wins and still playing 10 more.

ok cool looks like we have a battle for the GA MEDAL

I will wait until all games are complete to post a winner
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (round one)

Postby ETROPAL on Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:18 am

HighlanderAttack wrote:
chidone wrote:Right now I have 44 unique wins and still playing 10 more.

ok cool looks like we have a battle for the GA MEDAL

I will wait until all games are complete to post a winner

childone have max 20 unique defeat opposent on 44 win ... 1&st=Score

Puis,c'est très difficile pour moi d'essayé de comprendre la langue de Shakespeare, alors parler moi pas ou parler moi en français, la langue de molière.
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (Winner: HighlanderAttac

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:37 pm

Final Results

Player Percent Games--eligible players
HighlanderAttack 76.06% 71
Emilywink 64.55% 110
Abygorb 62.96% 81
Italianipastido 62.30% 61
Chidone 61.73% 81
Paws1610 57.58% 99
Jessamine 56.00% 50
ETROPAL 55.40% 417
Spartacus65 54.90% 51
Unknownhero 53.13% 160
GeneralRisk 52.25% 178
Dukasaur 51.41% 142
DD2 50.00% 96
Dorsettrob 50.00% 62
Visigoth 49.38% 81
Razoget999 48.18% 110
Sandman175 48.00% 50
_HiTMaN_ 48.00% 50
Sundance123 46.53% 101
Mr. CD 45.28% 53
Thelord 44.93% 69
Heatz 42.00% 50
Darielgi 41.67% 60
TOBIASAN 38.60% 57
Swimmerdude99 38.46% 78
Traffic133 32.99% 97
Fuzzy316 27.73% 119

with all players

Player Percent Games
HighlanderAttack 76.06% 71
Cometripas 75.00% 4
Benga 66.67% 3
Emilywink 64.55% 110
Eddie2 63.64% 11
Abygorb 62.96% 81
Dittoeevee8888 62.50% 16
Italianipastido 62.30% 61
Chidone 61.73% 81
Blindman30 57.69% 26
Nailer X 57.69% 26
Paws1610 57.58% 99
Jessamine 56.00% 50
ETROPAL 55.40% 417
Giannikas 55.17% 29
Spartacus65 54.90% 51
Unknownhero 53.13% 160
GeneralRisk 52.25% 178
Dukasaur 51.41% 142
Ckyrias 50.00% 34
DD2 50.00% 96
TheTrueNorth 50.00% 22
Dorsettrob 50.00% 62
Visigoth 49.38% 81
Razoget999 48.18% 110
Sandman175 48.00% 50
_HiTMaN_ 48.00% 50
Paulgamelb 47.37% 19
Sundance123 46.53% 101
Whakamole 45.45% 33
Mr. CD 45.28% 53
Thelord 44.93% 69
Frank_tank 42.55% 47
Heatz 42.00% 50
Pixar 41.67% 24
Darielgi 41.67% 60
Greenoaks 40.00% 20
TOBIASAN 38.60% 57
Swimmerdude99 38.46% 78
Le_Phenix 38.46% 26
Underated 37.93% 29
Gabriel13 36.84% 38
Koontz1973 34.78% 23
Canona85 33.33% 21
Traffic133 32.99% 97
Fuzzy316 27.73% 119
Dazzla35 20.00% 10
Ccockatoo 9.09% 11
TheFlashPoint 0.00% 2
Linnick 0.00% 1
Jonny_z 0.00% 1
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (Winner: HighlanderAttac

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:36 am

Congrats Highlander on a brilliant performance! Well played.

=D> =D> =D>

And congrats again to ETROPAL for the GA!

=D> =D> =D>
“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
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Re: HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games (Winner: HighlanderAttac

Postby Kritical on Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:47 pm

in please
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