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Re: ZULU [10 08 2011]V.37Pg 18Different styles Which one? (P

Postby Victor Sullivan on Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:01 pm

Lostatlimbo, your comments about the impassables do have merit. I must say I'm not fond of the green blobs (presumably foliage, or something of the like?), and the trees could perhaps stand to be more differing in shape throughout a single area.

As for this:
lostatlimbo wrote:Lastly, I'm confused as to why you've colored the territories differently. Visually this suggests there are bonuses to be had by holding all of a section/continent, but there is nothing in legend or original post to confirm this. If there are no continent bonuses, why not just unify them? Its confusing and doesn't add anything to the quality of the map, imo. I spent a couple minutes considering the gameplay implications of having certain bonuses divided by river warriors before I realized they weren't bonuses!

Each area is an "iButho", and, if you read the legend in the lower-left corner, one receives +2 for holding a chieftain and 2 territories or "zulus" within the same iButho (and +2 for each 2 additional territories within the same iButho).

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Re: ZULU [10 08 2011]V.37Pg 18Different styles Which one? (P

Postby koontz1973 on Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:18 pm

lostatlimbo wrote:Seems all the discussion is about the title, but what about those impassables?

The map generally looks rather spiffy, but the impassables... well, they look like floating blobs. Are they supposed to be rocks? They remind me of caulk or shaving cream or something. I mean no offense, but these really stand out (in a negative way) on an otherwise good looking map.

I'm also unclear as to the purpose of the mustard between Shaka Kahn and Vusumuzi, as well as Jadzia/Xop and Sbu. Is this line also meant to be impassable? It is not currently listed in the legend as such.

I'd also reconsider the solid red "150 yard" line. While I understand its purpose, the visual suggestion is that it too is impassable. If you changed it to a dotted line, shaded those 19 territories differently or even just simplified it to any territory touching the... sandbags? giant worms? I think that would serve the same purpose without the bright red eyesore.

Lastly, I'm confused as to why you've colored the territories differently. Visually this suggests there are bonuses to be had by holding all of a section/continent, but there is nothing in legend or original post to confirm this. If there are no continent bonuses, why not just unify them? Its confusing and doesn't add anything to the quality of the map, imo. I spent a couple minutes considering the gameplay implications of having certain bonuses divided by river warriors before I realized they weren't bonuses!

Hope that helps

For floating blobs, you guessed correct. =D>
Can add the fence to the legend and I will work on it again today.
150 yard line stays. Shading the territs inside would then cause confusion over what belongs to each iButho. You forgot that Sbu does not touch a sand bag and if it is taken from within the line, you throw out the balance of the map. A 4 of the larger iButhos have 4 within.
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Re: ZULU [10 08 2011]V.37Pg 18Different styles Which one? (P

Postby Gillipig on Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:37 am

lostatlimbo wrote:Seems all the discussion is about the title, but what about those impassables?

The map generally looks rather spiffy, but the impassables... well, they look like floating blobs. Are they supposed to be rocks? They remind me of caulk or shaving cream or something. I mean no offense, but these really stand out (in a negative way) on an otherwise good looking map.

I'm also unclear as to the purpose of the mustard between Shaka Kahn and Vusumuzi, as well as Jadzia/Xop and Sbu. Is this line also meant to be impassable? It is not currently listed in the legend as such.

I'd also reconsider the solid red "150 yard" line. While I understand its purpose, the visual suggestion is that it too is impassable. If you changed it to a dotted line, shaded those 19 territories differently or even just simplified it to any territory touching the... sandbags? giant worms? I think that would serve the same purpose without the bright red eyesore.

Lastly, I'm confused as to why you've colored the territories differently. Visually this suggests there are bonuses to be had by holding all of a section/continent, but there is nothing in legend or original post to confirm this. If there are no continent bonuses, why not just unify them? Its confusing and doesn't add anything to the quality of the map, imo. I spent a couple minutes considering the gameplay implications of having certain bonuses divided by river warriors before I realized they weren't bonuses!

Hope that helps

The bushes did looks worse a couple of updates ago but they're still not good enough and I'm not satisfied with the rocks. The different forms and coloring of them creates a bit of a confusion!
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Re: ZULU [10 08 2011]V.37Pg 18Different styles Which one? (P

Postby lostatlimbo on Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:59 am

Victor Sullivan wrote:Each area is an "iButho", and, if you read the legend in the lower-left corner, one receives +2 for holding a chieftain and 2 territories or "zulus" within the same iButho (and +2 for each 2 additional territories within the same iButho).


Ah, that makes more sense. I didn't realize that zulu = territory. I thought that the river warriors were Zulus. Neither of those terms are defined on the map.

A suggestion to clarify this in the legend:

"Zulus are divided into several iButho - each ruled by one chieftain (+2 autodeploy). Chieftain with every 2 zulus in his iButho +2"
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Re: ZULU [10 08 2011]V.37Pg 18Different styles Which one? (P

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:13 am

Gillipig wrote:The bushes did looks worse a couple of updates ago but they're still not good enough and I'm not satisfied with the rocks. The different forms and coloring of them creates a bit of a confusion!

No 2 bushes and rocks are alike. With them I had a choice, go with the icon look like Jamaica and every other map on the site (look at the first few versions and you can see) or try something different. I do not believe there is confusion over these as they are different from all other aspects in the map and similar enough so as to be recognisable as an impassable. There for, they stay as is.

I have removed the Zulu from the title.
Click image to enlarge.

Click image to enlarge.

The title is now done, you can see what I went for. Went with a more simplistic style so as not to draw to much attention from the map. The new symbols do that enough as it is.
Removed the Victoria Cross and went for 2 Zulu symbols. One old and one new.
The impassable for the Shaka iButho is in the legend now. (thanks for spotting that lostalimbo)
Both sizes are matched apart from the arm in the title. The small version has lost a little at the bottom so as not to scale it down to much.
Last edited by koontz1973 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:53 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ZULU [10 08 2011]V.37Pg 18Different styles Which one? (P

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:21 am

Victor Sullivan wrote:Lostatlimbo, your comments about the impassables do have merit. I must say I'm not fond of the green blobs (presumably foliage, or something of the like?), and the trees could perhaps stand to be more differing in shape throughout a single area.

This has been gone through. I tried to do the trees differently in size and colour. It did not work and they came back to all green but with a couple of darker brown ones thrown in for contrast. My reasoning for this, as I previously stated is that the photos of the region I looked at have this type of tree and they do look identical from a distance. The only liberty I took was to add more in than all the photos showed only one or two. This whole region is not very rich in impassable.
lostatlimbo wrote:Ah, that makes more sense. I didn't realize that zulu = territory. I thought that the river warriors were Zulus. Neither of those terms are defined on the map.

A suggestion to clarify this in the legend:

"Zulus are divided into several iButho - each ruled by one chieftain (+2 autodeploy). Chieftain with every 2 zulus in his iButho +2"

Sorry no. The legend is more than clear now.
The legend says that hold 4 river warriors to get +3 with the icon.
Gillipig wrote:Rorke's Drift is not a battle site as well known as Pearl Harbor etc.

What's this Pearl Harbour you speak off. Never heard of it. I thought it was a really bad love film so I walked out before the end. :lol:
Zulu had to come out though as it might be viewed as a derogatory word by some people.
Rorke's Drift is more than recognisable to most people and the ones that do not know it might go out and find out. With maps like actium and midgard the title does not really matter.
cairnswk wrote:koontz1973, Wow, i didn't expect this to happen so fast but glad you ar thinking over it with some sleep because this is when you will find the solution...believe me, it just happens this way.

The title....I'd get rid of the running zulu and spear throwing images in the title and just have two Zulu shields there either side along with the VCs.

Nor did I, did not get much sleep though but came away with this new title.
Kept the shield (look at version 1) and the arm as well. This comes from one of the more famous Zulu symbols.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift. [11 08 2011] V.38 Pg 1-21

Postby Sniper08 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:58 am

i still think you should change the arm in the title to a british icon so that both sides are represented.

as for the trees id like to see them go back to being all green.

i also still think you need to redesign or rethink the large rocks as impassibles.they just dont suit the map imo.possible replacements hills/valley/savannah/grassland. you should take atleast 2 rocks out and change it to another impassible type especially that claw type rock beside nbada which just looks terrible(no offence)
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift. [11 08 2011] V.38 Pg 1-21

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:04 am

Sniper08 wrote:i still think you should change the arm in the title to a british icon so that both sides are represented.

as for the trees id like to see them go back to being all green.

i also still think you need to redesign or rethink the large rocks as impassibles.they just dont suit the map imo.possible replacements hills/valley/savannah/grassland. you should take atleast 2 rocks out and change it to another impassible type especially that claw type rock beside nbada which just looks terrible(no offence)

None taken.
Will have another look at the rocks today.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift. [11 08 2011] V.38 Pg 1-21

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:36 am

Just a quick mock up of impasables. Removed some rocks, not all and that I will resist. Just changed them to bushes and trees.
Click image to enlarge.

If this is acceptable, will start on the good layers. Will remove the arm if anyone can come up with an idea of a british icon to replace it.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift. [11 08 2011] V.38 Pg 1-21

Postby Sniper08 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:40 am

you have a shield for the zulus so maybe a rifle for the british?
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift. [11 08 2011] V.38 Pg 1-21

Postby natty dread on Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:54 am

1. There's a weird black line in the rock next to Bongiwe.

2. Try making the bushes less flat, give them a more bumpy texture.

3. The Shaka walls. Why not make them similar to the walls of the soldiers?
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift. [11 08 2011] V.38 Pg 1-21

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:51 am

Sniper08 wrote:you have a shield for the zulus so maybe a rifle for the british?

Good idea but it is a lot smaller than the shield so would make the title unbalanced.. Will put it up so you can see what I mean.

natty_dread wrote:1. There's a weird black line in the rock next to Bongiwe.

2. Try making the bushes less flat, give them a more bumpy texture.

3. The Shaka walls. Why not make them similar to the walls of the soldiers?

1. Part of the bevel - will remove it.
2. So to much blur used then. Go back a few steps.
3. Never thought of that. Will do right now.

Here is what the new layout of impassables look like. Less rocks. more trees and bushes.
Back in an hour with the next one. Just going to work on the large one till this is all sorted.
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift. [11 08 2011] V.38 Pg 1-21

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:06 am

Click image to enlarge.

New image with the new impassables. The bushes are now back to there natural state so as I have not been able to get them how you like it, can someone give me a few tips. Personally I liked them how they where.

Shaka now has sand bags.
Legend has not been updated.
Small image has not been updated.
2 shields in the title as the rifle did not work at such a small picture.
removed the black line in rock.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg21]

Postby DiM on Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:15 am

didn't the british have a coat of arms or something? i'm pretty sure that each regiment has a symbol. perhaps use that along the zulu shield for the title.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg21]

Postby natty dread on Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:27 am

Here's what I would do to the bushes:


I basically made a copy of the bushes, then merged the copy to a black layer, blurred it with gaussian blur 2px, added some hsv noise with value 65, then embossed the layer, then blurred again with gaussian blur. Then I masked the layer to the bushes only and set the layer on grain merge 50. You can adjust the opacity of the layer until it looks good, though.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg21]

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:10 am

DiM wrote:didn't the british have a coat of arms or something? i'm pretty sure that each regiment has a symbol. perhaps use that along the zulu shield for the title.

Yes they did. It was the crown with 2 swords and a lion sitting on top. Again it looks like rubbish when shrunk to such a small size though. I am going to try and fit the 24th foots own badge in as they were the unit that made up most of the garrison.
natty_dread wrote:Here's what I would do to the bushes:


I basically made a copy of the bushes, then merged the copy to a black layer, blurred it with gaussian blur 2px, added some hsv noise with value 65, then embossed the layer, then blurred again with gaussian blur. Then I masked the layer to the bushes only and set the layer on grain merge 50. You can adjust the opacity of the layer until it looks good, though.


Thanks a lot. That looks bloody brilliant. Will get that done ASAP.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg21]

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:39 am

Click image to enlarge.

Used the same trick on the trees.
Hows it looking. Still need to update the legend.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg22]

Postby natty dread on Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:44 am

Not sure if it works on the trees...

As for bushes.. you should do the emboss step with azimuth at 135... so that the light comes from upper left. Also, set elevation to 30 and depth to 10.

Also.. the bush edges look pixelated. Maybe you should fix that first.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg22]

Postby TaCktiX on Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:51 am

The bush on the middle right looks flat and too black. The long bush next to Nathi is too black on the bottom right of it.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg22]

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:21 am

Playing around with it now. But got to play a few games as time is running out. Will post another image later today. Thanks a lot guys.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg22]

Postby DiM on Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:53 am

the trees are at an angle while the rocks/walls/bushes are from a top view.
this needs to be attended before tweaking them.

i remember posting a tutorial about bushes and trees from top down that took less than 30 seconds to do and with very decent results.
however i can't seem to find it as the tools and tutorials sub-forum is under construction.
maybe pm thenobodies and ask him.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg22]

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:06 pm

DiM wrote:the trees are at an angle while the rocks/walls/bushes are from a top view.
this needs to be attended before tweaking them.

i remember posting a tutorial about bushes and trees from top down that took less than 30 seconds to do and with very decent results.
however i can't seem to find it as the tools and tutorials sub-forum is under construction.
maybe pm thenobodies and ask him.

Call that a little quirk of the map. I will PM nobodies for the tutorial though if it not up and running in the next day or two.
Here is the latest one with all problems of the bushes sorted (I think). To say the truth though, I prefer the way I had them.
Click image to enlarge.

Removed effect from trees.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg22]

Postby isaiah40 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:29 pm

I know you're going to go through with a fine tooth comb, but I thought I'd point out some areas that need attention.

1. Image
This is just one area in the fort. Put the borders up to the wall. Remove the white stroke from the borders and make them black. As long as the fort walls are in their own layer and on top of the borders then you can just draw the borders up to and underneath the walls.

2. Image
Same here as in point 1. Remove the white stroke from all the borders. For this make sure the 150 yard line layer is on top of the territory borders. This will make them look better and cleaner.

This looks like a left over or something. For the rocks, my suggestion would be to remove the brown stroke from them as it is not needed.

4. Image
This needs fixing all the way around the outer parts of the walls. I'd say to just put a 1px stroke around the them to make them stand out.

For now this is it, so until you go over it yourself I'll hold my tongue (or in this case my fingers) back from commenting until it's done.
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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg22]

Postby Victor Sullivan on Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:00 pm

Watch for pixelation around the edges of those bushes.

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Re: Battle at Rorke's Drift.[110811]V.38Pg1[HELPpg22]

Postby koontz1973 on Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:05 am

New image.
Click image to enlarge.

isaiah40 - cleaned all of the things you spotted up. Removed the brown around the sandbags and went with the 1 pixel stroke. The territ lines have been redone completely without the white. Removed the black line you spotted.

Sully, looked at the bushes and took the outer pixel down a notch. This should solve the last of the pixel problem.

Removed all artefacts and noticed some other trouble which has been dealt with.

OK, what's good, what's bad.
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